The Pioneer Press
November 22nd, 2023
What's Happening in Science Classes
Sixth grade science classes are finishing the Amplify Unit “Microbiome” by studying the scale of microscopic things, learning to use microscopes, and doing a case study on the fictional Patient 23. These lessons use the Science and Engineering Practices of Constructing Explanations and Developing and Using Models.
Seventh grade science has completed their first Amplify Unit called “Life on Mars”. The students used the Science and Engineering practices of Analyzing and Interpreting Data and Engaged in Argument from Evidence. The next topic will be Plate Tectonics with a focus on volcanoes and Earth’s plate motion.
Eighth grade has used Scale and Proportion skills to make an Earth and a Planet of their choice to scale. As we continue with Space science, we are learning the phases of the moon and what causes us to see the moon in these phases as it orbits Earth. The Science and Engineering skill of Developing and Making Models is enhancing student understanding of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. Students are making a lunar phase wheel in the pictures below.
Winter Social
Friday December 8th 2:45 - 4:45pm
Students must have a signed permission slip to purchase a ticket.
See Mrs. Ruby (attendance office) to buy your ticket.
Deadline to buy your ticket is LUNCH TIME on the day of the social.
$5 if you have purchased an ASB Card; $7 if you do NOT have an ASB card.
Social Activities: music, movie, open gym, various games/activities, pretend snow ball fights, crafts, pizza & concessions (please bring small bills and coins).
Here's the Permission Slip you can print at home.
Friday, Dec 8, 2023, 02:45 PM
Pioneer Middle School, Bobs Hollow Lane, DuPont, WA, USA
Thank you to our Pioneer PTA for this fundraiser! Thank you for your donations to make our school even better!