Bee Informed
Newsletter from Medina City Schools-March 24, 2021
Bee Informed
Get Ready for Spring Break
District Moves to Next Phase in Portrait of a Graduate/Strategic Planning Process
As a District, we are currently working with the Impact Group, a strategic marketing firm out of Hudson, on our Portrait of a Graduate and Strategic Planning Process.
What is a Portrait of a Graduate?
The Portrait of a Graduate is a collective vision that articulates the community's aspirations for all students created by engaging our larger community. It will serve as our North Star providing strategic direction for the future overall educational experience of Medina City Schools' students. The goal of this collective vision is to re-invigorate and re-engage students, teachers, and community stakeholders. The creation of the Portrait will help to answer the questions of what are the hopes and dreams that our community has for our young people and what are the skills and mindsets that our students need to succeed in our rapidly changing world.
How will the Portrait Serve Medina City Schools?
Once our Portrait of a Graduate is complete, it will be utilized to guide our next 3-5 year strategic plan.
In an effort to gain additional insight about our District, the Impact Group will be conducting focus groups with various segments of the community requiring approximately one hour of time. Please complete this form no later than Friday, April 9 if you are interested in participating. These focus groups will be limited to the first 25 that register.
Intradistrict Open Enrollment Option for the 2021-2022 School Year to Begin April 1, 2021
The Intradistrict Open Enrollment Option will be available to all Medina City Schools’ students who wish to attend an elementary or middle school other than the one they are assigned within the school district during the 2021-2022 school year. This option is based on enrollment numbers, as well as space and staff availability. Class assignments are made only to those grades that are at the District class size less one.
Intradistrict Open Enrollment requests will be available on the Medina City Schools website on Thursday, April 1, 2021, at http://www.medinabees.org by clicking on the Student Registration tab in the green bar at the top of the website then click on the link to Intradistrict Open Enrollment. Requests will be accepted via online submission only from Thursday, April 1, 2021, through Saturday, May 29, 2021, for the 2021-2022 school year. Parents will be notified in writing of their child’s acceptance/non-acceptance no later than the second week of August 2021. Assignments may be revoked in reverse order of date received (last in, first out) if enrollment figures no longer allow for additional classroom space.
Parents whose children are approved for this Intradistrict Open Enrollment Option are responsible for transporting their own children to and from the school.
As a matter of information, Medina City Schools does not allow students from other school districts to enroll in the Medina City School District under the Intradistrict Open Enrollment Option. However, Medina City Schools does allow students to leave the District to attend another district.
For more information, please contact the Office of Registration at 330-636-3100 or email at rottingl@medinabees.org.
Medina High School Latin Club Attends 70th Ohio Junior Classic League Virtual Convention
It was an exciting weekend for the thirteen Medina High School students who attended the 70th Ohio Junior Classical League (OJCL) Convention held virtually through Zoom at Medina High School on March 5-7, 2021. Overall, the Medina delegation won fifty different awards. They competed among the best and brightest students from the most competitive private and public schools with Latin programs throughout Ohio.
Participating students competed in academic, creative, and graphic arts contests to earn their rankings. The delegation included seniors Anna Fletcher, Rachel Harris, Kylie Hosey, Abby McKee, and Brandon Schramm. Abbi Acurio, Alyssa Ferrari, Jessica Kancler, Lily Ivey, and Sydney Kindrat represented the juniors. Kaitlin Horner represented sophomores. Freshmen Aidan Haggard and Belle Oehler rounded out the delegation. Medina High School Latin teacher Jeffrey Kolo was presented with the Long Time Service Award for the OJCL during the conference.
Brandon Schramm won fifth in Advanced Poetry Latin Recitation, and Sydney Kindrat won fifth place in Advanced Prose Latin Recitation in the category of Creative Arts. In Pre-Convention contests, Belle Oehler won eighth place in Lower Modern Myth, Abby McKee tenth place in Upper Modern Myth, while Brandon Schramm won fourth in Upper Modern Myth. In Upper Poetry, Brandon Schramm won fourth while Rachel Harris took first place. Brandon Schramm also won fourth in Pre-Convention contests.
