Thompson Friday Forecast
December 11, 2020
From the Principal...Steve Morrill
Greetings Thunder Families~
I hope that all students and families are finding success after two of three weeks of remote learning for all; one more week to go! Here at Thompson, we are carefully planning for the return to both hybrid and remote learning options after winter break. Yesterday, you received an email from the school district explaining the plan for the second semester. At the middle school level, I mentioned in this forecast last week that there will be 3rd quarter schedule changes for many students. This is necessary to accommodate the needs of our students, the requests of parents, and create the best possible learning environment given our current circumstances. Schedule changes could include a period change for a particular class and in some cases, students will have a different teacher than they had during the second quarter. This is yet another reminder of the unprecedented times we are all navigating. When talking to your middle schoolers about these changes, I encourage you to frame those discussions as an “opportunity” for students to refine their adaptability skills and grow their comfort levels with needing to be flexible during times when inevitable change, out of their control, is being thrust upon them. I appreciate your flexibility and patience with this process.
Possible 3rd Quarter Schedule Changes
All students (hybrid and remote) should check HAC on Monday, January 4, 2021 for possible 3rd quarter schedule changes. Schedules in HAC will not be available until 1/4/21.
Please call the main office with questions at (331) 228-3100.
End of the 2nd Quarter
Next Friday, December 18th, marks the end of the second quarter. Please have a discussion with your child to make sure that this date is on his/her “radar.” It is important that students are aware of this date so action can be taken to ensure that all assignments and activities are completed and turned in before the end of the quarter.
Upcoming Non-Attendance Days
Winter Break for students and teachers begins on Monday, December 21 and runs through Monday, January 4, 2021. Due to a Teacher Work Day on January 4th, students' first day back after Winter Break will be Tuesday, January 5, 2021 and schools will be closed on Monday, January 18th in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.
Thunder Community Generosity
Thank you to all for your overwhelming contributions to the Student Council and HOPE Club food drive and the Salvation Army’s Toys for Kids program. Your response to the needs of others is heartwarming.
Enjoy your weekend!
~ Steve
Thunder Spirit Week - December 14th - December 18th
The members of Student Council and HOPE are sponsoring a Spirit Week starting December 14!
Monday, December 14 - Crazy Hair/Hat Day: Wear a hat, do something wild with your hair, or do both. Be Crazy!
Tuesday, December 15 - Comfy Day: Come to class in your favorite comfy clothes - fun pjs or some warm, and cozy sweats!
Wednesday, December 16 - Sports Team Day: Wear your favorite sports team jersey or dress as your favorite athlete.
Thursday, December 17 - Thunder Thursday!: Wear your Thompson spirit wear or deck out in as much blue and gold as possible!
Friday, December 18 - Happy Holidays!: Dress in your favorite holiday fashions (ugly sweaters, Elf costumes, etc.)
Take a picture of yourself participating in the Spirit Week activities. Students should have their pictures approved by a parent or guardian before submitting them to the Student Council. Submit your pictures to Mrs. McCullough ( All pictures shared will have the chance to be posted on the Thompson MS Facebook page.
Join in on the fun!
6th Grade Virtual Trivia Event
Compass Academy
Compass Academy is a new D303 program that will open in the Fall of 2021 at the Haines Center. Key features of the Academy include flexible scheduling, project-based learning, interdisciplinary courses, competency-based education, and more. Any District 303 student entering grades 9-12 is eligible to enroll at the Academy. There are no entrance criteria and all students are invited to apply. This program is designed to support all students, including those interested in early college courses and/or career pathway experiences.
The Compass Academy brochure is attached below for your review. More information can be found by viewing this presentation from a recent BOE meeting. Interested parents or students should contact Director Sharon Stanley at or via this form.
Winter i-Ready Diagnostic Reports
The i-Ready Winter Diagnostic Reports for both Math and Reading are being mailed home to parents the week of December 21, 2020, so be on the lookout for them! Included with these reports, you will receive a letter from Mr. Dave Chiszar, who is the Director of Assessment and Accountability, that explains the i-Ready diagnostic report and what is being included in the documents. If you have any questions pertaining to i-Ready, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Dave Chiszar at
Parents, please ask your child if he/she has completed the tests and have him/her finish them by December 18th. Please note that if you don’t receive i-Ready reports in the mail, it is because your child did not complete them. If you have any issues with accessing the assessments, please email Mrs. Michelle Dague at for assistance.
