George Ranch H.S.
Sunday Longhorn News 3-7-2021
Connect With Us!
Website: https://lcisd.org/campuses/georgeranchhs/home
Location: 8181 FM 762 Road, Richmond, TX, USA
Phone: 832-223-4200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeAreGRHS/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Twitter: @WeAreGRHS
A Message From Heather Patterson, GRHS Principal
Happy Sunday Longhorns,
We have completed our first week of the 5th six weeks. This six weeks is the one where we start preparing for what needs to be done to closeout the 20-21 school year. Counselors are hard at work having one on one conferences with our Longhorns to solidify their course selection choices for next year as we are planning what Senior activities will look like in the month of May, including graduation.
When it comes to grades, there is no LUCK involved in passing if you are not completing what you need to do each day, it takes being ALL IN. All our Longhorns must be PREPARED and stay checked in to completing all their daily assignments so that they can successfully complete the academic school year. Failing and summer school are still a thing, and as I have been saying all year this is not going to be like last spring when we didn't know that we were not coming back, and LOTS of grace was given. We are here, you have the tools and our support, so you are expected to do your best so that you can pass and enjoy a nice summer break. I know you are tired, because we are tired, but I promise we will keep showing up and giving our all, and I expect the same in return. Next week is thankfully Spring Break, please take some time to refill that energy tank with your family and doing something that brings you joy. If you need ANYTHING to help support you, your teachers, counselors, and assistant principals are just an email away. As always, I have included the direct link to their emails below to make contact simple. We got this!
Let's talk about masks. At this time, Lamar CISD is NOT adjusting any of its COVID-19 safety protocols, including the requirement to wear face coverings in all facilities. With GRHS housing 2,000 people on a daily basis, maintaining proximity of 6 feet apart at all times is just not possible, even with the staggered class changes, one way stairways, and reduced cafe table seating. As always, we appreciate your ongoing support as we work together to keep our Longhorn students and staff safe and coming face to face each day!
Due to shipping delays with College Board, the school day SAT for JUNIORS has been rescheduled for April 13th. Logistics will be coming to all juniors when we get into April. Thanks for your patience.
Masks and social distancing protocols are STILL in place! Keep being smart and stay safe by adhering to the face to face expectations by properly wearing those masks, sanitizing regularly, and following social distancing protocols to the best of our ability. We can't completely control COVID, but we can definitely slow the spread down, and that is A LOT! Any student refusing to follow the rules will be given disciplinary consequences, which will in turn affect their semester exam exemptions. Let's all do our part to keep GR the PLACE to be... especially for those of us CHOOSING to be face to face.
Thank you so much to all our parents and students reaching out to your Assistant Principal for questions and assistance. Please CONTINUE to email your (or your student's) Assistant Principal , as they can assist you the quickest.
Admin contact info:
Chris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-Dan) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Dao-Hou) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Hov-Mom) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Judy Momanyi - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Mon-Sac) judith.momanyi@lcisd.org
Quantas Floyd Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Sad-Z) qfloyd@lcisd.org
GRHS Counselors: (by alpha split)
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou)stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Marci Macha Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) mamacha@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Included in this edition of our GRHS Longhorn News:
- RANDLE HS FLYER - Meet and Greet Flyer (for families zoned to Randle HS next year)
- Tuesday LIVE Virtual Speaker- Charlie Brenneman- during 3rd period for BOTH F2F and virtual Longhorns (zoom link will be found on 3rd period teacher's Canvas page)
- COLLEGE WEAR WEDENSDAY- Rep Your Favorite College Shirt With our GR Staff!
- AP Exams Registration Information
- SAT Testing for Juniors rescheduled for April 13th.
- Cameron Crouch Named 2021 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program Finalist!
- Keely Rollinson brings home Silver Medal in 6A State Swim Meet!
- Order Your Yearbook TODAY!
- Make sure and visit the Counselor and Career Corner WEEKLY in Canvas- LOTS of INFO!
- Virtual Learner Info - Synchronous days Zoom calendar
- Transcript and VOE Requests Procedures
- CLUB information
- Sports/Fine Arts Coach/Director Updates (Submitted by Coaches and Directors)
Congrats Keely on Your New Hardware! 6A State Silver Medalist at the Ranch! #WeAreGR
DUAL CREDIT - INFO NIGHT March 9th - Save the Date!
Tuesday Virtual Speaker- Charlie Brenneman
Charlie "The Spaniard" Brenneman grew up in small-town Pennsylvania focused on family, academics and wrestling. Growing up, his parents instilled the importance of doing what’s right and being kind to people. We smiled, looked people in the eye, said “Please” and “Thank you” and never forgot where we came from. We were taught to say “Hello” to people who looked like they could use it. Academics and athletics were front and center in our household. After Division I wrestling and All-Academic success, he taught Spanish and coached wrestling back home until leaping into reality TV (“Pros vs. Joes” season 1 champ) and professional MMA (27 fights total, 11 in the UFC, #7 ranking in 2011). The Spaniard will be giving a 45 minute virtual presentation to our Longhorns on Tuesday during 3rd period that is aiming to inspire the importance of being a lifelong learner and using your character as a way to thrive during challenging times.
Virtual students please check your 3rd period teacher's Canvas page for the Zoom link!
It's College wear Wednesday!
GRHS Families Zoned to Randle HS for the 21-22 School Year Check This Out! March 22nd will be a Face to Face Meet and Greet opportunity here at GRHS for you and March 24th will be a virtual option!
TSA has 38 students advancing to state in 21 different events after the Regional Conference! Way to go Longhorns!
If you registered to take an AP exam this spring please log into your AP Classroom and Total Registration accounts to make sure the exams match. Please contact Mrs. Reeves if there is any discrepancy. creeves@lcisd.org
2021 GRHS Yearbook Design Below!
TIME TO ORDER YOUR 2020-2021 Yearbook!
PROM AT THE PARK - Friday, May 14th (8-PM-10PM) Seniors Check Email Sent From Mrs. Patterson This Past Week.
Class of 2021 GRHS Graduation - Save the Date!
GRHS GRADUATION - Saturday, May 22, 2021 @ 8:00 pm
*Rain Make Up May 23, 2021 @ 9:30 am
As the district releases more information (such as #of tickets, etc) based on the COVID Risk Level and the health and safety protocols that will have to be in place in May, I will quickly let you know. This is NOT a campus based decision, nor have any decisions been discussed or made. Thanks!
Time to Order All Things GRAD...Including Cap and Gown and OPTIONAL Yearbook Ads!
Seniors and parents it’s time to order your graduation and cap and gown! Below are links to Balfour’s grad catalogs that contain everything you need for the class of 2021.
CAP AND GOWNS- PAST Due (MARCH 1ST) - Delivery/Pickup on campus by the second week in April! (if you ordered by the deadline) Due to COVID restrictions please place your orders online. You must have CURRENT CAP AND GOWN SET (as BALFOUR rotates fabrics every couple of years and last year 2020 was a new fabric)
Yearbooks are now for sale on the Balfour Website. https://www.balfour.com/texas/richmond/george-ranch-high-school
SENIORS ONLY- OPTIONAL purchase of AD SPACE space in this year's yearbook. Contact the yearbook staff at georgeranchyearbook@gmail.com for ad submission requirements. In the subject line of your email, please include student name and order number (find order # on the receipt received at your email at the completion of this order).
Counselor & College Career CANVAS Resource Page! Click link below! The place for all things - including scholarship opportunities!
GRHS Virtual Learning Plan (PDF) Click below!
Canvas Support and Tech Support!
Parents needing support with CANVAS, please click the link below:
For parents needing support with TECHNOLOGY, please click the link below:
See Any BAND Student to Purchase!
ONLY 3 PEOPLE allowed in the front office at one time due to proper SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCOLS. MASKS are always required, even if dropping something off. If the office is full, please wait until someone walks out and you are buzzed in. We appreciate your patience in advance!
2020-2021 Bell Schedule
2020-2021 Instructional Calendar
Have a New Driver? Need a VOE? We have you covered, even remotely!
If you are needing a VOE, we are able to help you remotely by clicking this button above! Please allow 24 hour (business day) turn around on all requests.
Please allow 24 hour (business day) turn around on all requests.
Early Pick Up & Early Dismissal for Registered Drivers!
