Powell Publisher
Week of August 28, 2023
A Note From Mrs. Anderson
Powell Families,
I hope that your children are enjoying each moment they spend at school! Our staff sure does! Please make every effort to have your child at school each day. Our teachers pack at lot of learning into each school day! We ask that your child only be out if they are ill.
Please note the three day weekend coming up for Labor Day. We will not have school on Monday, September 4th.
Enjoy your weekend!
Erin Anderson
Upcoming Dates
September 4: Labor Day Holiday - no school
September 5: DI Informational Meeting, Mitchell Intermediate, 6:00-7:00 PM
September 13: College Park Homecoming Parade at Market Street, 6:30 PM
September 14: Boy Scout Meeting, Powell Cafeteria, 6:30 PM
September 18: Chick-fil-A Spirit Night
September 27: TWHS Homecoming Parade at TWHS Parking Lot
How to Contact Powell
Will your child be absent from school or need to make a transportation change?
Please make sure to send an email to ContactPowell@ConroeISD.net. Any other email address (such as the teacher's or Registrar's) may be missed! That individual might be out of school for the day, and it will never be acknowledged.
The ContactPowell email address is monitored throughout the day by staff and is the best way to reach us. Also, we cannot take transportation changes over the phone - they must be done in person or by email with your Photo ID attached to that email for security reasons.
If your child is absent, you can send an additional email to the teacher to see about make up work, but it cannot replace contacting us at the Contact Powell email or by calling our front office line at 936-709-1700.
CISD Cell Phone Committee Information
Free and Reduced Meals
Please choose Conroe ISD as the district.
Powell Chess Club
Chess Enrollment Is Now Open (KG – 5th Grade)! Enroll Online Right Here:
Our Powell Elementary Chess Team wants you! Brand-new beginners as well as advanced players are welcome, so come check us out! This year take the plunge and join us as we laugh and train in daily mardi-gras bead chess tourneys and compete for prizes in our daily music-driven chess puzzlers and watch zany chess movies and interface and intertrain with The Knight School chess teams across the US. There has never been a party-based approach to chess like this, and our unique, kid-oriented philosophy has made us 51-0 in our history, and counting!
Our high-energy chess classes are developmentally and cleverly targeted directly for Elementary kids! Come join the fun as kids learn to love learning, learn that they are unspeakably smart, and learn how to absolutely crush their parents in chess! The Knight School is the most compelling, kid-centered chess party in America. Learn more and sign up for our school chess team at www.theknightschool.com or call and chat with Coach Justin at (325) 668-6913.
Destination Imagination
If you have any questions, please contact Kellye Robinson, at kprobinson@conroeisd.net.
PTO News
Get a head start on the CISD background check for a smooth check-in process at Powell! (https://apps.conroeisd.net/volunteer/) The background check will allow you to enter Powell Campus during our events, volunteer opportunities, and get togethers.
The incentive for joining PTO this year will be a color changing cup and straw with our Powell Panther logo on it. So you can slurp up some of your favorite drink while looking cool!
This year our Fundraising team is partnering up with Mabels Labels to help out our PTO and your Panther. Labeling items such are jackets, shoes, water bottles, and lunchboxes will ensure these items make it back to your panther and not into Lost & Found. Go to campaigns.mabelslabels.com and search for Powell Elementary PTO.
Parent Access Center
School SMS Messages
Our Mission and Vision
At Powell Elementary, we are dedicated to providing a positive learning environment that empowers students to strive for excellence, accept others, and treat everyone with kindness. Our goal is to encourage all students to persevere academically and be responsible citizens in our school, community, and the world around them!
The vision of Powell Elementary is to be a supportive, inclusive and intentional school community through:
- collaboration that provides consistent instructional practices to ensure daily learning and individual growth;
- focused instruction with high expectations that meets the needs of a diverse student population;
- cooperative partnerships with staff, parents, and the community to ensure a safe learning environment; and
- fostering compassion and character development through strong classroom communities.
Email: contactpowell@conroeisd.net
Website: powell.conroeisd.net
Location: 7332 Cochrans Crossing Drive, Spring, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-1700
Twitter: @PowellCISD