Merrymount Elementary School
November 2023
November Important Dates
November Dates
- October 31-November 2 El Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
- Monday, November 6 Merrymount Fun Run Kickoff!
- Tuesday, November 7 Election Day - No School for Students
- November 8th QPS Parent Academy with Dr. Hayley Watson CMS Auditorium @6:00-7:15pm
- Thursday, November 9 Merrymount Veterans Day Assembly at Flag Pole @8:15am
- Friday, November 10 Veterans Day Observed - No School
- Monday, November 13 World Kindness Day
- Wednesday, November 15 MMT Virtual School Council Meeting @5:30 and PTO Meeting @6 Zoom. QPS School Committee Meeting @6:30pm. See agendas below.
- Friday, November 17 Merrymount Fun Run (Activities will take place in the AM.)/Interpreter Request Form due for Report Card Conferences (see below)/Report Card Conference Schedule Link Opens (see below)
- Monday, November 20 QPS Citywide PTO Meeting @7:00pm Zoom
- Thursday, November 23 & Friday, November 24 Thanksgiving Recess - No School
- Tuesday, November 28 MMT Picture Retake Day/QPS Parent Academy with Illustrative Mathematics CMS Cafe (more information below)
- Wednesday, November 29 Fun Run School Reward - PJ Day!
- Thursday, November 30 Quincy SEPAC Meeting (see link here)
Looking Ahead...Save the Dates!
- Friday, December 1st ~ Merrymount Winter Concert - Part 1 8:15 K-2/Part 2 9:15 Band, 3-5/Report Cards Published on ASPEN
- Monday, December 4th ~ Quincy Recreation Begins at Merrymount. MMT days are Mondays and Wednesdays at 3pm. **Students will be dismissed to their families at regular dismissal time and can come back to the school at 3pm and enter via the gym doors. More information to come from the Quincy Recreation Department!
- Tuesday, December 5th 'Tis the Season at QHS 7pm
- Wednesday, December 13th ~ Report Card Conferences - 12-2pm and 4:30-6:30pm
November Days of Recognition
- November is Native American Heritage Month
- November is Italian American Heritage Month
- November is Family Literacy Month. This link has resources to support families.
- Wednesday, November 1 All Saints Day
- Thursday, November 2 El Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) ends
- Thursday, November 2 All Souls' Day
- Friday, November 3 Japanese Culture Day
- Tuesday, November 7 Election Day - No School
- Friday, November 10 Veteran's Day Observed - No School
- Friday, November 10 World Origami Day
- Saturday, November 11 Veteran's Day
- Sunday, November 12 Diwali Festival of Lights (5 Days)
- Friday, November 24 Thanksgiving (No School Thursday & Friday)
Merrymount Gear is Here!!
The Merrymount Pop-Up Shop is finally online and ready to go!
It's finally here! We had to work out some kinks, but our basic MM Merch store is open for business until December 18th. The orders will be delivered directly to your home.
We know it's quick, but if you would like these items before Christmas, you need to order them by December 4th. If you do not need them by Christmas, then the final deadline is December 18th.
We will be ordering 2024 novelty merch for in-person purchase in January, so stay tuned!!!!
Quincy Public Schools Parent Academy ~ Showcasing IM ~ November 28th
Picture Make-Up/Retake Day
Quincy SEPAC Meeting
Merrymount Elementary School Winter Concert
Merrymount Term 1 Report Card Conferences
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Afternoon - 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Evening - 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Please use the link (link will be live at 4pm on 11.17.23) to sign up for your child’s report card conferences. You will need the name of your child’s homeroom teacher.
Conferences will take place in person at Merrymount School.
- Families who have requested language interpreters have been scheduled already. You will receive a Translated Appointment Notification form.
Conferences will be 10 minutes per child.
In Grades 3-5, your child has more than one academic teacher. When signing up for a conference, please sign up to meet with your child's homeroom teacher only, so that all families can be accommodated. In addition to meeting with your child's homeroom teacher, you may sign up to meet with any support staff listed (EL, Special Education, Literacy).
