Madison Cluster

Family Engagement Liaison -- Ana Bernal
Parents, get Involved! Meet your Family Engagement Liaison at the Madison Cluster, Ana Bernal! aberna@neisd.net 210.356.1414
What does a Family Specialist do?
The Mission of the NEISD Family Specialist is to build communication between parents, the school, and the community, to assist students and families who are experiencing barriers; and, to empower all parents to fulfill their role as their child’s first teacher.
I have weekly parent trainings in person and via Zoom. I can help with social services too.
Parent Information -- Parent Training & Resources
January Calendar
Madison HS, Harris MS, Steubing Ranch ES, Longs Creek ES website will have all events and free trainings posted.
Check out the weekly calendar
Free ESL Class Flyer
Come learn English in a small group setting! Ven aprender inglés para conversar en un grupo pequeño!
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Sessions
We are an organization who provides information and resources to grandparents and kinship caregivers who are raising their grandchildren or relatives. We focus our efforts to raise awareness and provide education on local community programs. Additionally, we provide legislative training on the city, state and even federal level. We strive to provide opportunities for families to network and build community.
Family Engagement Liaison Request Form
Complete el siguiente formulario para solicitar asistencia de la Especialista de Familia o para solicitar una reunion. Por favor envíe sólo UNA solicitud. La Especialista de Familia se comunicara con usted lo mas pronto posible.
NEISD Family Engagement Catalog
NEISD Family Engagement Leadership Academy Invites you to attend workshops & trainings at every campus in person or via Zoom.
El Compromiso Familiar de NEISD le da la bienvenida! Los invitamos a que asista a talleres y capacitaciones educativos gratuitas en cada escuela en persona o virtuales.
Housing Assistance Resources/Recursos para viviendas
Behind on Rent? We have a hotline to help. The Homeless Connections Hotline is a live call center open from Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Representatives will help eligible residents find and complete applications for housing-related services including Rental Assistance beginning February 15, 2024. Call the Homeless Connections Hotline at 210-207-1799 for help with: ► Paying rent ► Moving expenses ► Security deposit assistance ► Utility assistance