Maungatapere School
Newsletter 7th September 2023
From the principal
Following on from our parent evening and feedback, the leadership team has constructed a survey about our Y7/8 programme at MPS as part of the review process.
Even if your child(ren) are in Yrs 0-6, your opinion is vital to us as your child will be a Y7/8 going forward. Please feel free to answer some or all of the questions as we value all input and want to be best informed when planning for 2024 and beyond. Take the time to discuss these questions with your child(ren), past or present students as their ideas are important to this process.
You can find the survey here
whats coming up!
11-15 Sep Book Fair Week
11 Sep Book Character Dress Up Day
12 Sep Year 7/8 Speech Competitions
13 Sep Kiwi North - Rooms 2 & 3
14 Sep Kiwi North - Rooms 4, 5, 10, 11, 12
19 Sep Maungatapere Mushrooms Visit - Room 1
20 Sep Mangakahia Lions Speech Competition
21 Sep Pizza Day
22 Sep End of Term 3
9 Oct First Day - Term 4
24 Oct Teacher Only Day
28 Oct Ag Day
School Awards
Ezra Jones Room 12 For showing resilience with tricky work to make your learning happen.
Ngawai Hoeta-Harrison Room 12 For having a wonderful 'Make it happen" attitude towards her learning in Rm 12.
Georgie King Room 8 Going the extra mile in her learning and taking pride in her work.
Tayla Lambert Room 8 Being an inclusive and respectful member of the school community.
Benji Farrier Room 10 For stepping up and becoming a leader in Rm 10.
Felicity Tautari Room 9 For being a hardworking student who strives to do her best in all situations.
Sofia Sole Room 2 For dedication to Cross Country running.
Ag Day Help
Please contact the school office if you can help.
Aims Games
From our Basketball Team:
It is soooo cool! They're playing their hearts out. And are being recognised for it too which is super special. Playing 3 games a day and have had some hard games but had some wins. Having a great time!!
From our Netball Team:
We had a very tough pool first up, playing 3 games a day from 9am then finishing with a 6.30pm game. We played some awesome netball but lost all four first up games.
Now in the B Division grade 3 and have had two great wins. Having the most amazing experience, playing schools from all over NZ, having a great time in between games at our base hanging out and making new mates with the other school here. They sing their way to the games and had some great comments about our "team spirit".
There are lots of photos on our facebook page.
Lost Property!
From Room 10!
By Jackson Fidler
The water is turquoise, the sand is white and brown.
I can hear the seagulls, hey are very annoying and noisy.
By Tama Riley
The white sand is hot on my feet.
The seagulls are annoying.
There are sand hills, we slide down them on our boogie boards.
By Beauden Webb
Noisy seagulls.
Walking on the beach.
By Casey Williams
Trees on the mountain are very green and bushy.
People in the water are laughing, seagulls are calling, it is noisy and annoying.
By Mason Guitry
I can see the sun shining on the water and the sand too.
By Emme Wood
The water is greeny blue and the sun is shining on the water like sparkly glitter.
Carpark Reminder
Giant Pumpkin Competition
THANK YOU!! To our generous sponsors
About us
Email: office@maungatapere.school.nz
Website: https://www.maungatapere.school.nz/
Location: Mangakahia Road, Maungatapere, Whangarei, New Zealand
Phone: 09 4346743
Facebook: facebook.com/maungatapereschool