If you need to pick up your student early from school for any reason, please follow these procedures prior to 3:20 pm
- Students are not released after 3:20pm
- Call (832) 223-4234 to request your student and WAIT IN YOUR CAR
- You will be asked to provide student identification information
- Your student will be called out of class to the SSW (student service window) to sign out & go straight to your car
If your student is a registered GRHS driver and needs to leave school for any reason, please follow these procedures:
- Email Ms. Duran at iduran@lcisd.org TWO hours in advance of the time you need to leave
- Your student may pick up their pass from the SSW (student service window) and sign out prior to leaving
GRHS Admin Team Support
Our Admin Team is ready and willing to help! We are available (via email) during regular school business hours (8:00am-4:00pm) and will be promptly getting back with you for assistance within 24 business hours.
Please feel free to reach out to your child's Assistant Principal (alpha split by last name) for student specific concerns or assistance.
Heather Patterson - Principal hpatterson@lcisd.org
Brian Forshee - Associate Principal bforshee@lcisd.orgChris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-Dan) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Dao-Hou) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Hov-Mom) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Judy Momanyi - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Mon-Sac) judith.momanyi@lcisd.org
Quantas Floyd Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Sad-Z) qfloyd@lcisd.org
Nicholas Cavallo - GRHS Campus Athletic Coordinator ncavallo@lcisd.org
Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar Squad!
Our GRHS Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar are available during regular school business hours (8:00am-4:00pm). The best way to contact them is via email and they will be getting back with you for assistance within 24 business hours. From schedule questions, college questions, transcript requests, to any student concern our GRHS team is here to assist you and your child. Feel free to email them with any questions or concerns. (Alpha Split by Student LAST Name for Counselors)
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou)stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Marci Macha Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) mamacha@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Lauren Ford - College Career Facilitator (CCF)- lauren.ford@lcisd.org
Jean Abboud -George Ranch Registrar - jabboud@lcisd.org
Follow Us on Twitter! @WeAreGRHS
Welcome to the @WeAreGRHS Staffamily, GRHS Admin Assistant Natasha Ware! Your welcoming and kind spirit makes you a perfect fit for our GRHS Counseling Team!
Blooket with Dunn!
Bath time in Doggie Daycare!
Drop the Mic Fridays in IPC!
Congrats Cameron!
The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program was established in 1964 by Executive Order of the President to recognize some of our nation's most distinguished graduating seniors for their accomplishments in many areas: academic success, leadership, and service to school and community.
A distinguished panel of educators will review all submissions and select approximately 600 semifinalists in early April. The Commission on Presidential Scholars, appointed by the President, will select the finalists, and the U.S. Department of Education will announce the Scholars in May.
Ms. Stiles is On Fire With Nearpod!
Coach Throop rocking the College Gear for COLLEGE WEAR WEDNESDAY!!
Kindness pays! Juan stopped to help a fellow classmate in need during class change.
And that’s a wrap on the 6A high school Swim season! They started the journey in August & worked hard for 29 weeks straight! This was 1 of the most challenging years for coaches & swimmers, but also the most rewarding! The girls were GR-eat! 15th out 235 & a Silver Medal for Keely Rollinson to close out her HS career!
Please find the latest Coaches Sports Updates (all info is submitted and provided by individual coaches each week)
Big wins at the GR quad on Friday 2/26! In girls’ singles Zia Osman took 3rd, Cristian Johnson and Tyler Gray came out with 3rd in boys’ doubles, Josh Minotti earned 3rd in boy’s singles and Nico White and Charlize Wilson came out on top with 1st place in mixed doubles. Successful day of tennis as the Longhorns continue to work their way through the spring season!
Longhorn tennis shoutouts are going to Ryan Chow and Zayne Smith for clinching 1st place in boys doubles, Darren Cheng and Nadia Badillo for bringing home 1st place, and Faith Melching for winning Consolation in the Deer Park Freshmen Tournament. Proud of these up and coming athletes for getting out and reppin’ GR the Longhorn way!
Celebrating a great day of varsity Longhorn tennis! Shout outs going to Charlize Wilson and Nico White for taking first place in mixed doubles and Madeline Sams and Zia Osman for clenching 2nd place in girls doubles. Proud of our hard working athletes and thankful for a day full of tennis!
What a game! The junior varsity lady Longhorns were able to secure 5 runs in each at bat and were lead by Jace Ramos and Blaine Belitz with one hit a piece. Aggressive base running lead to runs scoring as Cheyanne Herrera, Ramos, Abby Bergeron, Paige Harinski and SJ Housel all racked up stolen bases in the win. Belitz threw for all but the last inning, dealing the opponent three strikeouts. Alexis Humphries stepped in and pitch a solid final round. Well done, Longhorns!!
Congrats to Varsity Softball!! In the 3-0 victory Your Lady Longhorns softball players Jessyca Johnston and Kate Dolan lead the charge batting 1-2 a piece. Mariah Garner and Karrlauhn Deas were able to pull through for the team as well with one hit each. Johnston continued to help the team with a stolen base as did pinch runner Nayeli Faz. Longhorn senior Nora Thompson threw the full game and assisted the defense with 7 strikeouts. Overall record now stands at 2-1. Keep it up, girls!!
The Longhorns dropped the first game of the double header with Summer Creek in day 1 of the LCISD tournament. The Longhorns were led by Karrlauhn Deas with 2 hits. Selester Compian, Kyleigh Smith, Kate Dolan, Zaria Turner and Kennedy Marlow each had one hit.
The Longhorns bounced back in game two of the double header and beat Summer Creek 4-3. Deas, Compian, Garner and Johnston provided the hits. Nora Thompson pitched the complete game and picked up the win.
It was a busy week of girls soccer with the Longhorns competing in 3 games this week. Monday night the girls varsity team in the pouring down rain came up on the short end of the game losing to Austin 2-3. Taylor Holcombe scored 2 goals with Erica Phelan and Marcela Martinez assisting the goals. The Longhorns turned around and played Ridge Point Tuesday night and fell short to the talented Panther team 0-6. Friday Night the Longhorns celebrated the class of 2021 on senior night with a 4-0 win over FB Bush. Alyssa Merkt, Taylor Holcombe, Brooke Kuithe, and Gabi Gray all scored for the Longhorns, with Bailey Crouch and Ande Swan assisting the goals. Thank you seniors for all you have done for the Longhorn Soccer Program over the last 4 years.
Varsity Tournament Play Highlights:
Justin Mays went 3-3, Tanner Calvo threw 5 scoreless innings, and Bradley Hermes came in to slam the door as the Longhorns picked up our first win of the year.
Beau Beaty pitched a complete game shut out and Reese Beheler has a three run double in the opening game of the LCISD Varsity baseball tournament.
Cole Murphy pitched 6 shutout innings and Ben Lea hit a solo home run but Tomball Memorial scored 2 late to win.
Justin Mays and Diego Vinton pitched a strong game while Jacob Steuber had a double.
Reese Beheler hit his first home run of the year and finished the game with 4 RBIs as the Longhorns ended the first game of the Spring Branch ISD tournament in an 11-11 tie.
Johnathon Canter pitched a strong 2 2/3 innings and got out of a bases loaded jam. Dalton Kobza has a 2 RBI single to start a 4 run rally to come back and tie College Park.
Cole Murphy pitched 5 solid innings but Klein Collins pulled ahead late to win 9-7. Ben Lea hit a solo home run and Cole Murphy hit a two-run blast while Justin Nays pitched a strong 6 1/3 but Cy-Fair scores two late to win.
Diego Vinton pitched 4 strong innings and Victor Clay had 2 singles and scored 2 runs against Stratford.
JV and Freshman Tournament Play:
The longhorns lost to Tomball Tuesday 8-2. The Horns pitchers were Logan Watson, Joe Hernandez, Thomas Downey and Trevion Aikens. Offensively, John Braswell and Trent Richards help out with a hit each. The longhorns will move on to the Boiling Tournament this weekend, where they will start by facing Boiling High School (Thursday @10 am).
The Longhorns lost to Tomball Tuesday in their matchup 10-0. The Horns kept it close early with two strong pitching performances from both Colton Burleson and Reid McMillian. The Longhorns will move on to the FBISD Tournament this weekend (Thurs-Saturday).
The Longhorns struggled in their first game of the FBISD JV tournament, losing 13-0 to the Travis Tigers. Ashton Guevera and Tyler Dean pitched well in relief. Despite a great outing (5 & 1/3rd) by Alex Evensen on the mound, the Longhorns fell to the Pearland Oilers late 4-3. Offensively the Longhorns were led by Grant Reynolds who went 3/4. Likewise, Trent Turner and Damien Pizzatola shined on defense as well as at the plate. The Longhorns will travel to Ridge Point on Friday for their 3rd tilt of the FBISD JV Tournament.
The George Ranch 9th grade team traveled to Boling Tx. The first game resulted in a tough lost against Brenham High School 5-4. Defensively, the Longhorns were led by Jackson Refiel and William Surratt. They pitched 7 innings combined and allowed 3 runs. Offensively were led by Cody Ford and Trevion Aikens with several hits each. The second game resulted in a win against Baytown Lee 1-0. Trent Richards and David Austin threw a 7 inning shutout. Trent Richards only allowed 3 hit in 5 innings. David Austin earned saved by pitching a scoreless 2 innings to complete the shutout. Brady Duque, John Padilla and Noah Vinton all helped out defensively with great fielding and communication. The Longhorns will play their last game on Saturday at 1 pm.
The Longhorns lost in their only match-up of day two of the FBISD JV Tournament against the Ridge Point Panthers. The Longhorns had plenty of traffic on the base paths but only managed to scratch 2 runs across. Chase Adams, Trent Turner stood out offensively while Reid Filla held his own on the mound. The Horns will play Brazoswood in their game on Saturday to wrap up the FBISD Tournament.
Make sure and check out our very own GRHS Rockstar, Olivia Raymond's, VYPE Photo Gallery! She is pure talent!
GRHS Longhorn Skylar Herrera had a great meet, she placed first with a personal best throw of 13’ 9”, and she placed 2nd in both the 100 meters and the 400 meters.
TRACK - Girls!
Cypress Springs Invitational:
The Girls Track team traveled to Cy Springs high school to take on some of the best competition in the Houston area on Tuesday. The girls were ready to move and came out swinging. The lady longhorns were tearing up the track all night with stellar performances by a well-rounded team of strong senior leaders and a crew of up and coming freshman talent. Keep up the great work ladies!
Girls Results – 1st place overall team 3200 • Maddison Haldimon – 1st • Haley Harkrider – 2nd • Haley Moffit – 4th 4X100 – 3rd • *Relay members: Kalen Goodman, Alexis Tilford Rutherford, A’marie Khan, and Gabriella Ayiteyfio 800 • Ava Curtis – 1st • Britton Bielitz – 3rd • Chrystal Oswake – 4th 100 meter hurdles • Bethany Hoskins – 4th • Ruth Oguntope – 5th 100 • Gabriella Ayiteyfio – 3rd 4x200 – 3rd • Relay members: Samantha Smith, Journie Frankllin, Shanaje’ Cummings, Mya Swanigan 400 • Madi Gentles – 3rd • Chrystal Oswake – 4th • Vanessa John-miller – 5th 300 meter hurdles • Britton Bielitz – 3rd 1600 • Haley Harkrider – 1st • Madison Haldiman – 2nd 4x400 – 2nd • Relay members: Ava Curtis, Madi Gentles, Vannessa John-Miller, Jounrie Franklin Long jump • Genesis Griffin – 4th • Kalen Goodman – 5th • Madi Gentles – 6th Shot Put • Erika Gipson – 5th Discus • Bethany Hoskins – 4th (*New School Record!) • Ava Ward – 6th Triple Jump • Alexis Tilford-Rutherford – 1st • Genesis Griffin – 2nd • Kalen Goodman – 3rd High Jump • Gabrialla Ayiteyfio – 1st Pole Vault • Olivia Raymond – 1st And Skylar Herrera continued her dominance streak this time setting a Personal record in both the 100 and 400 meters with times of 24.8 seconds and 1:45.43. She was also able to throw a season best in the shot put with a distance of 12’ 7.25”
Stafford Spartans JV invitational:
The JV girls traveled out of district for the first time this season to check out the Stafford Spartans invitational. The girls left their mark, scoring a team total of 268 points, and bringing home their 2nd team trophy of the season.
Girls Results – 1st place overall team 3200 - Clara Bodnar: 1st place -Alex Martinez: 2nd place 4X100 – 3rd place • *Relay members: Osaruguemwen (Sally) Ebvuomwan, Joan Osho, Gracyn Coffman, Jacquelyn Alvarez 800 -Kianna Stamps: 1st place -Hannah Namutebi: 2nd place -Anagha Surendran: 6th Place 100 meter hurdles -Andrea Gutierez: 1st place -Raina Thomas: 2nd place -Hazel Nabo: 3rd place 100 -Joan Osho: 2nd place -Jacquelyn Alvarez: 4th place 4x200 – 2nd place • Relay members: Osaruguemwen (Sally) Ebvuomw, Joan Osho, Gracyn Coffman, Jacquelyn Alvarez 400 -Anagha Surendran: 1st place -Akira Brown: 4th place 300 meter hurdles -Ella Ngo: 1st place -Andrea Gutierez: 2nd place -Raina Thomas: 5th place 1600 - Haley Pounders: 1st place - Clara Bodnar: 4th place - Grace Howell: 6th place 4x400 – 3rd place • Relay members: Hannah Namutebi, Kianna Stamps, Ella Ngo, Raina Thomas Long jump -Osarutuemwen (Sally) Ebvuomwan: 1st place -Ashley Akarue: 4th place Shot Put -Kassandra Kee: 3rd Discus -Kassandra Kee: 1st -Kyler Hervey: 3rd Triple Jump -Osarutuemwen (Sally) Ebvuomwan: 1st place -Ashley Akarue: 2nd place High Jump -Raina Thomas: 1st place -Taliyah McDaniels: 2nd place Pole Vault -Ashlyn Gunn: 1st place -Anaabelle Lanik: 2nd place
Marshal’s 8th Annual Buffalo Relays:
The Varsity Girls Track and Field team travelled to Hall Stadium to compete in the 8th annual buffalo relays. Talent from all over the greater Houston area came to battle it out, and the Lady Longhorns stole the show! Some of the most notable highlights where when Alexis Tilford-Rutherford jumped a new school record of 19 feet 7 inches in the long jump! Her success was contagious as the rest of the team burned up the track and ran circles around the competition!
Girls Results – 1st place overall team 4X800 - 3rd • *Relay members: Britton Bielitz, Ava Curtis, Chrystal Oswake, Haley Harkrider. 4X100 – 2nd place • *Relay members: Alexis Tilford-Rutherford, Gabriella Ayiteyfio, A’marie Khan, Shanaje’ Cummings 100 meter hurdles - Ruth Oguntope: 5th 100 -Gabriella Ayiteyfio: 2nd place -A’marie Khan: 6th place 4x200 – 2nd place • Relay members:Journie Franklin, Kalen Goodman, Samantha Smith, Shanaje’ Cummings 400 -Madi Gentles: 4th place - Mya Swanigan: 6th place 300 meter hurdles -Ruth Oguntope: 5th place -Britton Bielitz: 6th place 200 -Journie Franklin: 4th place -Kalen Goodman: 5th place 1600 - Madison Haldiman: 4th place - Haley Harkrider: 5th place 4x400 – 3rd place • Relay members: Mya Swanigon, Vanessa John-miller, Madi Gentles, Journie Franklin Long jump -Alexis Tilford-Rutherford: 1st place *New School Record* -Genesis Griffin: 6th place Shot Put -Erika Gipson: 2nd place -Sarah Obania: 6th place Discus -Ava Ward: 2nd place -Bethany Hoskins: 4th place Triple Jump -Alexis Tilford-Rutherford: 1st place -Genesis Griffin: 2nd place -Kalen Goodman: 6th place High Jump -Gabriella Ayiteyfio: 2nd place Pole Vault -Taylor Reeves: 1st place
LCISD Relays:
The Varsity Girls Track and Field team invited the best of the best from the west side of Houston all the way down to Rosenberg for the LCISD relays. The girls dominated, putting forth elite caliber times, distances and heights in all of the events.
Girls Results – 1st place overall team 3200 - Madison Haldiman: 1st place *season best time* - Haley Harkrider: 3rd place 4X100 – 3rd place • *Relay members: Genesis Griffin, Sam smith, Shanaje’ Cummings, Journie Franklin 800 -Ava Curtis: 4th place *season best time* -Britton Bielitz: 6th place 4x200 – 1st place • Relay members: Journie Franklin, Alexis Tilford Rutherford, Shanaje’ Cummings, Gabriella Ayitefiyo 400 - Kalen Goodman: 3rd Place *Season Best Time* -Madi Gentles: 6th place 200 - Gabriella Ayiteyfio: 1st place -Journie Franklin: 2nd place -Alexis tilford-Rutherford: 4th place 1600 - Haley Harkrider: 3rd place - Madison Haldiman: 5th place 4x400 – 3rd place • Relay members: Kalen goodman, Madi Gentles, Ava Curtis, Vanessa John-Miller Long jump -Alexis Tilford-Rutherford: 1st place -Genesis Griffin: 3rd place Shot Put -Erika Gipson: 2nd place -Sarah Obania: 4th place Discus -Bethany Hoskins: 1st place -Ava Ward: 5th place Triple Jump -Alexis Tilford-Rutherford: 1st place -Genesis Griffin: 2nd place -Kalen Goodman: 3rd place High Jump -Gabriella Ayiteyfio: 1st place *season best height* Pole Vault -Taylor Reeves: 1st place *New School Record* -Olivia Raymond: 2nd place Skylar Herrera had a great meet as well, she placed first with a Personal best throw of 13’ 9”, and she placed 2nd in both the 100 meters and the 400 meters. All in all it was a fantastic track and field meet, run off by the best coaches in all of Texas! Thank you LCISD for putting on a well run, and profession caliber competition.
