Must see and feel ... River Gradac
The Emerald of Serbia
One of the cleanest rivers in Europe
Vlada's Bridge
The starting point of the walk from Ćelije Monastery upstream towards the Gradac source, Vlada's home is an unavoidable recreational spot for solitary nature enthusiasts as well as whole families including babies. Here you can enjoy the view of bubbling stream sparkling in the bright sunlight while relishing on baked beans, goat cheese and grilled trout. This river, brimming with trout and chub, is a famous fly fishing area.
Untamed Nature
The Gradac gorge abounds with over 400 plant species, some of which are protected, such as different kinds of terrestrial orchids. The tranquility of the natural world is only disturbed by the flutter and twitter of more than 100 species of birds, including peregrine falcon, kingfisher and hoopoe.
Selenium Spring
Opposite the Mottled Cloth meadow, this spring is claimed to have a high content of selenium, which is beneficial for your health. This is just one of many high- quality springs along the river that are safe for drinking owing to the ban on any kind of industrial or residential development. A large number of visitors even drink water straight from the river itself.
Enchanting Greenness
Lingva Language Centre
Pioneer of blended learning in Serbia
Email: lingva@lingva.com
Website: www.lingva.com
Location: Valjevo
Phone: +381 290 460
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lingva.valjevo