Board Meeting Summary
July 26, 2023
General Information
President Snider called the July Regular meeting to order. After roll call, the Board approved the June 28, 2023 agenda. The BOE approved the consent agenda, consisting of the minutes from the June meeting, bills, payroll and treasurer's report.
During Board input, Superintendent Dr. Kashner shared an update on student registration, announcing that the district had a successful online registration period. Dr. Kashner thanked the staff for doing a wonderful job and assisting those that needed technology support. Secretary Witt asked how Kindergarten numbers were looking. Dr. Kashner and Ms. King shared that we currently have 50 kindergarten students, and typically a few more are added before school starts.
No visitors were present.
During communications, Dr. Kashner shared the PreK monthly board report, professional development presentation, and school board conference information. PreK will have 3 sections again at Eastland with 46 students enrolled. Dr. Kashner shared that he will be presenting at the State Superintendent Conference in September and thanked the BOE for their support. The BOE was provided information regarding the School Board Conference held in November. Dr. Kashner complimented the BOE for all seven members attending, as it shows a commitment to learning and growing together.
Information regarding Old Business, New Business, and the Superintendent Report is listed below.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Old Business
- A lengthy discussion was held regarding bringing back drug testing for students in extra-curricular activities. After discussion, it was determined that drug testing is utilized to deter and provide support, and if that is the reason, then it should be for all students. Dr. Kashner shared that he had not heard of any districts randomly drug testing the entire population, but will confirm with school attorney. The BOE approved hiring an outside agency, Monroe Clinic, to conduct the tests pending legal counsel. Based on feedback from legal counsel, this topic will be reviewed at the August board meeting.
- approved ISBE grants for FY24. Dr. Kashner highlighted the four grants the district applies for from the Illinois State Board of Education and stated that the district receives approximately $300,000 from those four grants.
- approved hiring a second School Resource Officer pending approval from the Carroll County Sherriff's Office. Secretary Witt, Member Heckman, and President Snider complimented the current program and stated that safety must continue to be a focus and this is a prime example of prioritizing safety. Member Waller and Member Preston asked questions how their time would be split. Dr. Kashner stated that it will depend on skill set and would be determined after the safety team had a chance to meet.
New Business
- approved posting a tentative FY24 budget. Dr. Kashner shared that the budget shows a deficit of nearly $4,000,000 dollars, but that is due to construction. The addition at EES will be paid for out of district reserves and that accounts for the deficit. Dr. Kashner shared that if we removed those costs it is projected to be around an $85,000 surplus for FY24.
- heard a first reading on the Risk Management Plan. Dr. Kashner highlighted the plan stating that a plan on file is required by the state in order to levy in Tort. The Risk Management Plan is designed to increase safety components as much as possible.
- heard a first reading on the Emergency Plan. Dr. Kashner shared that he will be hosting the annual safety meeting in early August. The meeting will include internal and external participants including local fire and police departments. Dr. Kashner shared that he is grateful for the involvement and support of the community and is looking forward to the meeting.
- had a discussion on flooring options for the district moving forward. Dr. Kashner shared price options for LVT, ceramic tile and Terrazzo flooring.
Superintendent Report
Personnel and Job Vacancies
The following personnel options were approved:
New Hires:
- Moniqua Camacho - EES Kitchen
- Matt Leitzen - EPC Football
- Brittany Welch - Junior High Cheerleading
- Holly Plock - Instructional Aide
- Amy Schubert - EJSHS Aide
Eastland CUSD #308
Location: 601 South Chestnut Street, Shannon, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 493-6301