Theodore Roosevelt School
February 2018
Update from the Principal
Important February Dates:
2/12 - 2/15: Random Acts of Kindness Week
2/13: Standards Based Report Card Presentation
2/16 & 2/19: School Closed (President's Day)
2/22: Boxtops are due.
2/23: Snowball Dance for Grades 5 & 6 (Sponsored by PTO)
Important March Dates:
3/2: Read Across America
3/14: PTO Meeting
3/20: TRS Art Show
3/23: Taste of Roosevelt
3/27: All District Concert
3/28: Boxtops are due.
3/29: One session day
3/30 - 4/9: Spring Recess
Update from the Nurse
Please keep your child at home for treatment and observation if he or she has any of these symptoms: Please review the following hygiene habits with your child: I thank you in advance for your cooperation.
• Fever over 100 degrees
• Vomiting (even once)
• Diarrhea
• Chills
• Fatigue or muscle aches
• Frequent congested cough
• Heavy nasal congestion
• Wash hands frequently.
• Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth.
• Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.
Student Assessment Folders
Student assessment envelopes are being sent home every two weeks. These envelopes contain samples of student work from the different subject areas. This is to provide you with evidence of your child’s progress during his or her learning process.
Please use the code sheet on the outside of the envelope to find the corresponding standard that was covered on the enclosed student work. For example, if your child learned about the following math standard: Geometry-Categorizes shapes by their attributes, it will be noted on the student’s work as G1, which is the abbreviated code for that particular standard.
This will help you identify what specific standards are being covered during this trimester.
Our primary goal is for students to master all of the learning standards for their grade level by the end of the school year.
National History Day
The Arts
Spanish Class
ST Math
Weehawken School District
Location: Theodore Roosevelt School
Phone: 201-422-6140
Twitter: @WeehawkenTSD