Coordinated School Health Corner
Where health and academics merge to create student sucess!
Sumner County Coordinated School Health Information and Updates
BREAKING NEWS!! The SPARK app is available and ready to download
It's official! You can now download the SPARK App on your iOS or Android Device! As a SPARKfamily user, you have full access to the app at no extra cost. Download the app and enter your SPARKfamily username + password to get started! App available for SPARK PE (K-2, 3-6, Middle School, High School), After School, and Early Childhood programs. Access SPARK lesson plans, task & skill cards, videos, and music Track attendance & use the random selector to group students Easily upload class rosters, results and reporting Record skill and Schedule lessons, assessments, and Favorite lessons *Note: Some reporting features are not fully functional, such as being able to view Join this webinar to learn more about the SPARK App, how to use it, walk through our favorite features, and more! Plus, those who join LIVE will be entered for a chance to win an iPad and iPad holder! Wednesday, September 8 at 5:00pm PT / 8:00pm ET
fitness assessments
directly from the app
fitness tests
for easy access
student assessment/testing score and viewing graphs. These will be available soon!
Upcomming Trainings:
SUMNER Drive, Day #3 - November 1, 2021
A Deeper Dive into SPARK - Tech Part 2
12:30 - 3:30 pm
Location: (TBA)
Bring your technology device charged and be ready to dive into the new app. Don't forget your charging cord. The SPARK app should be downloaded and your account set prior to this training.
We continue our work with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. We are looking to add six additional schools to the RISE Initiative. (This work qualifies for a CSH mini-grant to further support your work in this area).
Michigan Model for Health - (TBA)
Michigan Model has completely updated all of their curriculum. Last spring CSH requested ESSER 3 funding to cover a print and digital bundle, as well as a support materials kit for every grade at every school. In addition, we have requested a training from one of the content creators to follow. We will keep you posted.
51st Annual TAHPERD Convention "Re-Emerge Even Stronger"
TAHPERD membership is a highly recommended for Physical Education teachers. You will find vital support and resources specific to your content area. Quicklinks can be found on their website for: Shape American, Coordinated School Health, State Standards, and Whole Child Newsletter.
“Re-Emerge Even Stronger”
51st Annual TAHPERD Convention
Convention Registration and Membership Form
October 24-26th
Embassy Suites *Murfreesboro
#615-890-4464 Reservation Code: TAH
Early Bird Registration Deadline is September 20th / Pre-Registration Deadline is October 14th
*Your membership must be current (September 1st – August 31st) to qualify for membership convention rates.
Microsoft Teams is coming soon
Breaking News from the CDC - Classroom-based Physical Activity Interventions
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
August 18, 2021
Dear Partners,
The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends two classroom-based interventions to increase physical activity: physical activity breaks and physically active lessons. A team of specialists in systematic review methods and physical activity research, practice, and policy selected and evaluated two published reviews.
Evidence showed physical activity break interventions increased physical activity among primary school students, and physically active lessons increased physical activity and improved educational outcomes. Both types of interventions were delivered by trained teachers who had access to web or video resources designed to engage students in exercises or dance routines.
Why is this important?
- Regular physical activity in childhood and adolescence improves strength and endurance, helps build healthy bones and muscles, helps control weight, improves cognitive function, and reduces risk of depression (HHS 2018).
- When youth are regularly physically active, they increase their chances for a healthy adulthood and reduce their risk for chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension (HHS 2018).
- Schools are uniquely suited to help students achieve the 60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily recommended in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Share this information with others!
- Intervention Summaries: Physical Activity Breaks and Physically Active Lessons—read summaries of the effectiveness evidence.
- Classroom-based Physical Activity Interventions—include this story in your newsletter or share the link with colleagues.
- One Pager: Physical Activity Break Interventions and Physically Active Lessons—use these one-pagers as a quick reference.
For More Information:
- The Community Guide: Physical Activity
- CDC, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity
- CDC, Healthy Schools, Classroom Physical Activity
- CDC, Division of Population, Healthy Schools Branch
We hope you find these resources useful.
-CDC Healthy Schools
A warm welcome shout out to our new co-coordinator Jessica Gibson
I would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to Jessica Gibson as our new Co-Coordinator for Sumner County Coordinated School Health. I am so glad that she is here. I appreciate her passion and dedication to the students, their families, our school staff, and the community.
Jessica Gibson has lived in Sumner County for the majority of her life. She was a part of one of the first graduating classes at Merrol Hyde Magnet, completing school in 2010. She then received a
Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Lipscomb University in 2015. She began her nursing career at Saint Thomas Midtown, working in the Postpartum/Newborn department and
eventually expanding into Labor and Delivery and the NICU. In 2019, Jessica was hired into the school nursing program for Sumner County, working primarily at Nannie Berry Elementary and
Ellis Middle School. She is very passionate about education and considers the switch into school nursing one of the greatest blessings in her life. Jessica just remarried in July of 2021
and lives at home with her husband Hunter, her children Eli, Copeland, and Annie, their 3 cats, and a Dachshund named Sadie.
What an incredible PE workshop last month! As I read through the evaluation surveys I am incredibly proud of the work happening in physical education. More than ever, physical education programs are receiving the proper recognition. PE classrooms across our district are using research-based curriculum to facilitate health-related fitness, skill development, and social development for ALL students. Continue advocating for your PE program! Now is the perfect time to sign in to your SPARK family account and take advantage of the free SPARK resources. Don't forget to connect with SPARK on social media to connected and in the loop.
- SPARK Webinars
- SPARK eNewsletter
- SPARK Blog
- SPARK Grant Finder
- State Standards & Assessments
- Sample Lesson Plans
PL Opportunities - approved by Dr. Yawn credit hours
Alliance for a Healthier Generation - There are multiple videos that will be approved for PL credit. These are for EVERYONE! As always, you need to complete the district Reflection survey when you are finished with all courses. Certificates are available on the site with your name, date, and time.
Keep watching the newsletter for more opportunities to earn PL hours.
SPARK Territory Sales Manager
Introducing our new contact for SPARK and Gopher Sport.
Brian Hull | SPARK Territory Sales Manager | SPARK
855-500-3623 | 2525 Lemond St. SW, Owatonna, MN 55060
Check out our brand new CSH logo
Thank you for helping to merge health and academics to create student success!
You can find us on Facebook at Sumner County Coordinated School Health and Twitter @SumnerCoCSH.