In Graphic Arts, Brandon Schramm won third place in Upper Small Model. In Woodworking, Medina swept most awards with Brandon Schramm taking ninth place, Alyssa Ferrari eighth, Abbi Acurio sixth place, Rachel Harris fourth, Kylie Hosey second, with Anna Fletcher taking first place. In Traditional Photography, Alyssa Ferrari won the eighth place. In Jewelry, Abbi Acurio took sixth place and Abby McKee fourth. In Textiles, Kaitlin Horner won first place. In Watercolors, Lily Ivey won second place. In Ink, Kaitlin Horner won fourth place. In Illustrated Children's Books, Kylie Hosey took fourth. In Games, Kylie Hosey won second place, and Rachel Harris secured first place. Kylie Hosey also won Best in Show for Games, an award which singles out projects for exceptional quality. In Colored Pencil, Kylie Hosey won first in Upper Level. In Constructed Charts, Abbi Acurio won a seventh place, with Alyssa Ferrari winning fourth. In Constructed Maps, Abbi Acurio won first place. In Constructed Posters, Alyssa Ferrari won seventh place. In Drawn Posters, Rachel Harris took fourth.
In Academic contests, Medina students earned the following awards after competing among the most outstanding and most competitive students in Latin in the State. In Derivatives Level 4, Anna Fletcher won a tenth place, and Brandon Schramm won fifth place. In Pentathlon Level 4, Brandon Schramm won seventh place. In Reading Comprehension (Level II), Kaitlin Horner won sixth place while Kylie Hosey won fourth place. In Reading Comprehension (Level III), Abbi Acurio won a ninth place, with Sydney Kindrat taking eighth place. In Reading Comprehension Level IV, V, VI, and VII), Brandon Schramm won ninth place, with Rachel Harris winning seventh place. In Roman History ( Level I), Belle Oehler won a tenth place. In Vocabulary (Level II), Kylie Hosey won a ninth place. In Grammar (Level II) Kylie Hosey won a ninth place. In Latin Literature (Level II), Kaitlin Horner took tenth place, while Kylie Hosey won fifth place. In Latin Literature (Level III) Lily Ivey won an eighth place.
The students won the second place Spirit Award for the virtual General Assembly. Their Club Scrapbook received a Good Rating, and their Club Banner achieved an Excellent rating receiving a Silver Medal.
Student Registration for 2021-2022 School Year
Claggett Art Teachers Presented With Distinguished Service Award
Claggett Middle School Students Participate in Regional Power of the Pen
Claggett Middle School 8th graders, Quinn Brightbill and Joy Milewski, and 7th graders Mason Cooper and Emily Mousourakis all earned honors at the virtual Kent State Regional Tournament. Mason Cooper placed fourth, and Emily Mousourakis placed seventh overall out of the 61 writers at their grade level. Emily Mousourakis also received a Best of Round Award for her Round 1 writing.
A.I. Root Middle School Student Council Hosts Food Drive
A.I. Root Middle School Student Council held a food drive the week of March 15 to support Feeding Medina County. “The students wanted to give back to the community because they know that many in Medina County are still in need because of the pandemic. The students at Root responded positively to the food drive. We thank everyone who generously donated,” said Lisa Kaiser, sixth-grade science teacher and Student Council advisor at Root.
Northrop Elementary Students Celebrate Read Across America
Staff and students at Northrop Elementary participated in a fun-filled Read Across America Week March 1st-5th. Each day of the week included a reading-themed spirit day, a special guest reader, and a reading bookworm class challenge. Students were surprised by "mystery reader" videos from local celebrities, including Mayor Hanwell, Superintendent Sable, Chief Kinney, and several Cleveland Browns players, like Joel Bitonio and David Njoku. There were daily picture book battles, STEM challenges, and participation challenges. The class with the most participation throughout the week received the opportunity to "pie" the principals. “This fun week was an excellent way for us to continue to grow our love of reading and connect as a building,” said Amanda Dodez, Northrop Administrative Assistant.
Students in Ms. Zeleznik's 3rd grade class
Northrop teachers dressed in character
Northrop Kindergarten teacher Mrs. McClintock as Mary Poppins
Board of Education Meeting Calendar
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Board of Education Work Session
6:00 PM-Medina High School/Professional Development Center
Monday, April 19, 2021
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School/Professional Development Center
The Board of Education meetings will be held at Medina High School in the Professional Development Center and will be open to the public. Meetings may also be viewed live on Medina City Schools' YouTube channel and Armstrong channel 201.
Replays of the meeting will also be available on Medina City Schools' YouTube Channel and Armstrong Channel 201.
Medina High School Students Create Award-Winning Artwork
There were several opportunities for student artists at Medina High School to display their work around Medina and across the state throughout the month of March in celebration of Youth Art Month.
The Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition
Seniors Kylie Anderson, Kylie Hosey, and Shayla Ramey were all selected during regional
judging and moved on to state-level judging, representing the top 15% from our region.
"Since '08" by Shayla Ramey
"Cravings" by Kylie Anderson
Kylie Hosey, 2021 Ohio Governor’s Youth Art Exhibition Winner
Kylie Hosey’s mixed media monotype series, The Masked Generation, was selected for the
2021 State Exhibition. The 2021 Exhibition and awards ceremony will be in a video/virtual
format and can be viewed April 25th on the exhibition website: http://www.govart.org/
Celebration of Youth Art Month Medina County Art Show
Lauren Sebring - 1st Place
Caroline Theis - 2nd Place
Teen Juried Art Competition and Scholarship Show
Gwen Nagel - 2nd Place
Faith Rawlins - 3rd Place
Medina High School Student Council Members Attend Ohio Association of Student Leaders Virtual State Conference
Medina High School Student Council members Maria Cipro, Kiley Ehlers, Mitchell Herold, Rowan McDonald, Andrew Montgomery, Jordyn Ruppelli, Alex Henry, Kaitlyn Pierce, Ella Spangler, Paul Ceccoli, Olivia Hartman, and Emma Spangler attended the 68th Annual State Conference of the Ohio Association of Student Leaders (OASL) along with over 100 other student leaders and advisors from throughout the State of Ohio. Medina High School Student Council advisors Laura Calaiacovo, Marcie Komar, and Justin Brantner attended with their students.
Delegates and advisors gathered via Zoom for a day packed with opportunities to develop and hone leadership skills, attitudes, and behaviors, connect with peers from across the state and find inspiration to guide them on their leadership journey.
Highlights of the day included keynote speaker Bonny Shade, Hot Topic breakout sessions designed and facilitated by some of OASL’s outstanding alumni, and celebrating our member schools and individual student leaders’ accomplishments. High school delegates also participated in the election of State Representatives for the 2021-2022 term. Serving this year as State President will be Alexandra (Lexi) Davis Romine of Medina High School.
Medina High School Student Council won many awards at the State Conference. The Five Star Council award recognizes schools that participate in training through OASL to develop leadership among students. The World Changers award gives distinction for outstanding service to others. The mission statement of the award is, “In striving to build a generation, we will aid our community to aid us all.”
The Ohio Association of Student Councils sponsors a recognition program for the outstanding leaders in Ohio. “These are kids who go beyond what is required. These are the students who stay that extra hour, who work harder, who say thanks more often, who lead by example, and respected by their peers and teachers. These are outstanding leaders who deserve recognition for their dedication. They represent a standard of excellence that puts them above the crowd. Their leadership and guidance have brought new direction, insight, and imagination to the council through their years of service. They have made a difference in Medina’s Student Council,” said advisor Laura Calaiacovo. Seniors Rowan McDonald, Mitchell Herold, Lucy O’Cull, Andrew Montgomery, and Kiley Ehlers have earned this distinction this year.
Food Distribution Continues Through End of the 2020-2021 School Year
Thanks to the efforts of the Medina City Schools Food Service/Child Nutrition Department and their staff, food distribution will continue through the 2020-2021 school year. Meals are free to all children ages 1-18 and include one breakfast and one lunch per day. Click here for ordering information and pick-up times and locations. Food distribution will not be available during Spring Break March 29-April 5. In the event of a calamity day on meal distribution day, it will be canceled for that day.
Medina High School Senior Swimmer Named Academic All-American
Alumni News: Caroline McCombs
Caroline has enjoyed much success playing basketball for Medina from 1990-1994, accolades at Youngstown State, and a coaching career that includes Valparaiso, Pitt, Auburn, and now Stony Brook.
