Wildcat Weekly
Willowdale Wildcats Have Heart!
New School Hours!
Wednesday Hours are 8:30am - 2:30pm
Email: tlhartley@mpsomaha.org
Website: willowdale.mpsomaha.org
Location: 16901 P Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 402-715-8280
Principal Message
1. Thank you for your support at La Casa Night this week!
2. Construction update: Orchard Street will be closed at 168th Street starting Monday, 9/25 for at least 2 weeks. Please keep this in mind as you are planning your routes for drop off and pick up!
3. This year's Harvest Fest is going to be a blast!! I hope to see you Thursday, 9/28 from 6:00-7:30!
4. Parents and guardians, I'm asking for your help before school. We have staff on duty before school starting at 8:20, when our first bell rings. Students are arriving long before 8:20, and I need to emphasize to you that they are unsupervised. Arriving early is a safety concern. We've had concerns brought to our attention at both the front and back doors. Please ensure that your children arrive as close to 8:20 as possible. Please speak with your children about appropriate behavior when waiting for the bell to ring to start our day. I really appreciate your support!
5. Have a wonderful weekend with your families!
The Book Fair at Willowdale!
Parent Teacher Conferences Sign up is now open
Any questions or concerns, please reach out to Terri Hartley at tlhartley@mpsomaha.org or 402-715-8280.
PTO Corner
Join PTO Today!
President - Wendy Gibson
Vice President - Brittany Hoebelheinrich
Secretary - Jordan Fletcher
Treasurer - Bridget Perry
Top 5 things you can do THIS WEEK to support Willowdale:
#1: We still need help for this year's Harvest Fest! Sign up to donate for and/or volunteer for the Harvest Fest here! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0A4CA5AE2EA3FC1-2023#/
#2: MARK YOUR CALENDARS for our Harvest Fest! Harvest Fest is September 28 from 6pm-730pm and we will have Walking Taco or Hot Dog meals for sale for $4! You can also bring your own food if you like!
#3: Our Willowdale Movie night is around the corner and we still need volunteers! Wanna help? Email the PTO at willowdale.pto@gmail.com
#4: Sign up for TAGG at TAGG.today!
#5: Buy your yearbook today (school code 1015366313053291) and save 10%!
BONUS: Don't forget the next PTO meeting is October 17 from 530pm-630pm in the Willowdale library
Student Directory
Please contact the Willowdale PTO or Bridget Perry with any concerns.
Order your 23-24 Yearbook Now!
Picture Retake Day!
If you missed the first picture day, this is the make-up day for all pictures. You can send those order forms with your student to turn into the photographers on this day.
Veteran's Day Photos
Thank you,
Terri Hartley
Millard West Dance Team Clinic
Willowdale Watch Dogs
In order to give everyone an opportunity, please only sign up for 1 or 2 spots. If you have a question or concern about this, please reach out to Terri Hartly at tlhartley@mpsomaha.org
You can still order shirts with the following link:
Lunch Menu for September & Important Information regarding Lunches!
Our Kitchen Staff will be short staffed, so, starting Monday, September 11th, the lunch room will only have 2 choices for lunch.
Thank you for understanding while our school is short a lunch person and we hope that this will not last very long.
Lunch for Monday, September 25th:
1.Cheese Pizza
2. Bagel Kidzable
Lunch for Tuesday, September 26th:
1. Hot Dog
2. Bagel Kidzable
Lunch for Wednesday, September 27th:
1. Chicken Nuggets
2. Bagel Kidzable
Lunch for Thursday, September 28th:
1. Pizza Sticks with Marinara Sauce
2. Bagel Kidzable
Lunch for Friday, September 29th:
1. Chicken & Waffle
2. Bagel Kidzable
Meal Prices for 2023-2024
Breakfast - $1.60
Lunch - $3.15
2nd lunch - $2.75
Adult lunch - $4.60
Milk - $0.55