October 13, 2023
Message from the John Glenn Administration
The end of the quarter is October 27th. Staying focused and motivated is crucial as the end of the quarter approaches. It's time to make that final push and give your best effort.
Attending school regularly and being on time for classes is essential for academic success. Please make every effort you can to get to school on time. Missing classes can result in gaps in understanding, making it harder for students to keep up with the curriculum. Regular school attendance also involves parents and guardians, who are crucial in ensuring students attend school on time and are prepared for their classes.
We have great teachers at John Glenn High School; these dedicated and skilled educators play a pivotal role in shaping the educational experience of our students and helping them succeed.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please ask.
Please remember as the weather turns colder, no ski masks or hoods can be worn in the building. This is a student safety and security matter.
Attention all Seniors: there will be a senior class meeting on October 17th starting at 8:15 a.m. Graduation Packets (including graduation items and Cap and gown information) will be distributed at the meeting.
Chain of Command: https://www.wwcsd.net/resources/our-families/chain-of-command-process/
Dr. Jenkins-Williams
Mr. James
Mr. Kelley
Important Dates
Senior class meeting on October 17th starting at 8:15 a.m.
End of 1st Quarter - Friday, October 27th
Stigman vs Everybody presentation for 10th graders - Monday, October 30th
Senior Timeline
Distinguished Young Women of Wayne County
Attention Class of 2024! Distinguished Young Women of Wayne County is now accepting applications for the 2024 scholarship program! High school seniors interested, apply at DistinguishedYW.org. The deadline to apply is October 22, 2023.
LTU Blue Devil Promise Scholarship
To be considered for this scholarship, students must meet the following requirements:
- Completed FAFSA on file for every year this scholarship is utilized
- Must be a newly admitted first-year student at Lawrence Tech with around a 3.0 GPA
- 2024 graduate of one of the following high schools:
- John Glenn High School (Westland, MI)
- Wayne Memorial High School (Wayne, MI)
- William D Ford Technical Center (Westland, MI)
*Students must submit the application for admission by April 1
*Students who receive this scholarship are not eligible to receive any additional merit, athletic, or LTU funded scholarships.
*Scholarship funds are for tuition use only.
Award Amount: $20,000 annually ($80,000 over 8 semesters)
Senior Yard Signs
Student ID and Lanyard Policy
We have a new student ID/lanyard policy for the 23/24 school year. Click on the link below to find out the details of this new policy. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d2jAiXuohNVQxLFqFG-wduxzJ-tR-zoxBSsI4zGdfUs/edit?usp=sharing
Student Parking Passes
Class of 2027!
Are you interested in representing your class? Are you a leader? Do you want to make decisions for your class? Do you want to get involved in a club at JG? Join Student or Class Council. Application process and election details will be discussed at this week’s Student Council meeting on Thursday, October 19 @ 2:10 in the Lecture Hall. Please see or email Ms. Nimmerguth nimmerguthh@wwcsd, room 131, with any questions.
To stay up-to-date on all the happenings at JG follow us on social media.
FAFSA Information night for Parents
Counseling News
All Students Info: The end of the marking period is approaching. Please review your student's grades on ParentConnect and encourage them to speak with their teachers.
Senior Info:
Local Scholarship Opportunity!
Are you a Senior with a Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher? If so, you are eligible to apply for several JGHS local scholarships with one application! The application, essay, and two letters of recommendation must be submitted to the Counseling office by February 1, 2024, to be eligible.
Scholarship Application 2024 (Fillable).pdf
- There are many other scholarship opportunities. Please visit our Scholarship link on our JGHS counseling website for more information.
If you have not completed your senior survey, please click here to complete it.
Senior PostSecondary small group/ talks: Counselors have started to call down seniors in small groups to discuss postsecondary plans starting this week, and they will continue until November 1st.
College Visits: Any senior interested in meeting with a college or university admissions representative during the school day, please stop by the College & Career Readiness, scan the QR code, or click here, and get signed up.
Senior Parents: If you missed our Senior Parent information night regarding post-secondary options. Here is the link to our website with senior parent night resources: https://sites.google.com/wwcsd.net/jgcounseling/home/senior-parent-information-night-resource
Career Counselor Corner – Fall 2023
College and Career Readiness
Week of 10/16 is Military Week:
Military may be in some classes discussing occupations available in the different branches, and how to pay for College and trades.
College In-House Visits:
Adrian 10/16
Grand Valley State 10/18
Olivet 10/19
Kalamazoo 10/19
Field Trips:
EMU Just Build IT 10/17
John Glenn Branch: Community Financial Credit Union Grand Opening 10/16
Regular attendance is crucial for your child's academic success. Please make every effort to ensure your child attends school on time every day and stays throughout the whole day. Consistent attendance throughout the school day allows your child to engage in learning and maximize their educational opportunities fully.
Illness: If your child is not feeling well and cannot attend school, please notify us immediately. Students who are ill should not attend school to prevent the spread of illness to others.
Excused Absences: We understand that there may be instances when your child needs to be absent due to illness, medical appointments, family emergencies, or other legitimate reasons. Please notify the school in advance whenever possible to classify the absence as excused.
Unexcused Absences: Unexcused absences negatively impact your child's education. Absences without valid reasons will be considered unexcused, and appropriate actions may be taken per district policy.
Timely reporting of absences helps us maintain accurate attendance records and ensures that your child's absence is properly documented. Absences must be reported within 24 hours.
There are two convenient methods for reporting your child's absence to facilitate efficient communication and accurate attendance records.
You can notify your child's school through the dedicated attendance line. Please leave a detailed message stating your child's name, grade, and reason for absence.
You can report absences directly through MiStar, our secure online portal for student information. MiStar provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to submit absences.
Thank you for your ongoing support in creating a positive and productive learning environment for all our students.
Family Resource Center
JGHS Health Clinic Hours of operation
The Corewell Health John Glenn Teen Clinic is open! We provide physicals, hearing and vision screenings, immunizations, sick care, and asthma management. We are grant-funded and accept all insurance. However, no patient will be turned away for inability to pay.
The clinic will be closed on the following dates and times:
October 23 - clinic closed
November 24 - clinic closed
December 1 - clinic closed
December 15 - clinic closed
December 20 - clinic closed
Phone number: 734-419-2270 (Future Phone number 734-895-6275)
Schedules and other great information can be found at https://johnglennrockets.com/
23-24 Yearbook Information
Order your 2023-2024 yearbook today! There are limited books at the next price point. Ensure your copy today.
Yearbook ordering link: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1063102/John-Glenn-High-School-Westland/2024-Yearbook/20230609045142833151/CATALOG_SHOP/
The general yearbook page link contains senior photo and senior recognition ad information: