Bee Informed
Newsletter from Medina City Schools-March 12, 2021
Bee Informed
Daylight Savings Time - Spring Ahead
Medina City Schools Names Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Homecoming 2020: Reimagined
Congratulations to this year's court members Delaney Wickert, Jordyn Ruppelli, Claire Dorman, and Alyssa Bressler, and to the 2020 Homecoming Queen, Lucy O'Cull.
Freshmen Hallway
Sophomore Hallway
Junior Hallway
Virtual Lunch with the Superintendent
Stay connected with Medina City Schools and have virtual lunch through Google Meet with Superintendent Aaron Sable. The next meeting will be Friday, March 26 from 12:00 PM-1:00 PM. The group will be limited to the first 25 that register. Once the registrations have been received, the first 25 will receive a link to the Google Meet 30 minutes prior to the event.
To register, click on this link.
This will provide an opportunity to get some of the latest information and have a personal conversation with Superintendent Sable to answer questions, concerns, or talk about topics of interest. Don't forget to bring your lunch.
Student Art Show Winners
Student Art Show Program
Student Art Show Map
Dates for Prom and Graduation have been determined. Prom will be Saturday, May 15 at Medina High School for Medina High School seniors only. More details will follow from the high school as they become available. "We could not be more excited to share that we will have a Prom this year," said Assistant Superintendent/Medina High School interim principal Kris Quallich.
Graduation is set for Saturday, May 22 at 11:00 AM, and will be held at Medina High School in Ken Dukes Stadium returning to a traditional graduation ceremony. At this time, each graduating student is expected to receive four (4) tickets each for the event. May 23 at 11:00 AM will be held for a rain date. More details will be shared as they become available.
National Honor Society and Senior Awards will be held as student-only ceremonies. These events will be streamed live for parents and family members to view. Details will be forthcoming from Medina High School.
Medina High School March Student of the Month Named
Medina High School senior Brandon Kopkas has been named March Student of the Month. He is described as a passionate, kind, knowledgeable, humble young man who loves learning. Brandon truly enjoys new challenges and puts himself out there even when it can be difficult. In all he has achieved, Brandon has worked with careful practice and planning.
Brandon’s senior class schedule consists of Advance Placement and Honors courses. He is a member of the National Honor Society and the high school’s Debate Team and is a past member of the Student Council and Drama Club. He has been an oboe player in the Medina City Schools band program since he was in the 6th grade. For the last three years, Brandon has been a member of the Medina High School top concert ensemble, Symphony Band.
In his spare time, he volunteers in the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center as a peer tutor and works at Panera Bread.
After graduation, Brandon plans on attending college to study political science with a possible double major in urban studies. Brandon is the son of Chad and Heather Kopkas.
Career Exploration Opportunities Program Looking to Expand at Medina High School
Board of Education Meeting Calendar
Monday, March 15, 2021
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School/Professional Development Center
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Board of Education Work Session
6:00 PM-Medina High School/Professional Development Center
Monday, April 19, 2021
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School/Professional Development Center
Beginning with the regular meeting of the Board of Education on Monday, March 15, 2021, meetings will be held at Medina High School in the Professional Development Center and will be open to the public. Meetings may also be viewed live on Medina City Schools' YouTube channel and Armstrong channel 201.
Replays of the meeting will also be available on Medina City Schools' YouTube Channel and Armstrong Channel 201.
Claggett Middle School Students Participate in Virtual Power of the Pen Tournament
Congratulations to Varsity Boys Soccer Coach Simon Spelling
Congratulations for Darcy Ranallo, Head Gymnastics Coach
Congratulations to the Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball Teams
Camp Invention
Keeping the Tradition of Song Alive at Medina High School
Helping Hands Preschool Registration Open for 2021-2022 School Year
Registration for Medina City Schools’ Helping Hands Preschool opened Monday, March 1, 2021. Helping Hands is an integrated pre-school which is part of the Medina City Schools and housed at Northrop Elementary School, 950 East Reagan Parkway. This 5-Star rated program provides mandated preschool services to children three to five years of age with disabilities and offers a developmentally appropriate preschool experience for a select number of typical peers. Helping Hands provides high-quality programming that focuses on the Ohio Learning Content Standards in preparation for kindergarten.
There are two sessions offered with the morning session from 9:00 AM-11:40 AM Monday thru Thursday and an afternoon session from 12:45 PM-3:25 PM Monday through Thursday. The cost for typical peers is $160.00 per month and students with disabilities are at no cost to the parent.
To register typically developing peers, please call 330.636.4601 for directions to complete the online registration and screening information. To register students with suspected disabilities, please call 330.636.4606 for directions and screening information. For any additional questions, please contact Ms. Kathy Ashcroft, supervisor, Helping Hands Preschool at 330.636.4644.
