Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy
December 2020 Monthly Newsletter
Happy December!
Dear Columbia Crest Families and Elementary Virtual Academy Families,
While the holidays are approaching it sure does not feel like the holiday season we are used to. We've sprinkled in holiday cheer throughout this newsletter of past holiday program pictures and videos of performances.
We are saddened to share our secretary, Ms. Fitzer is ending her career as the secretary of Columbia Crest after six years. Ms. Fitzer's last day is on Friday, December 4th.
Ms. Fitzer was promoted to a position at the District Office. We are very happy for her to take on a new challenge as she deserves this next step in her career.
Building Access
We are not permitting parents or guest visitors at this time. Please call our office for assistance 360-569-2567 or email Mrs. Shew at a.shew@eatonvilleschools.org
Friday 3:00pm Weekly Plan Email
Please check your email to view the weekly plan and newsletter from your child's teacher every week. Plans are emailed every Friday at 3:00pm. Some teachers post their most critical communication in the plans near the top.
Have a Happy Holiday season!
Good Bye, Ms. Fitzer!
Flashback to Last Year's Program
December Calendar
Past Holiday Performance
This is a MUST hear! Mr. Moore sings “Ave Maria” as Mr. Hunter plays the keyboard. Can you believe how talented these gentlemen are?
Winter Break Dates
Student Success Celebration
Way to go, Emilia in 3rd Grade
Mr. Hehemann nominated the following students to be recognized for their stellar work in his English class.
Way to go, Haven in 6th Grade!
Way to go, Ayden in 6th Grade
Way to go, Charlotte in 7th Grade
Way to go, Bailey in 8th Grade
Counselor's Corner
We LOVE our Counselor!
📸🎞Picture Day is Coming📸🎞
December 10th drive up anytime from 1:00-5:00pm
December 15th drive up anytime from 1:00-5:00pm
All Elementary Virtual Academy (EVA) and Columbia Crest students are invited to campus to have their picture taken for the yearbook and to purchase pictures.
Parents may pull up to the main entrance for their student to exit their vehicle, students will enter the gym with assistance of school staff to have their picture taken. Parent will remain in their vehicle.
Pre Ordering:
Parents will be able to PRE order fall picture packages online or via the flyer until the images are received by our lab for processing, this is usually about 48 hours after your last picture day.
To do this please go to www.mylifetouch.com and enter your schools Picture Day ID that you will find on your flyers or on your parent notify email reminders.
Post Picture Day Ordering:
To place a POST picture day order students and parents will need to wait until processing has been completed and they have received a Proof Sheet or contact customer service to place the order directly with them 1-866-955-8342. On the proof sheet is a Portrait ID and Access Code specific to each child and necessary for ordering at that point. (This will allow the parent to see their image of their student)
To do this please go to www.mylifetouch.com and enter your personalized Portrait ID and Access Code.
Picture Packages and Proof sheets are usually delivered to the school about 3 - 4 weeks after picture day.
***If you cannot locate your proof sheet you may call customer service at 866-955-8342. You must have the following information for access: School Name, Picture Day ID (generic to school), Student First & Last Name, and Student Grade.
For Clarity:
If a parent purchases a photo packet through Pre-Order, then those photo packets will go to the school. The time frame of purchasing via Pre-Order is any time before your scheduled picture day and up until 48 hours after the last Original picture day event. For example, your school's picture days are 11/4 and 11/5. Parents can Pre-Order anytime before and up until 11/7. After 11/7, ordering is closed until the parents receive their proofs within 6 weeks from 11/5.
*Pre-Order means that parents have not seen the pictures and decided to just purchase the photos. When parents Pre-Order, they are NOT charged a $5.99 shipping fee since it will be sent to the school along with Proofs for students who's parents did not Pre-Order.
Once the school receives the proofs along with any Pre-Order packages, the school distributes the Proofs and Pre-Ordered packages to the students/families.
When families take the Proofs home and review it they can then decide to do a Retake or they can then Post-Order their Packages. Once the Proofs of the Original Picture day comes in, parents can now only Post-Order and they cannot have anything sent to the schools. The families can order their Packages through the Proofs and those will be shipped to families' homes with a $5.99 shipping fee.
The only other circumstance for the school to receive another round of photos/packages is if you have a Retake Schedule. When you have a Retake Day the proofs of those photos will also go to the school and the families will then go through the Post-Order process again.
Covid Testing at Columbia Crest
More Covid Pilot Testing Information
📖📚Library Book Checkout📖📚
Attention Elementary Virtual Academy (EVA) and Columbia Crest students:
Submit the form below to pick up library books on Monday from 12:00-1:00.
ESD Virtual Concert
Would you like a great opportunity to share your talent with the community and lift the spirits of many? In lieu of our traditional in-person holiday concerts, Eatonville School District would like to host a virtual district-wide holiday concert on Wednesday, December 16th, 2020 at 6:00pm.
If you would like to be featured singing or playing a holiday song as a family, student group, individual or staff member, please submit a performance video or picture of an artistic creation to communications@eatonvilleschools.org before December 11th. Additional entries that generate more than an hour’s worth of content will be shared separately after the live event.
Be creative! Make your video festive and pleasant to the eye as well as the ear.
We request the videos:
- Be a maximum of 4 minutes
- Filmed horizontally
- Holiday/winter themed
- No explicit language
Performances from Past Holiday Programs
Grab & Go Weekly Meals Mondays 12:00-1:00
Picture Request
Contact Information
Principal: Mrs. Allison Shew
Secretary: Ms. Lindsay Fitzer
CCA Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Student Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Attendance Message Line: 360-569-2567
Transportation: 360-879-1900
Stay Connected
Email: a.shew@eatonville.wednet.edu
Website: www.eatonville.wednet.edu/CCA
Location: 24503 SR 706 E Ashford, WA 98304
Phone: (360)569-2567
Facebook: facebook.com/ColumbiaCrestASTEM
Twitter: @CC_STEM_School