Beardsley News
September 26, 2023
Important Dates
26th - DC Pre-Departure meeting for 8th grade students/parents
29th - End of Term 1
4th - Picture Retake / New Student Picture Day / If you missed Picture Day
6th -- 9th - DC Trip
9th - No School, Columbus Day
10th-11th-12th - 8th Gr Field Trip
11th - Term 1 Progress Reports on ParentVue
17th - DC Inauguration Tour/Meeting for current 7th graders and parents
18th - Early Release, 1 pm
25th - Halloween Band Concert
27th - Halloween Dance
DC Inauguration Tour / Meeting for October 2024 Trip
Mr. Brown, your DC Trip Advisor, will be holding a meeting on Tuesday, October 17th at 6:00 pm in the Main Gym at Hannah Beardsley. This is for current 7th graders and their parents/guardians who are interested in going to DC October 2024. You will receive the itinerary, cost and information on how to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact him directly at jrbrown@d47.org.
BPAC Technology Night Open House
We invite our multilingual families to a Technology Open House on Friday, September 29 from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. This event is designed to bring the community together to learn more about the technology tools that keep you connected to your child’s school. Information will be available at stations for families to stop by & visit. Pizza and light refreshments will be served and the entire family is welcome! Click here to register.
Yearbooks - Lowest price until October 6th
Order a yearbook for your student by Friday, October 6, 2023 and you’ll get it at the lowest price of the year!
Yearbooks can be purchased at www.jostensyearbooks.com. You can also use this direct link or by phone at 1-877-767-5217. Your student will receive a flyer this week to bring home!
Surprise your student with a personalized yearbook cover and get FOUR FREE ICONS. Offer ends Friday, October 6, 2023.
Cheer Tryouts for 7th and 8th Graders
In order to come to the workshop and tryout, you need to register on Snap Manage. Use the link on the HBMS website and have a current physical on file with the nurse.
- Learn 2 cheers and a short dance routine: Tuesday, October 3rd, 3:30 - 5:30
- Try-Outs: Thursday, October 5th, 2:20 - 4:00
- Cost: D47 Athletic Fee $75.00 will be billed to ParentVue once the roster is set.
Please reach out to Miss Sebastian or Mrs. Pyra if you have any questions.
Check Out Pictures from Spirit Week!
Activity Buses
Activity buses have started and run on Monday / Tuesday / Thursday. Students cannot leave school grounds and return to ride an Activity Bus home. They must remain on school property to ride the bus home.
Clubs are starting up. Please check out the Daily Announcements page on our website and the Calendar. Click here to view
Upcoming Events
Dining for Dollars
Mark your calendars for the next Dining for Dollars at Guzman y Gomez on October 25th, from 5-9pm. Mention Hannah Beardsley and the PTO will receive 20% of your sales!
Concession Stand
The PTO is proud to offer concessions at home volleyball games and basketball games starting Monday, September 25th. The concession stand will offer a wide array of snacks and goodies. Cash only.
Fall Fundraiser Updates
Please expect the Lou Malnati’s coupons to be sent home with your student the first week of October. We’ll alert you when we send the coupons home so you know to look for them.
Get ready for the next fall fundraiser…delicious pies from the Elegant Farmer! Consider your Thanksgiving desserts taken care of. Order forms will be sent home the week of October 10th. Please contact HannahBeardsleyPTO@gmail.com with any questions.
Special Event
HBMS All School Halloween Dance
Please mark your calendars for Friday, October 27th, from 5-7pm for a Halloween dance at the school. All grade levels (current HBMS students only) are invited! There will be plenty of fun for everyone: a DJ and dancing in the main gym, basketball, and volleyball in the auxiliary gym, and concessions for purchase in the cafeteria. School appropriate attire. Casual dress. Costumes encouraged! Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks. School day attendance is required to attend the dance.
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us!
Next PTO Meeting
Our next PTO Meeting is Tuesday, November 7th, from 6-7pm in the library at HBMS. Mark your calendars!
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: @PTOHannah
For any questions please email us at hannahbeardsleypto@gmail.com
Elevate Award
Cafeteria Menus
Peachjar E-Flyers
Be "In the Know" - Download the D47 app!
Contacting the School Office
Main Line 815-788-5750
Principal - Carrie Coats - cccoats@d47.org
Assistant Principal - Shannon Heckman - slheckman@d47.org
Assistant Principal - Josh Gschwend - jgschwend@d47.org
Dean of Students - Todd Skarr - tskarr@d47.org
Administrative Assistants - Troy Bretzman, Kathleen Gluck
School Nurse - Laurie Kaiser - lkaiser@d47.org