February 2023 GT Parent Update
February 14 | Valentine's Day
February 15 | Early Release @ 12:30
February 20 | Inservice Day - No school
Grade Level News
Fifth Grade
Advocacy is at the forefront of our work this month! 5th Graders will begin a lesson titled, Valentine’s Day History and Fun. As student learn about the history of Valentine’s day and discuss how the actions of Bishop Valentine displays advocacy, they learn the true history of this money-making holiday! This lesson is cross-curricular as students have to use critical thinking to analyze a math task focused on the weight of a box of chocolates and the packing material involved in keeping them fresh!
Fourth Grade
Third Grade
Taking the knowledge gained from learning about perseverance, students will put this hard work into practice. Finding the area of Irregular Rectilinear Figures (say that 3 times fast!), students will use their knowledge of area to complete a real-world math task all about area!
Second Grade
Second graders have the opportunity to explore the read-aloud, Rene Has Two Last Names. Within this lesson, students are exposed to different character perspectives and empathy which directly relates to the 2nd-grade competency.
Tracy Marsh, Principal A.L. Lotts Elementary School
I am excited to highlight the tremendous work our Gifted and Talented coach, Laura Burgard, and students are doing here at A. L. Lotts. GT holds a special place in my heart, as I had the privilege of serving as a GT coach for Knox County. The GT programming provides an extension of the curriculum for our students as well as providing support and resources for our teachers. In addition to providing support for students, Mrs. Burgard is also involved in supporting our teachers by sharing advancing resources and professional development opportunities to deepen their understanding of thinking and problem-solving. This allows teachers to incorporate their learning into classroom instruction that benefits all learners. In addition to our school programming, Lotts has a team of teachers from each grade level that were chosen to represent KCS as a part of a districtwide pilot program, the GT Action Team. This team of amazing teachers implements GT resources in their classroom and shares their feedback with teachers across the district. I am so proud Lotts’ teachers were chosen for this important mentoring team that allows all students to have access to high-level and engaging resources created by the GT Department. These advancing resources promote thinking and problem solving which are critical skills for students to develop college and career readiness. The Gifted and Talented program is an integral part of the whole child support system we have at Lotts and I am grateful to see this programming continue to support the high standards our district has established for success for all students.
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