Crowley ISD Boardroom Rewind
February 28, 2019 - Meeting Highlights
Board Approves 2019-20 School Calendar
Click the calendar above to obtain a printable copy of the new calendar.
The Board of Trustees approved the 2019-20 school calendar. Highlights include:
· First day of school is Thursday, Aug. 15
· Two-and-a-half days of fall break for students in October; one day for staff
· Spring break is March 9-13, same as Fort Worth ISD and Mansfield ISD
· Last day of school is Thursday, May 28
Daily start/end times for the 2019-20 school year are being finalized and will be announced at a later date.
More than 600 Apply for CISD MyChoice Programs
Meadowcreek Teacher Earns Early Education Award
Vasha Johnson was one of 10 Tarrant County winners for the Crystal Apple Teaching Award for Excellence in Early Education.
Crowley ISD partners with Child Care Associates to provide expanded early childhood education opportunities for qualifying families in our community.
District Celebrates Black History Bowl Winners
Watch the video above to see highlights from the Black History Bowl.
•Elementary Division: Black History Champions from Sidney H. Poynter Elementary School and Everman Souder (tie)
•Junior Division: Coyote Hot Pink from S.H. Crowley Intermediate School
•Senior Division: Team Eagles from H.F. Stevens Middle School
CISD Recognizes February Heartbeat Winner
Mandy Hayworth, Jackie Carden Elementary P.E. teacher, is the February 2019 Heartbeat Team Award winner.
The award recognizes employees who display heart as they go above and beyond their job description, inspiring other employees through their extraordinary work ethic. Heartbeat team members are nominated only by other district employees.
Watch to learn more about why Hayworth is the heartbeat of Crowley ISD.
Program Helps CISD Students After Graduation
Dr. Anthony Johnson, the United Way graduation coach at Crowley High School, provided an overview of the program and its success.
CISD Marketing Staff Wins State Awards
Independent judges evaluate and score each entry based on its own merit. Bronze, Silver and Gold Stars are awarded based on set criteria. The judges then review their highest scoring Gold Star winners and select a Best of Category for a state champion in each division.
View all the winning entries.
From left to right (front row): Lyndsae M. Benton, board secretary; Superintendent Dr. Michael D. McFarland; June W. Davis, board president; Mia Hall, board vice president
From left to right (back row): Gary Grassia, board assistant secretary; Nedra Robinson, board member; Dr. La Tonya Mayfield, board member; Ryan Ray, board member