D303 Employment Opportunities
One of the more flexible positions available is that of a D303 Substitute. You can choose to work, or not work, as your schedule permits. Take a moment and read the Substitute Handbook to see what this job entails.
If you are interested and hold a:
- Bachelor's degree in any field you would qualify to apply for a substitute license with the state which allows you to sub for teachers or teacher assistants. You would apply using THIS link.
- Associate's degree you apply for a Paraprofessional license which only allows you to sub for Teaching assistants. You would apply using THIS link.
- High School diploma you have to take an aptitude test with the KANE ROE office. Once you pass that, you apply for a Paraprofessional license which only allows you to sub for Teaching assistants. You would apply using THIS link.
Contact Julie Wenger ( with any questions.
High School Information for our 8th Graders
This week our 8th graders participated in Zoom meetings with their high school counselors. The purpose of the meetings was for 8th graders to get to know their high school counselors and to begin the process of their high school registration which will take place in January.
Click here for the East presentation
Click here for the North presentation
8th Grade Course Selection--January 19-January 22, 2021
Students will enter course requests directly into (HAC) Home Access Center. The registration portal will remain open through 1/15/21.
Students should complete their worksheet prior to their counselor appointment.
East 8th grade worksheet
We encourage students to make use of the resources found on the East & North CCR websites to make course selections that will help them accomplish their college and career goals.
East Academic Planning page
North Course Selection page
The date and period of your appointment and the virtual conference link for your counselor will be posted to the Academic Planning/Course Selection page of the CCR websites after winter break.
Future Freshmen Nights
Save the date!
Future Saints Night is scheduled for 1/13/21. More details about the event format will be shared after the winter break.
Future North Stars Night is scheduled for 1/14/21. More details about the event format will be shared after the winter break.
Peer Leadership Program for Incoming St. Charles East Freshmen
Dear Parents of 8th Graders Attending East,
Peer Leadership is an extracurricular program that matches selected incoming freshmen with juniors and seniors who make the transition into high school fun and easy and mentor them throughout the year. Because this program meets during the school day, it has to be put into a student’s schedule when registering for next year’s classes. Although we would like to be able to offer this to all interested incoming freshmen, our numbers are limited by available classroom space and our budget. Therefore, in order to start the selection process, interested students should apply using the application found at the bottom of the Friday Forecast.
If your child is interested in the program, please fill out the application (also attached below) and e-mail it to Jim Reed, the Peer Leadership Coordinator ( Completed applications must be received no later than Tuesday, January 19, 2021. For more information about Peer Leadership, please attend Future Saints Night in January.
We hope to hear from you!
8th Grade Parent PSAT Information
In October your son/daughter participated in the PSAT assessment. Just recently, the scores were shared with schools and are now available for parents and students to review. If your son/daughter is 13 years of age and entered a personal email into the questionnaire portion of the PSAT test, it is important that he/she review his/her personal email inbox to see if a message was delivered directly from College Board. These students should have a direct link to access the scores from the College Board website. Parents can also complete an account for their child to access this information. Please click here to see how to create your Collegeboard account.
Paper copies of the student score reports will be sent home after the schools have received them.
In addition, the following youtube video, Understanding Your PSAT Score Report, will help you better understand how to interpret your son/daughter's PSAT results. Please see below for additional resources that will support you as you navigate PSAT results and Collegeboard.
Finally, if any additional questions please contact David Chiszar, Director of Assessment and Accountability, at (331) 228-4911. He can be reached by email at
Resources for you:
TMS Remote Learning/Schedules
For our students who have been participating as a fully remote students, please click HERE to access their schedule for December.
Please contact the Thompson office with any scheduling questions you may have. Our number is (331) 228-3100.
Books! Books! Books!
The LRC will provide Curbside Book Service for our students from 11/30-12/18.
