Bird's Word for August 31, 2023
Welcome back to school!
Welcome back to school!
Message from Mrs. Behnke:
I am happy to report that we are in the final stages of having the school and classrooms ready for your children to start the 23-24 school year next week. This has been a very busy summer both inside and outside the school. The City of Falcon Heights has put in a sidewalk all along Garden Ave to enhance the safety for pedestrians and a smooth new road. The Roseville School District has invested in the building with renovations to the academic wings: such as new lighting, flooring, paint, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, radiation, and some cabinetry. Phase 2 of the project will be done next summer. I extend my gratitude to all those involved in making this all happen. Great cooperation was needed between all the trades to navigate timelines and sharing spaces to meet the deadline - September 5, 2023 First Day of School. You did it!!!
I would understand if you and/or your child is a bit nervous about the first day of school, especially because we were unable to have you visit the school before the first day. I want to reassure you that the entire staff will be ready to help children find their classroom. We will be the ones wearing our Safety Vests. Let your child know that they can ask anyone in the vests for help. See you Tuesday, September 5th.
School starts Tuesday, September 5th for grades 1-6 and Wednesday, September 6th for Kindergarteners! School hours are 8:55 - 3:20pm. It's going to be hot, so be sure to send a water bottle!
Picture Day September 13, 2023
Falcon Heights picture day will be Wednesday, September 13th. Photos will be taken that day, proofs will go home several weeks later and ordering info will be available at that time. No need to order until you see the proofs!
Pick Up Patrol
PickUp Patrol is a secure web app that eliminates the need for you to send notes, write emails, or call the school to change your student’s dismissal plans. From a smartphone or a computer, you can make plan changes anytime, anywhere. It's simple and convenient to use—but most importantly, it helps your school manage student arrival and departure information accurately and efficiently to help keep our students safe.
If you already have an account, please check to make sure everything is accurate for this year. If you don't already have an account, you will receive an email invitation to set one up. If you have questions, please call the office at 651-646-0021.