Wayne County 4-H
News and Notes
Inside this Issue: May 17, 2017
What Extension Means to Me Video!
Sheep Clinic - Saturday May 20th
Join the Dairy Quiz Bowl Team - First Practice Session Starts May 21st
Wayne County Dairy Quiz Bowl Practice Dates:
All Practices are from 1:30 to 3:30 pm in the Armstrong Building or Grange at the Fairgrounds.
- May 21
- June 4
- June 11
- June 18
- June 25
- July 2
State Contest is Wednesday, July 12 at the OSU Dairy Science Building in Columbus
Questions?? Contact Lisa Gress at 330-231-0284
Cloverbud Day Camp Registration Due Mon. May 22nd
Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors Informational Meeting and Clinic
Quality Assurance Training - May 25th
Quality Assurance Frequently Asked Questions - Answered
- Members taking multiple animal projects only have to attend one QA event.
- Members must still complete the Skillathon for each animal project.
- Members may attend any animal clinic offering QA even if they are not taking that project. (However, it is recommended they attend their project's clinic for valuable information)
- If members attended an out of county QA event (Beef Expo, OSU Swine Day, etc.) members must send/bring in proof of participation to the Extension Office by August 1st.
Registration for Thursday May 25th Quality Assurance will begin at 6:30 pm and the session will run from 7-8:30 pm. It will be held at Fisher Auditorium on the OSU Wooster Campus.
New Volunteer Orientation and Make Up Session for Volunteers that Missed February Required Training - May 30th
- Part 1: 6:00 - 7:00 pm will cover 4-H and Jr. Fair program updates and annual training on Recognizing and Reporting the Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect. This session is open to both new and returning volunteers.
- Part 2 7:00 - 8:00 pm is the New Volunteer Orientation and Interview session. Open to new 2017 volunteers only.
Please note: after 4:30 pm the doors to the Extension Office / County Administration Building are locked. We will have someone at the door to let people in 10-15 minutes prior to the start-time of an event. However, if you arrive late - you must use the call box to ring up to the meeting room and we will send someone down to let you in. The call box is located on a pillar outside of the entrance to the Auditor's Office, which is the front entrance to the building located closest to the corner of Liberty Street and Columbus Ave.
Wayne County 4-H
Email: foxx.2@osu.edu
Website: wayne.osu.edu
Location: 428 West Liberty Street, Wooster, OH, United States
Phone: 330-264-8722
Facebook: facebook.com/WayneCty4H
Twitter: @WayneCo4HOhio