Student Art Show Winners
Student Art Show Program
Student Art Show Map
Garfield Students Learn About the Ukulele
Dates for Prom and Graduation have been determined. Prom will be Saturday, May 15 at Medina High School for Medina High School seniors only. More details will follow from the high school as they become available. "We could not be more excited to share that we will have a Prom this year," said Assistant Superintendent/Medina High School interim principal Kris Quallich.
Graduation is set for Saturday, May 22 at 11:00 AM, and will be held at Medina High School in Ken Dukes Stadium returning to a traditional graduation ceremony. At this time, each graduating student is expected to receive four (4) tickets each for the event. May 23 at 11:00 AM will be held for a rain date. More details will be shared as they become available.
Summer Reinforcement Program to Enter Its 47th Year
Camp Invention
Helping Hands Preschool Registration Open for 2021-2022 School Year
Registration for Medina City Schools’ Helping Hands Preschool opened Monday, March 1, 2021. Helping Hands is an integrated pre-school which is part of the Medina City Schools and housed at Northrop Elementary School, 950 East Reagan Parkway. This 5-Star rated program provides mandated preschool services to children three to five years of age with disabilities and offers a developmentally appropriate preschool experience for a select number of typical peers. Helping Hands provides high-quality programming that focuses on the Ohio Learning Content Standards in preparation for kindergarten.
There are two sessions offered with the morning session from 9:00 AM-11:40 AM Monday thru Thursday and an afternoon session from 12:45 PM-3:25 PM Monday through Thursday. The cost for typical peers is $160.00 per month and students with disabilities are at no cost to the parent.
To register typically developing peers, please call 330.636.4601 for directions to complete the online registration and screening information. To register students with suspected disabilities, please call 330.636.4606 for directions and screening information. For any additional questions, please contact Ms. Kathy Ashcroft, supervisor, Helping Hands Preschool at 330.636.4644.
MCORE Foundation Offers Cardiac Preventative Screening
The MCORE Foundation will be providing education and a preventative cardiac screening program for our students.
The goal is to educate parents and students on sudden cardiac arrest, family history, signs, and symptoms along with a screening to find underlying heart abnormalities.
Every year in our country over 400,000 people die from sudden cardiac arrest with 13,000 of them healthy children.
This program will provide each participant a baseline cardiac evaluation for $79 that can be used with your medical provider.
The first screening day will be Wednesday, April 21, 2021, from 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM, at Medina High School.
Please click on the following link to reserve your child’s spot today.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the MCORE Foundation at info@mcorefoundation.org
Summer Employment Opportunities for High Schools Students
Summer Camp Counselor
Medina City Parks & Rec Laborer
Keeping the Tradition of Song Alive at Medina High School
Youth Rugby Registration
Youth Baseball Registration
Youth Lacrosse Registration
Mental Health Training Opportunity
Through the Medina County Aware grant, two virtual, community-wide mental
health trainings, called AID, are being hosted at the end of March.
● Monday, March 22nd, 10-11 a.m.
● Wednesday, March 31st, 3-4 p.m.
The training is an hour long and focuses on recognizing signs and symptoms
of mental distress, how to effectively interact with someone in distress, and
help connect individuals with resources. The training is free to attend.
Registration can be completed through this flyer. For more information about Medina
County Aware, visit: https://www.kent.edu/mhsu/MCA
Back-to-School Student Information Update
Bus Drivers Needed
Peer Tutoring Available
Students will be paired with National Honor Society students and other honors students. They will meet one to two times per week depending on their schedules. In addition, optional virtual tutoring will be available.
Tutoring applications are available online or at Medina High School in the Tutoring Center. All tutoring sessions will be coordinated through Carolyn Grenfell, Tutoring Center Director. Interested students and/or parent/guardians should contact Carolyn Grenfell at grenfellc@medinabees.org.
See What's Going On In Our Community
Medina City Schools Mobile App
Medina City Schools
Email: busbya@medinabees.org
Website: www.medinabees.org
Location: 739 Weymouth Road, Medina, OH, USA
Phone: 330.725.8831
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedinaCitySchools
Twitter: @MCScomm1