Summer Employment Opportunities for High Schools Students
Summer Camp Counselor
Medina City Parks & Rec Laborer
Food Distribution Available to Medina City Schools’ Families In Need
Thanks to the efforts of the Medina City Schools Food Service/Child Nutrition Department and their staff, food distribution will continue through the 2020-2021 school year. Meals are free to all children ages 1-18 and include one breakfast and one lunch per day. Click here for ordering information and pick-up times and locations. In the event of a calamity day on meal distribution day, it will be canceled for that day.
Cafeteria Cook
equivalent is required. Visit www.medinaoh.org/job-opportunities or call 330.722.9077. EOE
Cafeteria Server
Bus Drivers
District to Move Forward With Teaming at Middle Schools for 2021-2022
Mental Health Training Opportunity
Through the Medina County Aware grant, two virtual, community-wide mental
health trainings, called AID, are being hosted at the end of March.
● Monday, March 22nd, 10-11 a.m.
● Wednesday, March 31st, 3-4 p.m.
The training is an hour long and focuses on recognizing signs and symptoms
of mental distress, how to effectively interact with someone in distress, and
help connect individuals with resources. The training is free to attend.
Registration can be completed through this flyer. For more information about Medina
County Aware, visit: https://www.kent.edu/mhsu/MCA
Medina High School DAP 2 Students Create Icon Portraits
Liam Brock
Olive Tree
Sarah Riley
Millie Bobby Brown
Erik Brand
Riding the Razor
Youth Rugby Registration
Youth Baseball Registration
Youth Lacrosse Registration
Robotics Club at Blake Elementary and Heritage Elementary
Back-to-School Student Information Update
Peer Tutoring Available
Students will be paired with National Honor Society students and other honors students. They will meet one to two times per week depending on their schedules. In addition, optional virtual tutoring will be available.
Tutoring applications are available online or at Medina High School in the Tutoring Center. All tutoring sessions will be coordinated through Carolyn Grenfell, Tutoring Center Director. Interested students and/or parent/guardians should contact Carolyn Grenfell at grenfellc@medinabees.org.
Medina Girls Softball
Virtual College Fairs
Career Fairs
Medina County Career Center to Host Open House
Important Information: Medina High School Yearbooks
Seniors Yearbook Portrait Pictures
If you did not have your senior picture taken by Prestige, you will have a second opportunity to do so during school picture day on March 17. This is only for seniors who did not previously get their picture taken.
Grades 9-11 Yearbook Portrait Pictures
Good News!! Picture day is coming March 17 for all students grade 9-11. This includes current MODA students. More information will be coming soon, stay tuned!
If your child is a MODA student and you are not comfortable having them go to school for a picture, please upload their picture using this link https://www.ybkplus.com/auth. A student email address will need to be entered and you will be sent a code to continue on to the site and upload your picture. The deadline for these pictures is March 19.
If you have questions or need help about picture day please email brennera@medianbees.org
If you have questions or need help with the portrait tool, please email hascherh@medinabees.org
The yearbook staff is working hard on this year's book. Everything we typically include will be in this year’s edition with the exception of the events that have been canceled. Please consider purchasing at www. jostens.com. The cost is $70.00.
If you have any questions or concerns please email hascherh@medinabees.org.
See What's Going On In Our Community
Medina City Schools Mobile App
Boosters Corner
The Medina football team had the most celebrated year in the history of Medina High School this past season. With three playoff wins and victories over perennial powerhouses St. Ignatius and St. Edward, the Bees had plenty to celebrate. Last month, the team and the Boosters shared their celebration with our biggest sponsors by presenting signed and framed Medina jerseys to the teams at Serpentini Chevrolet and Amy Hoes of Howard Hanna. Senior captains Luke Hensley, Otto Weight, Gavin Rodak, Dorian Boyland, Ryan Gillespie all joined Boosters VP of Sponsorship Crell Johns in delivering these one-of-a-kind gifts to our most important sponsors.
"The Serpentini team and Amy Hoes were excited to receive the jersey and meet the guys after such a successful and unforgettable year,” said Johns. “While the jersey is a small token of our appreciation, it’s really a symbol of the partnership we value with our sponsors. The captains represented Medina Athletics with class and showed their appreciation to the sponsors for the support they have benefited from this year."
As we begin to move from winter sports to spring sports season, remember there are still winter sports programs available for only $5. Check with your head coach or parent representative for a program from this past season. Make sure you follow the Medina Boosters on Twitter @medinaboosters for target dates on submissions for this Spring’s “Before They Were Bees” and program availability.
The Boosters has also teamed up with the Medina Athletic Department, the boys & girls track teams, and Serpentini Chevrolet to buy 88 new custom-made hurdles for the Medina track. Each entity partnered together to cover the $17,000 cost for the new hurdles.
Medina City Schools
Email: busbya@medinabees.org
Website: www.medinabees.org
Location: 739 Weymouth Road, Medina, OH, USA
Phone: 330.725.8831
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedinaCitySchools
Twitter: @MCScomm1