Once you have signed up, PTCFast will send you reminders for your scheduled conference!
Report cards will be published in Aspen on December 1st.
Please don't hesitate to contact school at 617-984-8762 with any questions!
Language Interpreter Request Form for Report Card Conferences
Report card conferences will be held in person on December 13th, 12pm-2pm and 4:30pm-6:30pm.
The above link is for families requesting an interpreter to assist with their child's report card conference. If you are not requesting an interpreter, you do not need to fill out the form linked above. We will be sending out general information about how to schedule conferences at a later time. Thank you!
Please submit the form by Friday, November 17th, 2023.
How to Log Into ASPEN
Parents of Kindergarten Students and ASPEN
Parents of Kindergarten students logging onto ASPEN for the first time, please check your child's Take Home Folder for the label printed with your child's Login ID. The default password will be Quincy617. If you need assistance with logging into ASPEN, please don't hesitate to Ms. Scott at 617-984-8762.
How to Download and Open Your Student's Report Card
Term 1 Report Cards
Term 1 Report Cards will be published to ASPEN on December 1st. If you need assistance with a password reset, please call Ms. Scott at 617-984-8762.
Merrymount Celebrates Diwali ~ Festival of Lights
November 13 ~ November 17 Kindness Week
QPS Parent Academy with Dr. Hayley Watson ~ November 8th
Veterans Day at Merrymount
Merrymount Honors Our Veterans on November 9th
On Thursday, November 9, some of our Grade 5 students will lead a school-wide assembly around the front flag pole at 8:15am to honor military veterans of the United States Armed Forces. We thank all military veterans for their service.
Veterans Day Assembly
Quincy Police DARE Officer Don along with Ridhunesh Manimekalai Vijayamuthan, Mila Sturtevant, Matthew Chamberlain, Margaret Bethka and Katherine Bethka led us in our Veterans Day Assembly on Thursday, November 9th.
To all our Veterans, you are very much honored and very much appreciated for all that you have done.
Save the December Dates!
Save the Dates!
- December 1st ~ Merrymount Winter Concert (morning)
- December 5th 7pm ~ 'Tis the Season at QHS
- December 13th ~ Parent Conferences - Afternoon/Evening
The Merrymount Fun Run
The Merrymount Fun Run | Save the Dates
Our Merrymount Fun Run fundraiser is kicking off soon! Mark your calendars with these key dates!
- Merrymount Fun Run Kickoff - 11/06/2023
- Event Day - 11/17/2023. Schedule for the Fun Run:
- Grades K/1 8AM
- Grades 2/4 9AM
- Grades 3/5 10AM
Thanks for your support!
Take a Look at What is Happening at Merrymount!
October PBIS-Citizenship Recipients
Merrymount Mathematicians
Merrymount Mathematicians
Great Recess Weather!
Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
Merrymount Pride
Fire Prevention with QFD and Grade 3
Grade 5 at Holly Hill Farm
Grade 5 at Holly Hill Farm
Trunk or Treat Success!
Thank you to all of the families who donated candy as well as everyone who was able to join us at the Trunk or Treat!
The SchoolMessenger system is essential for notification and communication. QPS school officials will use SchoolMessenger to deliver a single, clear message to parents or guardians by telephone, cell phone, email, or text message in any combination. SchoolMessenger can also be used to notify you of a school closing due to inclement weather and to communicate daily information, such as sports schedules, newsletters, attendance notifications, and other announcements.
The system is set up to automatically pull your contact information from what we have in our Student Information System (Aspen) and carry it over into SchoolMessenger. Please contact your school building office to update your contact information or confirm you are receiving SchoolMessenger communications.
If you have not been receiving district text messages, you may opt-in by texting "Y" or "Yes" to our school's short code number: 67587. This is a FREE service and you may opt-out at any time by replying to one of our messages with "Stop."
From Ms. Corcoran ~ English Language Learner News
Student Success Plans
All Student Success Plans have been sent home along with letters to explain why your child has been put on an SSP. All such communications have been translated into the family’s chosen print language if it was available.
