Eagle Family Weekly News
November 5 - 11
This has been an action-packed week at East Lake! We have two weeks to go before Thanksgiving break.
As the weather is changing, please make sure to send your child to school with warm clothing and/or a jacket that can be utilized for outdoor recess. Please also make sure to check with Lost & Found to retrieve items that didn't quite make it home. Our Lost & Found closet is already overflowing. Items not picked up by December 20 will be donated to a local charity.
Thank you for your continued partnership with East Lake!
Big News This Week
It's Daylight Savings Time! Don't forget to move those clocks back one hour!
We are celebrating Kindness Week!
What better way to kick this week of intentional acts of kindness than with our annual Food Drive? There are two bins in the front hallway for students to place canned goods and non-perishable items to serve those who are in need.
Monday, November 6:
- PTO Urban Air Spirit Night: 5 - 8 pm
Tuesday, November 7:
- Teacher Workday; No School for Students
Wednesday, November 8:
- Students will enjoy a special visit with Michael Green...The Science Machine! (Thank you PTO!)
Thursday, November 9:
- Community Conversations with Union Grove Cluster; 6:00 pm at Union Grove Middle School
Friday, November 10:
- PINK OUT for Peggy Joiner! (I share this news with permission from Ms. Joiner)
Ms. Joiner was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. We want to honor her and declare our commitment of support throughout her healing journey. We encourage your child to participate in the biggest sea of pink East Lake has ever seen on November 10! - Veterans Day Program; please make sure to RSVP your East Lake family member who will attend with your child.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events:
November 14:
- PTO Meeting, 3:00 pm
November 16:
- East Lake Spirit Night at Starlite in Stockbridge (see flyer for more details)
December 1:
- PTO Jingle Jam!
Highlights from Last Week
October Students of the Month
Congratulations to the following students for being named as Student of the Month!
Ahava Canfield, Ariel Walker, Ashton Davis, Bailey Coleman, Boaz Anderson, Brin Drake, Brock Bodiford, Enoch Cauble, Gabrielle Leverette, Gentry Oraka, Giomar Rodriguez-Lantiqua, Hilyer Bush, Hunter Mitchell, Jack Bono, Jeremiah Wilson, Joseph Schultz, Kayce Dantzler, Khanh Truong, Kylee Lyons, Leann Moore, Leilani Williams, Liam Murphy, LJ Powell, Maham Imtiaz, Makhi Payne, Mamie Cole Pope, Maya Adams, Myah Jones, Oliver Radatz, Tyce Bradley, Willow Hamelin, Braleigh Young
Congratulations, Ms. Petersen!
Congratulations, Ms. Joiner!
Ms. Joiner is an outstanding EIP Teacher! She also serves as an SST Co-Chairperson, and she is always busy supporting academic instruction at East Lake. We are proud to announce her as our Teacher of the Month for October!
K-2 Literacy Day Winners
Congratulations to Ridge, Dax, and Stone for being selected as winners in our K-2nd grade poetry recitation competition. They will move on to represent East Lake in our cluster competition. We know they will do a great job!
Our 3rd - 5th grade competition will be held next week.
East Lake Honors Our Veterans
Bus Safety Poster Contest
Free & Reduced Lunch
If you have not already done so, you can still apply for Free & Reduced Lunch. Click here for more information and for applications in English or Spanish. If you need additional translations, please call the front office at (678)583-8947.
Teens Teaching Tots Program at UGHS
Student Code of Conduct
Town Hall Meeting
Our Code of Conduct has been updated for the 2023-2024 school year. We use this to guide all decisions about office referrals and any consequences.
PTO Corner
PTO Volunteers Matter!
Thank you to our PTO volunteers who help out in many ways around the school! These brave souls are preparing patients for an upcoming STEM activity...order of operations surgery! Thank you for helping out in every way you can to make East Lake THE best school in Henry County and beyond!
If you'd like to join in the volunteer fun, please reach out to us and we will get you connected!
PTO Executive Board
Co-Presidents: Voletta Brown & Amanda Schultz
Vice President: Janice Alfred
Secretary: Mayra Mejia
Treasurer: Candace Benson
East Lake PTO Contact email: eastlakeelementarypto@yahoo.com
East Lake Elementary
Website: https://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/ele
Location: 199 East Lake Road, McDonough, GA, USA
Phone: (678)583-8947
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eastlakehcs
Twitter: @eastlake_hcs