Burbank Bulletin
August 23, 2021
Dear Luther Burbank Families,
I write this welcome back message with the great hope that all of our families have enjoyed a wonderful and restful summer respite. Throughout the summer, we have been incredibly busy at Luther Burbank as we prepare for ALL of our students to return to school on September 1st. It will be great to have everyone back together, under one roof, as a school community. We just can't wait!
Last year brought challenges with our remote and hybrid scheduling. This year will bring levels of normalcy for our students which we are eager to embrace. Our school day and schedule will resume a typical middle school structure, and after school, in-person, activities will return. Students will experience their academic and related arts classes with mixed groups of peers. Students will transition independently from class to class. Students will have lockers!
We are excited to resume this level of normalcy in structure and schedule. With that said, we also recognize the importance of our COVID-19 mitigation strategies in support of our community’s health and safety as we step into the new school year. While physical distancing requirements have been lifted, we will maintain several of our core mitigation strategies, to include social distancing practices when feasible, distancing practices during lunch, protocols from the health office, strong hand-hygiene practices, and a limitation on visitors to the building during the school day. To this end, we are in the final stages of updating our COVID-19 Guidelines and Protocols and will share this updated document with all of our families by the end of the week. In terms of required masks/face coverings, as you are aware from Superintendent Downing’s message from Friday afternoon, we are awaiting further guidance from the state and local level. This information will be received by August 26th and will be included in our updated protocols document.
Please find more information, below, about the school year ahead.
We look forward to seeing everyone soon!
Laura Friend
Dates to Remember
August 24: 7th Grade Open Hours, 1:00-2:30 PM
August 25: 6th Grade Open Hours, 9:00-11:00 AM; Cookies with the Principal, 11:30 AM
September 1: First Day of School for Students!
September 6: Holiday, No School
September 10: School Picture Day (LBMS and MRE)
September 14: Open House, 6:00 PM (In-person event), more info to follow
September 17: Early Release Professional Development, 11:30 Dismissal
October 11: Holiday, No School
October 22: Early Release Professional Development, 11:30 Dismissal
October 28: Early Release, Parent-Teacher Conferences, 11:30 Dismissal
October 29: No School, Parent-Teacher Conferences
New Faculty Joining Luther Burbank
Please join me in extending a warm welcome to new members of our LBMS faculty, Ms. Emily Champagne, Mrs. Denise Levesque, and Ms. Alyssa Papia.
Emily Champagne will join the 6th grade team as our new 6th grade special educator replacing Ms. Melanie Thulin. Ms. Champagne joins us from the Hale Middle School where she worked to teach and support students in both the substantially separate and general education settings. She brings with her varied experience at the middle level adapting instruction to meet the diverse needs of learners.
Denise Levesque will join our team as our ELL teacher replacing Mrs. Erin DaSilvaneto. Mrs. Levesque joins us from the West Boylston and Ayer-Shirley Public Schools. Mrs. Levesque brings with her extensive experience having previously served as an ESL coordinator, ESL teacher, reading specialist, and, most recently, assistant principal.
Alyssa Papia is not new to Nashoba! Ms. Papia joins us as our Instructional Assistant for Library and Media from the Nashoba Regional High where she served in a similar role. Ms. Papia will replace Mrs. Erica Brennan. Ms. Papia brings with her experience as a teaching assistant in both the classroom and the library setting. She is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science with School Library Licensure.
On the 8th grade Spanish front, Mrs. Meg Chase and Mrs. Kathy Crowley will step in for Mrs. Cecilia Sullivan, our 8th grade Spanish teacher, to start the year. Mrs. Sullivan will be out on a short medical leave. We expect her return by the end of September.
Returning Student Registration on InfoSnap
Returning student registration must be completed by September 15, 2021.
2021-2022 LBMS Student and Parent Handbook
2021-2022 School Supply Lists
PowerSchool Opening This Week
Bus Routes
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
- Parent Drop-Off - Arrive as close to 7:35 as possible and NO EARLIER than 7:25 to line up in parent drop-off line behind the back of Luther Burbank. This will help to ensure that cars do not back up on Rte. 70 and interfere with the flow of traffic.
- Students in parent drop-off queue will NOT be marked tardy.
- Parent Pick-Up - Arrive as close to 2:15 and NO EARLIER than 2:05 to line up in parent drop-off line behind the back of Luther Burbank. Once again, this will help to ensure that cars do not back up on Rte. 70 and interfere with traffic.
School Lunch Program
We anticipate the return of our free breakfast program in October. Please be on the lookout for more information once the school year is underway.
LBMS School Council - 2 Positions Available
Interested in Substitute Teaching for the 2021-2022 School Year? We Need You!
Substitute teaching offers flexibility and a direct interface with our awesome students. It also offers interested community members a way to contribute to our school. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a substitute teacher and/or are interested in applying to become a substitute teacher, please email Laura Friend at lfriend@nrsd.net or call our main office at 978-365-4558. Substitute teaching offers flexibility and a direct interface with our awesome students. It also offers interested community members a way to contribute to our school.