1st Place - 4x200!
1st Place - 4x400!
TRACK- Boys!
The Boys JV Track team travelled to Stafford to compete in the Spartan Relays. The boys were able to bring home the overall team victory with 207 points .
Boys Results – 1st place overall team 3200 • James Keenan – 1st • William Kneel – 2nd • 4X100 – 3rd •*Relay members: Tyler Hensley, Emmanuel Bakare, Garrison Backers, Henry Chukwu 800 • Matthew McDonald – 1st • Parker Hodges – 2nd • Blak Smith – 3rd 110 meter hurdles • Alex Nwambuonwo – 3rd • 400 • Isaiah Randon – 1st • Keith Douglas – 3rd • 300 meter hurdles • Alex Nwambuonwo – 3rd 200 • Michael Okohora – 2nd • Emmanuel Bakare – 3rd •1600 • Matthew McDonald – 1st • Parker Hodges – 2nd • Blak Smith – 4th 4x400 – 2nd • Relay members: Keith Douglas, Isaiah Randon, Kevin Odikpo, Michael Okohora Long jump • Henry Chukwu – 1st • Shot Put • David Walker – 2nd • Discus • Dylan Farmer – 1st • Triple Jump • Jackson Muckelroy – 3rd • High Jump • Henry Chukwu – 1st • Pole Vault • Jesus Ludert – 1st • Carson Poss– 2nd
On Wednesday night, the JV boys participated in the JV LCISD Relays. The most notable accomplishments were the relays, as the 4 by 100 meter relay (Deion Drinkard, Kaelix Martinez, Dylan Smith, and KJ McGuire), 4 by 200 meter relay (KJ McGuire, Sheldon Goodman, Deion Drinkard, and Aidan Buford), and 4 by 400 meter relay (Cole Armstrong, Donavan Bradfield, Aidan Buford, and Sheldon Goodman) all finished 3rd place. Many of the young men finished in the top six, with top 3 finished by Joseph Bivona (2nd place in the 200 meter dash), Donovan Bradfield (2nd place in the 400m dash), and Carson Lee (Pole Vault). Amongst the other great performances, there were also great long and triple jumps by Dylan Smith who finished in the top three in both the long jump and triple jump. Overall, the young men on JV White did an amazing job Wednesday night , showing just how much their hard work and dedication is paying off.
LCISD Varsity Relays:
The Varsity boys track team participated in the LCISD relays on Friday March 5, 2021 winning the meet with a grand total of 187 points. All of the young men ran, jumped, and threw well; with great performances by Ryan Hall in the Shot Put and Discus (5th and 2nd place respectively); Jeffery Ugo (5th) and Chiedoze Anusiem (6th) in the Long Jump; Jaylon Belford (2nd) and Kyle Kiser (3rd) in the triple jump; Cameron Chretien finished second the 800, while also getting 2nd in 400 with 4th and 6th place finishes by Grant Celestine and Mason Franklin respectively. There was also Kyjah Savery finishing 3rd in the 200m dash, with the 3200 looking like practice with Jacob Curtis, Forrest Anciso, and Travis Morrey taking 3rd, 4th, and 5th respectively. In the shorted distanced 1600, both Jacob and Forrest were able to add more points as well. The top performances though, came from the hurdles and relays. In the 110m hurdles, Shane Gardner took first place and Ife Famogun was 5th. Shane also won the high jump, with Kyjah Savery and Chuk Uchenna-Mabame finishing 4th and 5th respectively. In the 300m hurdles, Bryce McCray took first, Shane Gardner was 2nd, and Ife Famogun was 4th. With a 3rd place finish in the 4x100 meter relay, and first place finishes in both the 4x200m relay and 4x400m relay; the boys were able to finish the day with an exciting and successful win!