How it works: Contactless book pick-up and drop-off will be available during school hours in the main entrance vestibule (book cart and return bin on the right when you walk in). Place available books on hold and we will email the student when the books are ready for pick up (within 24hrs). Only three books can be checked out at a time. We will hold the book for one week.
#D303Thankful Campaign
November marks a season of Thanksgiving! Even in the current pandemic, there is so much to be thankful for in District 303. There are three ways that you can contribute to our #D303Thankful Campaign.
- Write a note of appreciation to a staff member. You may download and print our notecard template linked here or create a note of your own to share.
- Participate in our social media campaign by sharing a picture or thought using the hashtag #D303Thankful.
- Share a story, note of appreciation, or photo on Let’s Talk using the D303Thankful button.
AAUW Writing Contest for 7th and 8th Grade Students
Attention 7th and 8th graders: Do you like to write? Do you have a story that you are really proud of? Or a poem that you wrote this past year? Maybe an essay or report that is awesome?
Then the 42nd Annual AAUW Creative Writing Contest could be for you! Please click on this link for more details. Entries are due by February 3, 2021.
2020-2021 Thompson Yearbook
We want to make sure that all students and staff members are included in our yearbook this year! If you did not get your picture taken, please upload your own portrait to the Walsworth website. Remember to choose “Thompson Middle School.” In the field that says “City” make sure to add in St. Charles and then click on “Shop the Store.”
Access code: thompsonms_123
We encourage students to also use this site to upload photos which the Yearbook staff can then add to the yearbook.
Buying a yearbook is optional and not all students choose to own one. The price of the yearbook is $25. You can check your PushCoin account to see if you have purchased one by going to 'transactions' and then adjusting the start date back to April 1, 2020. We are extending the due date for ordering books to Tuesday, January 12, 2021.
Contact Kim Walters ( or 331-228-6410) if you have any questions or need financial assistance. Yearbooks which will be distributed at the end of May.
D303 Parent University
Parent University was developed in response to the need for programming to address the social and emotional needs of students in District 303. Over the last decade, the district has strived to provide information on topics that are relevant, timely, and beneficial for all parents and guardians.
December 14, 2020
Games, Podcasts and Reading: Winter Break(out) Activities
Sessions will be organized as follows:
Breakout Edu Sessions - 3:00-3:30
How to Raise a Reader - 3:30-4:00
Podcasts for Kids, Tweens and Teens - 4:00-4:30
Winter break is coming, and it is the perfect time to explore and try something new or just have fun as a family. Join us for this 90-minute Parent University session where we will share ways to foster a love of learning through fun activities you can do as a family. We will guide you through sites and activities you can use with your child to visit faraway places, create a family podcast, find a new favorite book, and play collaborative problem-solving games. Join Zoom meeting here.
February 2, 2021
Wake Up Call
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Wake Up Call is a three-part drug and alcohol prevention presentation. The first part of the presentation focuses on current trends such as vaping, marijuana, alcohol and prescription pills. Next, attendees will virtually walk through a life-size teen bedroom with more than 20 “red flags” that can signal drug or alcohol use. The bedroom identifies spots where drugs can be hidden, household items that can be used as drug paraphernalia and ways teens try to cover up drug and alcohol use. Lastly, attendees will learn practical prevention strategies to prevent substance abuse and where to go for help if they are concerned. Please fill out this form if you are interested in attending.
Dates to Remember
Monday, December 14 - Parent University - Games, Podcasts and Reading: Winter Break(out) Activities - 3:00 - 4:30 pm
Friday, December 18 - End of the 2nd Quarter
Monday, December 21 - Start of Winter Break - No School for Students
Monday, January 4 - Teacher Work Day - No School for Students
Tuesday, January 5 - School Resumes for Students
Tuesday, January 5 - Start of the 3rd Quarter
Wednesday, January 13 - Future Saints Night
Thursday, January 14 - PTO Meeting (virtual) - 9:00 - 10:00am
Thursday, January 14 - Future North Stars Night
Monday, January 18 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - Schools are Closed
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Michelle Dague - Assistant Principal
Mr. Shane Darnell - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Danielle Moeller - Student Support Coordinator
Mr. Sam Pasholk - Student Support Coordinator
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100