Panui / Newsletter
Rāmere Friday 2nd December Hakihea 2022 (T4:W7/8)
Our Tumuaki / Principal
We have had an actioned packed week in the second last week of Term Four and the year. Updates and developments to share with you this week include the following...
LMV Zone Swimming Sports: Last Friday was a Zone Swimming Sports. Well done to Stan Hunter, Iyland Roberts and the relay team (Stan, Josh, Piper and Iyland) who took out top honours at our recent LMV Zone Swimming Sport. Thank you to Sanne and Hayley for being our support teachers at this event.
Triathlon 2022: Monday's weather was fantastic and the children really enjoyed their triathlon. Thank you to Miss Laura McVicar and her support team who helped make the afternoon a success. Thank you to the many parents who popped along and were part of the event.
Student Council Disco: A big thank you to Mrs Coyle and the Student Council for another successful event for the children, this time our end-of-year disco, held on Tuesday evening, based around the theme of colour. It was a lot of fun with many brightly coloured children enjoying themselves.
Levi Goodall: On Wednesday afternoon we had a treat with Levi Goodall coming and sharing his skills and story around being a mountain bike stunts performer. It was an exciting experience for all children. He spoke about choosing good friends, being persistent in the face of adversity and the maturity comes from giving.
Christmas Card Art: Term Four's Principal's Challenge was to design some artwork that would go on the front of our bespoke Edendale Primary School Christmas cards that I use for staff and the School Board. The winner this year was Halle Barrett. She received a $30 Warehouse voucher for her efforts. Thanks, Halle.
Christmas Postie Elf: The week deliveries have begun with hundreds of cards already going across the school. It is a lot of fun where children learn the joy of giving and how it makes others feel affirmed and acknowledged. It is aroha in action for our children.
COL-Laborative Inquiries: On Wednesday afternoon teachers from across our Community of Learning gathered together at Menzies College to share their mini-research projects into teaching. It was great to hear what everyone has been doing and learning about to help their learners. Our COL is adding value to all our schools.
Concerts and Prize Givings: We are conscious that it is a very busy time for parents at the moment especially if they have children here and at Menzies College.
We understand that this may require a 'bit of a juggle'. To help with that we have two concerts on Thursday 8th December, a matinee (1.00pm) and then an evening performance (7.00pm). This means you will have some choice in time to come and watch your child.
Further, the Year Six Prize Giving is going to be on Friday 9th starting at 11.30 am and will be all finished in time for parents to head to the Menzies Junior Prize Giving held that afternoon. Remember that this year we are continuing with the model we started last year and so a vast majority of the presentations to Year Six students will be done on the Friday. There will only be the big prizes on the Thursday night (e.g. cups and Jubilee Honours Board).
Boiler Upgrade: We expect work to be starting on this big project now in mid-December. Please be aware that there will be an out-of-bounds area for the public whilst they work on this. This is especially important after school and at the weekend if you are coming down to play at the school.
Acknowledging - Team Edendale
- Laura McVicar: It has been a busy time at the end of this year with lots of events that Miss McVicar has been overseeing for us. For example the recent triathlon and prior to that the LMV Zone Athletics. She does this as part of her role as Assistant Principal here at Edendale Primary School. We are grateful for her efforts that benefit so many.
Our Events Coming Up
Term Four 2022
Week 8 (of 8)
- Thursday 8th December - Concert Matinee 1pm, Evening 7pm
- Friday 9th December - Year 6 Farewell and lunch.
- Friday 9th December - last day of school for all students
Our Kura News and Information
Chromebook - Thanks
A big thank you to Southfuels, and those families that have nominated us for fuel rewards, as your efforts enabled us to get three more Chromebooks.
Thank you!!
Last Week - Change in Routines
In the last week routines change a bit as we head down to the Christian Activity Centre, corner of George Street and Ferry Road, here in Edendale, to practice through our concert items. This will happen in the afternoons of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (dress rehearsal). If you are picking children up early from school please let them know (and the office) so the children can take their bags down and you can collect them from the Christian Activity Centre.
Class Swap - Thursday 8th December
At the end of the term, on Thursday 8th December, we have a Class Swap where we bring together the 2023 classes, with their teacher.
This is an important day enabling the classroom teacher to welcome her next year's class and for the children to meet each other to build new bonds of friendship and enjoy the existing bonds that they have already.