EL Student Success Plans are required to be completed under the state of Massachusetts’ LOOK Act. Each year, the state develops individual progress targets for all of our EL students; if a student does not meet their individual progress target, they are identified as needing a Student Success Plan. These targets have been determined by taking into account past performance on ACCESS for ELLS 2.0, years in the United States, and the difficulty index created and used for that student. A goal is created which targets the particular student’s area of improvement and a supportive EL intervention is put into place to help ensure they are making progress towards meeting their goal. After reviewing our 2023 ACCESS scores, there was a determination of whether a Literacy or Oral Language goal was most appropriate; each educator on the student’s team will then implement the chosen intervention throughout the year. At the end of this school year, we will review our 2024 ACCESS scores to determine if the student scored below, at, or above their progress target and whether an SSP will be used the following year.
Our goal is to support our EL students!
Guidance Corner
Open Parachute School Wellness Program
Dr. Hayley Watson, the creator of Open Parachute will be presenting at at QPS Parent Academy on Wednesday, November 8th, 6-7:15pm at Central Middle School. Please see the flyer above.
Please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Bastian with any questions.
Merrymount DEI
Novemver DEI Theme ~ Merrymount Celebrates Native American Heritage
Native American Heritage Month
Equity Diversity Inclusion Subcommittee Sign-up
Merrymount Diversity Equity Inclusion Belonging Team is committed to creating an inclusive and respectful environment for all its students and families through mutual respect and inclusivity. The team works on developing monthly EDI/DEI themes, creating bulletin boards, suggesting books per the monthly themes, making google classroom presentations, organizing the international night and more. We would love to have Merrymount families join EDI/DEI subcommittee and help us in continuing to make Merrymount an inclusive, safe place for all students & families and developing sense of belonging for all. Link to sign up is here!
Hispanic Heritage Month presentation for learning more and sharing (link here).
Merrymount School Council and PTO
- PTO Website link
- PTO Facebook Page: Merrymount School PTO
- PTO Email: merrymountpto@gmail.com
- School Council Email: merrymountschoolcouncil@gmail.com
- Citywide PTO link
PTO Meetings 2023-2024
- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH @6:00-6:30 (before QPS School Committee Meeting at 6:30) **This date has been changed so that families can attend the Parent Academy on 11/8 at CMS. This meeting will be virtual with LINK HERE. Meeting ID: 839 8005 2065 and Passcode: 958259.
PTO Room Parents are hoping to get in touch with you!
Please see the Google Forms below to share contact details for Room Parents of Grades 2-5!
Merrymount PTO is Looking for Volunteers for the Outdoor Classroom!
Hello MM Community! We need a little help keeping the MM Outdoor Classroom nice & tidy during these next few weeks of fall.
Thank you for your help! The link to sign up: Outdoor Classroom Tidy
Merrymount School Council
A Merrymount School Council Meeting will be held on November 15th at 5:30-6pm before the PTO Meeting. Both meetings will be virutal and will use the same Zoom link. Zoom Link Here
Merrymount School Information
Assistant Principal: John Rogan johnrogan@quincypublicschools.com
Secretary: Stacy Scott stacyscott@quincypublicschools.com
Guidance Counselor: Mairead Bastian maireadbastian@quincypublicschools.com
Nurse: Mollie Ehrlich 617-984-8925 mollieehrlich@quincypublicschools.com
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 7:45 AM - 2:00 PM
Wednesday - Early Release 7:45 AM - 11:25 AM
4 Agawam Road
Quincy, MA 02169
Telephone: 617-984-8762
Fax: 617-984-8909
Helpful Links
Protocols for Visiting Quincy Public Schools
QPS Traffic Safety Reminders for Students, Staff, and Parents
MMT Absences, Tardies and Dismissals
The Family Newsletter will be published monthly. A link will be sent out to families each month and the link will be posted on our website. The newsletter updated throughout the month.
QPS Opt Out of Photo/Video
Families who want to opt out of photo/video of their student being shared with the press or appearing on social media. Please see the form linked here.