Trevitt Elementary
Health Science Academy: Back To School Edition
From the Desk of Dr. Bates: School Principal
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year! I am optimistic and hopeful this will be our best school year yet! Please join us on Friday, August 19th from 1:00-4:00 pm for our Trevitt Back to School Giveaway! We will have bookbags, school supplies and more to give to parents and families. Please review the notes below in preparation for opening day.
1. School starts for students on Wednesday, August 24th at 9:00 am. Students may enter the building at 8:45 am for free breakfast. Dismissal is at 3:30 pm for walkers and 3:25 pm for car riders.
2. We will have a Virtual Back to School Orientation on Thursday, August 18th from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Please use the zoom link below to attend.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://ccsoh-us.zoom.us/j/8515894949
Meeting ID: 851 589 4949
One tap mobile: +13092053325,,8515894949# US
3. We know families have questions about the Columbus Board of Education's ongoing negotiations with the Columbus Education Association. Please find FAQs, a newsfeed, and everything families need to know using this link: https://www.ccsoh.us/Page/11564
4. Is Your Parent Portal Account Activated? Stay engaged in your child’s education by setting up and signing into the Columbus City Schools Parent Portal. Through the Parent Portal, you’ll be able to securely access valuable information. You can access your child's schedule, teacher contact information, grades and more! If you need assistance with the parent portal. Please click on the link directly below this article for detailed instructions.
5. Our parent handbook is in the final revision phase. It will be distributed via email and reviewed during our Back to School Orientation.
6. Please take a look at our website! We will use our website to keep you updated on important information. Visit our website by clicking here: https://www.ccsoh.us/TrevittES
Have a wonderful day and remember...The Trevitt Way! At Trevitt, we are not average, we are EXCELLENT!
Dr. Bates
The Trevitt Elementary dress code was established to help increase a sense of pride for learning. We want each child to reach his or her potential in an environment that is safe and free from learning distractions. We want learning to be the focus for our children. We look forward to the positive impact school uniforms will have on the academic environment and the safety of our school.
The uniform consists of:
Tops: Short or Long sleeves polo shirt in white, navy blue, yellow, black or light blue.
Bottoms: Shorts, pants, skirts, skorts, or jumper in khaki, black or navy blue.
In the event of no uniform, we will temporarily allow students to wear a solid color shirt and solid colored bottoms (NO DENIM).
Family Resource Fair
Get Ready to Go Back to School!
The 2022-2023 school year is right around the corner, and Columbus City Schools wants students and families to be Ready to Go on when school starts on August 24.
Before CCS heads back to the classroom, families are invited to one of the largest back-to-school celebrations in the city! Join us Saturday, August 20, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., on the campus of Fort Hayes Arts & Academic High School for the CCS Back-to-School Family Resource Fair.
Click here to RSVP for the CCS Back-to-School Family Resource Fair.
CCS departments and community partners across Columbus, such as Nationwide Children’s Hospital, American Red Cross, Making a Difference, Mount Vernon District Improvement Association, NBC4, and many more. Partners will be on-hand connecting students and families with resources to make sure they’re ready for the first day of school, including:
- Free backpack and school supply giveaways;
- Health screenings and sports physicals (Appointments Required - Schedule HERE);
- Immunizations and vaccinations; and
- Help with all your CCS needs from enrollment to bus stops to Chromebooks and everything in between!
The District is also partnering with the American Red Cross and its Resilient Community Project to sponsor a blood drive and combat the critical donor need in our community. Interested donors can click HERE to schedule an appointment using the sponsor code “FortHayes.”
The August 20 CCS Back-to-School Family Resource Fair will be an afternoon filled with important information, resources, and fun for the entire family!
- Welcome back, CCS community! We're Ready to Go and we hope you are as well!
Please see below for important, timely back-to-school-related announcements, as well as you gear up for the 2022-2023 school year.
Before CCS heads back to the classroom, families are invited to one of the largest back-to-school celebrations in the city! Join us Saturday, August 20, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., on the campus of Fort Hayes Arts & Academic High School for the CCS Back-to-School Family Resource Fair. Visit the Family Resource Fair page for more information.
It’s almost time to return to the classroom, and if your child is using yellow bus transportation this year, we have some important information to share.
CCS Transportation is hard at work to ensure buses will be ready to pick up students when school starts. If you have questions or haven’t received your child’s bus stop information by the start of school, please call the transportation call center at 614-365-5074 between the hours of 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.
For kindergarten through 8th grade students, parents can expect information on their child’s busing routes two weeks before the start of school. For regular-education high school students eligible for yellow bus transportation, you must opt in for transportation services for the 2022-2023 school year. Parents can opt-in through the Parent Portal. The deadline to opt-in is Friday August 5th. If you opt-in after the deadline, transportation is not guaranteed to be ready by the start of school.
Guide To Student Success
Resources for Families
Charity Newsies Back to School Clothing Resource
Program Details:
Clothing applications are available on-line only. Applications will be accepted from through 2:00pm on Friday, Dec 3, 2022. In-person applications are no longer available at our headquarters or any of the public libraries as in previous years.
Clothing Packets will consist of one winter coat, knit hat and gloves, 3 pairs of pants, 3 shirts, 6 pairs of socks and underwear. All clothing will conform with the published uniform and/or dress code policy of each child’s school. For schools that allow a uniform only, a uniform voucher will be provided in lieu of the shirts and pants, as applicable.
For all questions relating to our on-line clothing application please email: application@charitynewsies.com. This email is monitored during regular office hours only. (M-F 9am-12:30pm)
Trevitt Elementary Health Science Academy
- Follow us on our Instagram Page @trevittelementary
- Follow us on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Trevitt-Elementary-School-106196871081404/
Email: trevittes@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: https://www.ccsoh.us/TrevittES
Location: 519 Trevitt Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: 614-365-6137
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Trevitt-Elementary-School-106196871081404/