Term Dates - 2023
- Term One: Wednesday 1st February to Thursday 6th April (10 weeks)
- Term Two: Monday 24th April to Friday 30th June (10 Weeks)
- Term Three: Monday 17th July to Friday 22nd September (10 weeks)
- Term Four: Monday 9th October to Wednesday 13th December (10 weeks)
Our Kaitiaki School Board
Term Four - Meeting Report
The School Board held their final meeting for 2022. Here's a summary.
- The audit committee tabled their review of the Police Vetting procedures in the school making recommendations to strengthen their coverage further than the minimum requirements.
- Miss Laura McVicar tabled a curriculum report on Health.
- Miss Laura McVicar tabled a curriculum report on Physical Education.
- Mrs Abby Duffy tabled a report on Priority Learner work.
- Mrs Hayley Clarke tabled a report on our DRIVE Inquiry learning.
- Mrs Jacob Smyth tabled his annual Presiding Member's report.
- Mr David McKenzie tabled his annual Principal's Report.
- Solutions and Services tabled their financial reports based up to October of this year.
- The 2023 Annual Plan was tabled and passed.
- The 2023 Budget was tabled and passed.
- The long-term project to upgrade the school's concrete work approved another step forward with the quote for the completion of the pathway into the school from the pool. This will occur during the holidays.
- The Learning Support Coordinators office and the other work associated with developing this space (a move of the Principal's office, new carpet in the administration block and new storage units) are mostly completed. The funding for this came from a mixture of School Board funds and MOE funds.
- The replacement of our coal boiler with a pellet boiler is set to start within days, based on receiving SDC consent which is currently being held up by historic compliance issues in another project that has subsequently been remedied and awaits sign-off.
- The replacement of the pool roof is set to start but is awaiting SDC's consent.
- The work within the classrooms is set to start but is awaiting SDC's consent.
Term One - First Meeting and AGM for 2023
The School Board's next and first meeting for 2023 will be an AGM followed by a General Meeting on Tuesday 21st February, starting at 7.00 pm in the staffroom.
Out-of-Zone Enrolments - 2023
Enrolment at Edendale Primary School is governed by an enrolment scheme.
The School Board has 20 places available for out of zone students for the 2023 school year. The exact number of places is subject to the number of eligible in-zone enrolments received.
Applications are invited for those out of zone students who would like to enrol for Term One starting Wednesday 1st of February and going through to Thursday 6th April 2023.
Applications for this period are due on Tuesday 31st of January.
Information and application forms can be picked up at the school office. Applications can be made electronically through out website ( under Our School - Enrolments and Attendance. On the digital form, by ticking ‘Out of Zone’, you are deemed to be making an application.
If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on Thurssday 2nd of February.
Parents will be informed of the outcome of the application and/or ballot as early as possible.
Our Team of the Week - Team Pukeko
Kia ora!
Team Pukeko has had another awesome term of learning and fun, and we are all excited about Christmas and the holidays coming up.
It has been wonderful to see all the fantastic progress we have made this year with our literacy and numeracy skills, our social and cooperative skills, and our self-management skills. We have loved being a team and supporting each other with all that we do.
Our current focus is, of course, to be rehearsing our lyrics and actions for our 1940s medley to perform at the end-of-year concert. We also look forward to presenting it to the MLT’s Edendale Senior Citizens Christmas Dinner on Tuesday. There are quite a few familiar tunes in our medley, and a couple of very popular Christmas characters will also be appearing for the final song!
Alongside this, for our reading sessions, we have been working in mixed groups to practice a play. This has been a good test of our cooperative and self-management skills, as well as our reading and acting skills; we will share videos of these to our parents on Seesaw next week.
We have also been enjoying exploring changes in farming over time, for our Social Sciences (History) DRIVE Inquiry. We have been comparing horse-drawn implements with modern-day machinery such as tractors. On Tuesday we enjoyed visiting the Edendale Vintage Machinery Club display shed, where Mr Ian McKay showed us some of the different implements and machines they have there. We especially liked seeing a very old horse-drawn plough to help us understand how much work the farmer had to do to plough the field in that way.
This week was extra exciting for us during maths time, with two of our groups completing their PR1ME Maths books, all scoring great results in the final review to show the super range of number knowledge and problem-solving strategies that we have been learning. One group has been doing addition and subtraction story problem solving (knowing our basic facts to 20 is so important), while the other group has been using equal sharing, and x2, x5, x10 to solve multiplication and division problems. Our third group has reached halfway in their book, and next year will continue on it, learning to solve double-digit addition and subtraction with regrouping.
We enjoyed our swimming lessons this term, as well as our print-making art. We created cardboard prints of sheep for Pet Day, and we have also made fern frond prints in response to our most recent visit to Kamahi Scenic Reserve. We wrote senses poems after that visit to accompany our fern printing.
This year our twenty-six Year 2 and 3 students and I have been well-supported in class by Liz Scott, who has been a hard-working and dedicated Teaching Assistant for us - thank you so much for all you have done for us, Liz! Enjoy the holiday break.
Thank you also to Jane Muir, who has been working as my release teacher - the children always enjoy your activities; have a great holiday break too!
We are also grateful for the support we have had throughout the year from Tracey Lockhart (Five Plus programme; cleaning; and ‘dad’ jokes); Anna Harvey (Ruru Outreach Teacher); Suzanne Gillies (RTLB) and Tracey Haszard (CoL LSC). Each of these women has helped our classroom in so many ways.
Thanks also to Liz Pask and Andrea Russell for their support in the office and the library.
Congratulations to Belinda Knapp for successfully finding a teaching position in Gore next year - OneGlobal is so lucky to have you on their team and we all know you will do a fantastic job!
Thanks to all the parents and whanau for your support of Team Pukeko this year - we wish you, your families and our wider community a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Meri Kirihimete!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kahu
Team Kahu’s MVP for displaying Ponotanga – Integrity is Jack Chapman.
Jack is an awesome role model of our school values.
He is a student who is honest and trustworthy and can be relied on to do the right thing even when no one is watching. When you ask Jack to do a job you know it will be followed through to the end.
From the moment Jack arrives at school, until he leaves, he is sensible and makes good choices in everything he does. He knows that treating people with respect is the right thing to do. Jack has good manners and is always polite and helpful to his peers and any adults that come into our room. Jack makes positive choices in the classroom and out in the playground.
Jack understands that success comes from hard work and perseverance. He always tries his best and asks for help when he is unsure.
Thank you for being such a great role model of our school values, Jack.
You are an amazing young man with a big future ahead of you.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Tui
Team Tui’s MVP this week for Integrity - Ponotanga is Hudson Latta
Hudson is a caring and respectful young man. He is a true gentleman who goes above and beyond to help other students if they need it but is also not afraid to ask for help himself.
Hudson comes into the classroom every morning with a friendly greeting before he heads off and completes his morning routine without a fuss. Hudson is awesome at cleaning our room after a busy day, and he is still cleaning after the school bell rings.
Hudson has a great positive attitude to school and his learning. He likes to have a laugh and have fun when learning but knows when it is time to settle down and stay focused on a task. Hudson completes his work to a high standard, no matter what.
He is honest and trustworthy and makes positive choices that help him to be a great learner and peer to others.
We all need a great friend like Hudson, and it is such a pleasure to teach someone who demonstrates all our school values so well.
“You’re off to great places, today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so…. get on your way!” -Dr Seuss
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kiwi
Team Kiwi’s MVP this week for Integrity - Ponotanga is Caden Dobbie
A person of integrity is true to themselves, to others, and their values and they are not changeable from one minute to the next. They know that making mistakes is okay as long as they learn from them.
Caden’s honesty and trustworthiness are evident at all times, both inside and outside of the classroom and he shows that integrity means doing the right thing, even if no one is watching.
Caden comes into our classroom every day with a ‘can do’ attitude. He actively participates in all classroom activities, giving everything his best.
Caden is mindful and respectful of everyone around him. He actively listens to adults and classmates alike and always has lovely manners.
Caden, we are happy and proud to have you as a member of Kiwi. You are a wonderful role model and you can be proud of the choices you make.
We know that whatever you put your mind to and work hard towards, you can achieve.
You’re awesome!
Our Writer of the Week - Eva Chapman, Team Pukeko
Kamahi Reserve
See the black pipipi chirping loudly in the tall, bendy trees.
Hear the bellbird’s soothing song in the high, springy tree tops.
Smell the beautiful fresh air as I walk along the track.
Taste the spicy horopito pepper leaft as my face goes red.
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term One 2023
The Term One 2023 meeting of the Home and School, also an AGM, is scheduled for Monday 27th of February at 7.30 pm in the school staffroom.
Our Community - News
A Christmas photo with a difference. Have your photo taken in a nativity scene.
- Where: Manna Bookshop, 90 Spey Street, Invercargill.
- What: Dress-ups available.
- When: Sat 3rd, 10th, 17th December 10-3; Thurs 15th and Fri 16th Dec 10-12, 2-4; Mon-Wed 19th - 21st Dec 10-12, 2-4.
- How much: Photo packs $5 & $10, cash only
For any queries please ring Manna Bookshop on 03 218 4571.
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool