Student & Family Update
April 29, 2022
December 22nd, 2023
Good afternoon everyone,
I hope you have had a great week.
It was great to see so many students and families at the Winter Concert on Thursday! Thank you to David C from BSE and the team from Falls Cable for running the sound, lights and recording the event. You can enjoy the concert again, here.
Please find news and updates from MTRS:
- An update on how the MTRSD community can continue to help the Haffner family: link
- Student-Led Conferences are taking place in Jan 24,25,26th. See below for more info.
- SEPAC is organizing a virtual meeting from 6-8pm on Jan 22nd: Basic Rights- Evaluation and Eligibility (more info on the posters below)
- Please see below for an invitation to parents/caregivers to join our visiting team on a school trip to Vermont
- For those of you who were unable to see a live performance of Gracie's Place, thanks to Dave Herrera at Bow Tie Studios, you can watch a recorded version, here!
- Connections Newsletter (to help connect families, family service providers, schools, and local government agencies with timely news, tips, local and national resources, and inspiration – in a way that feels helpful and supportive): Link
If you are reading this newsletter on a phone or laptop, don't forget to click on "read entire message" in order to see the complete newsletter.
Finally, we do our best to convey information to our community from a variety of sources, lots of them community rather than school based organizations. Unfortunately we are not able to share images and posters with live links through Smore but always ensure there is an email for inquiries. If you would like an e-copy of a poster with live links, please feel free to reach out to the office directly.
Happy holidays!
Important Dates & Information
Upcoming dates
Winter Break: Dec 25 - Jan 1 (Dec 22nd 11:30 dismissal, school starts again on Jan 2nd at 7:45am)
March 27th: District Celebration of Learning
April 12th: Middle School Career Speakers in Advisory
May 15 & 16th District Music Concert at BSE
May 17th & 18th: MTRS Spring Musical
May 18th: MTAA Spring Fling
May 30th: Senior Awards evening
May 31st (Friday) -6-8pm: High School Graduation. Indoors at MTRS (This is a correction to the published date of June 1st)
June 3rd - Grade 6 Step up day
District Calendar for 2023/24: Link
Quarter 2: 50 days (including student-led conferences)
First Day: Friday, November 3, 2023
Last Day: Friday, January 26, 2024
Q2 progress report grades close on: Friday, December 8, 2023
Q2 progress report grading window: Thursday, Dec 7 - Thursday Dec 14 at 11:59pm
Q2 progress reports will be distributed on: Friday, December 15, 2023
Q2 grading window: Thursday, January 18 - Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 11:59pm
Q2 report cards will be available in Aspen on: Monday, January 29, 2024
Semester 1 Student-led conferences
Wednesday, January 24, 2024 - (Early Release)
Thursday, January 25, 2024 - (2 hr delay: 9:45am school starts)
Friday, January 26, 2024 - (2 hr delay: 9:45am school starts)
Alumni Question and Answer sessions with current students about life after MTRS!
Counselors Ruggeri and Cairney organized an information and question and answer session on 2 year, 4 year and vocational college experiences for all students in 7-12.
We welcomed the following former MTRS students:
- Tyler Matteson - UMass Amherst
- Mya Lesieur - Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
- Stella Clark - Merrimack College
- Savannah Simmons - University of Vermont
- Paige King - Vassar College
- Hannah Plesner - Greenfield Community College (Nursing)
Our former students spoke about a range of experiences and answered the questions below:
- How did you choose your major?
- What criteria did you use when building your
- college list (location, size, cost, activities, etc.)
- What is your favorite part about college?
- What is it like living with a roommate?
- How’s the food?
- How has MTRS prepared you for college level
- academics?
- Is there anything you would have done
- differently in high school?
We look forward to seeing some of these students, as well as some members of the Class of 2024, next year when we organize a similar event for all of our learners.
The presentation information and guide questions can be found, here
Spring Musical Announcement!
Auditions for YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN will be held at MTRS Friday January 12, 2024 2:30-5:00.
Auditions for YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN will be held Friday January 12, 2024 2:30-5:00. Those who want to participate on the crew only should come in with the signed Contact Form and then may leave. Those auditioning will be asked to sing HAPPINESS if they would like to be considered for a principal role. Those interested in a speaking role will be asked to read a side with others. Rehearsals for most of the cast will begin on Wednesday February 28th. A full rehearsal schedule will be on the website soon and a hard copy will be given at auditions. Once the show is cast a rehearsal schedule will also be emailed to you.
MTRS theater participation opportunity for district 5th and 6th grade students
The Mohawk Trail Regional School (MTRS) Performing Arts Department will be casting for their spring theater production, YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN, being performed on May 17 and 18.
Fifth and sixth grade students in the districts are invited by Eva Husson-Stockhamer, MTRS director of performing arts, to audition for participation in the cast chorus. Auditions will take place on Friday, January 12, 2024 in the Mohawk Trail Regional School auditorium. A brief meeting for elementary school student parents/caregivers will follow auditions on Friday, January 12, 2024.
If your fifth or sixth grader is interested, please fill out this form to give permission for your student to participate and offer necessary contact information. Forms must be completed and turned in by the day of auditions. For questions or to request a hard copy of the participation form, contact Miss Eva at who manages the details of the production including rehearsal schedules, transportation, and more. Please know, while transportation from the elementary schools to MTRS may be available, a parent/guardian/caregiver will be responsible for picking up your cast member following rehearsals.
General rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, February 28, 2024. The expectation for the fifth and sixth grade students will be to rehearse on Fridays only, beginning Friday, March 1. A few weeks before opening night, more rehearsals will be added. Families and caregivers will be given a full rehearsal schedule following auditions. Email will be used for communication about production details.
Send questions to Miss Eva at Thank you in advance!
Dean Brault's Student Culture Corner
I am always amazed how kind our students are when a friend is in need! There have been many opportunities to help their fellow students and they have stepped up to the plate.
Best wishes for a safe and happy break!
The District Perspective
Carol Foote, Communications and Outreach Coordinator,
Law Enforcement Officials Visit District Schools with Intent to Raise Awareness
Detective Tucker Jenkins and Officer Ted Hanna have been visiting Mohawk Trail and Hawlemont Regional School Districts Schools - Buckland Shelburne Elementary (BSE), Mohawk Trail Regional, Sanderson Academy and Hawlemont Elementary - encouraging good citizenship.
The law enforcement personnel spoke to grades 4, 5, and 6 about bullying, leadership, and peer support. Officer Hanna talks openly in the elementary schools about how he was bullied in third grade, and how he got through it. He hopes that his story can impact the students and offer relatability. When an uncomfortable situation comes up, the officers want students to know how to help themselves and others.
In addition to bullying, they also addressed the topics of hate crimes and harassment with 7th and 8th students at Mohawk Trail Regional. This slide presentation discussed the laws and how to become more respectful of others in the community and at school. A considerable segment of this session with this age group focused on cyber bullying and safety concerning social media. After the winter break, Jenkins and Hanna look forward to returning to MTRS to discuss social media safety with 9th and 10th graders.
Students participate by talking about their past experiences. Often, elementary students will recount situations they have been in and advice is offered on how to manage the situation if they have to face it again. Some students ask specifically about technology and social media. Other students are curious about law enforcement and the process of criminal investigations. And, of course, they ask if it is true that police officers eat donuts and drink coffee!
When asked what he gets out of the session, Detective Jenkins replied, “A ton.” He has the sense that they are “giving the kids advice to avoid making mistakes or putting themselves in situations they do not want to be in.” The officers feel fortunate that kids approach them long after they have seen them in the classroom and share that they remember the lessons. They are proud of the impact they’ve had on local students.
Jenkins and Hanna have started drop-in visits in the younger classrooms - K, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd - at BSE. And they look forward to sharing information on topics as the year progresses to include crosswalk safety.
We are fortunate to have such invested members of law enforcement in our community to help our students be more thoughtful and safer in the ways that they make decisions and conduct themselves. Thanks to Detective Jenkins and Officer Hanna. Until next time!
Parents/ Care givers and Community members, join our team and visit Vermont!
Supported by the Barr foundation and Next Generation Learning Challenges, we have been working since 2019 on our Trailblazer model as a refocusing of what an MTRS student experience should be. We have spent a lot of time building community and developing character habits through our Advisory program, pushing students to drive their own learning through a shift to standards based teaching and learning (SBTL) and student-led conferences as well as developing internship and work based learning opportunities based on student capstone projects and college and career passions. Starting in April of 2024 we would like to invite community members to have a voice and input into our ongoing school work.
As part of our grant funding we will be going to visit schools in Vermont who are exemplary models of several aspects of our Trailblazer model. This visit will offer opportunities to learn from real applied examples of the systems-level design work we are doing here at MTRS and for this trip we are able to include parents, students and community members on our team! We would love to have you join us if you are able!
Who can apply to join our team?
- Community members with a connection to MTRS
- Current Parents/ Care providers of current MTRS students - you and your student can both be a part of our team!
- Current Parents/ Care providers of current MTRS students - you can leave your student behind and be a part of our team!
- Current Parents/ Care providers of current MTRS students - Would your student want to be a part of our team? (Grade 9 upwards)
These trips are very well organized and we have found them to be extremely useful in the past for catalyzing our work to make public school rewarding, engaging, and tailored to the world we live in now. Travel is reimbursed, accommodation and meals are all paid for. The only thing we are asking from you is your time to be a part of our team and our ongoing work at MTRS!
Which schools will we visit and what will we see?
Twinfield Union School
- Proficiency based education
- Personalized learning
- Flexible schedule
- Peer mentoring program
- Student-led independent study & internships
Winooski Schools
- Student voice
- Flexible learning
- Graduate profile and characteristics
- Student and staff collaboration
Harwood Unified Union School District
- Flexible learning pathways
- Proficiency based learning
- Extended learning opportunities beyond the school day
- Student voice
- Assessment through portfolios
A more detailed overview of the visit can be found here. We will begin at 6pm on April 9th and conclude on the afternoon of the 12th, 2024.
What is the commitment in being a part of this team?
- Week of Jan 8th: 30 minute introduction meeting
- Feb date TBD: 30 minute team coaching session - Feb date TBD
- March 7th: 3:30-5:30pm Virtual preparation session
- March 8-29th (TBD) Learning walk at MTRS as practice for the learning walk at the schools in Vermont
- April 9th travel to VT and arrive by 6pm
- April 9,10,11,12: Participate in school visits in VT (Transportation in VT will be provided)
- April 12th - travel back to MTRS at 1pm
Are you interested, available and want to have a voice in our work at MTRS moving forward?
Please complete this survey by Thursday 4th January.
Thank you for considering being a part of this work, and let me know if you have any questions!
Teaching and Learning
Student-led-conferences are coming! (January 24th, 25th & 26th)
Dear Parent/ Care Provider,
In the last 18 months MTRS has been shifting towards Standards Based Teaching & Learning (SBTL). SBTL puts a strong emphasis on helping students achieve proficiency and excellence in the skills embedded in content standards.This is vital in helping students apply what they have learned beyond the classroom at MTRS.
This shift to SBTL can be seen in the way that teachers are starting to grade work in terms of proficiency (Not yet meeting proficiency, partially meeting proficiency, meeting proficiency and excelling) as well as traditional letter grades and percentages.
A major part of SBTL is providing support to enable students to have a louder voice in their progress and in setting their own content learning and character habit goals. The Student-led-conference (SLC) is a vital part of this and why, having run a pilot in grade 11 last year, we will start SLCs in January during the time when mid-term exams would normally take place.
I hope that this letter provides you with an overview of what/ how/ where/ when!
We are looking forward to parents and care providers being partners in MTRS student journeys.
What is a Student-led-conference?
Student-led-conferences (SLC) are at the heart of our shift to standards based teaching and learning. They provide students with more ownership of their learning experiences at MTRS.
Rather than reviewing letters/ numbers on a report or progress card, SLCs provide students with an opportunity to lead a 15 minute conversation about their progress towards proficiency in habits of learning and content-based skills.
They also enable students to reflect on their learning experiences to date and to set goals for the rest of the school year.
Does my student have to do an SLC?
SLC are based in an advisory class, which is scheduled for each student every day. Advisory is a graduation requirement and student participation in SLC is expected and contributes to the pass/fail (credit/no-credit) for the course at the end of the year.
SLCs are scheduled 2 x a year for grades 7-12 and 1 x a year for grade 12. Students in grades 7-11 must participate in both SLCs for the year in order to pass the class, in addition to attendance and participation.
If a student is absent or unwell when their SLC is scheduled, they will make this up when they return.
Who will be at the Student-led-conference?
Students will lead their own conference as it is their opportunity to talk about their experiences at MTRS as well as their goals for the rest of the year and beyond high school.
We would like to invite care providers and families to be an integral part of every student’s journey and to try to be present at the SLC - in-person or virtually.
Your student’s advisory teacher will be present. As advisory groups meet every day for a year, advisory teachers have the best overall insight into habits of learning and academic progress of each of their students. They can help support students as they lead their conference.
When will the Student-led-conferences take place?
Student -led conferences will happen in place of midterms and finals week.
S1 SLC will be scheduled during 24/25/26th January and S2 will be scheduled during 5/6/7 June (depending on snowdays)
SLC will take place for grades 7-12 in S1 and 7-11 in S2. Grade 12 will have a final exam as their last week of school is typically earlier than the last day for the rest of the school.
Will SLC replace traditional end of semester tests/ assessments?
SLC will take place during the time typically used for mid-terms/ end of semester testing.
End of course or mid-course assessments will take place during regular classes
Where will the Student-led-conference take place?
If you are in-person, please arrive at school 10 minutes before your scheduled time and someone will bring you to the advisor’s room.
If you are meeting virtually, please log in to the google meet 5 minutes before your scheduled time.
What is the difference between a S1 and a S2 Student-led-conferences?
SLC at the end of S1 - A chance for the student to reflect on their strengths, growths and challenges in the first semester, to reflect on their discoveries as a learner during the year so far and to set some habits and academic goals for the second semester. It is also an opportunity for students to talk through current post-high school plans.
SLC at the end of S2 - A chance for the student to reflect on challenges and successes of the year, to set goals for the year ahead and to revisit and possibly change post-high school plans.
What is the schedule for the S1 Student-led-conferences?
Wednesday 24th January
7:45-9:45 am: Grades 7, 9, 11
9:50-11:50 am: Grades 8,10, 12
Early release: 12:50 dismissal
Thursday 25th January
Two hour delay: School starts at 9:40am
9:45-11:45 am: Grades 7 & 8:
Advisory teachers in 9-12 to share specific availability between:
11:50-12:20: & 1:05-2:20 pm:
Friday 26th January
Two hour delay: School starts at 9:40am
9:45-11:45 am: Grades 7 & 8:
Advisory teachers in 9-12 to share specific availability between:
11:50-12:20: & 1:05-2:20 pm:
How do I schedule my SLC?
From next week, advisory teachers will reach out to caregivers and families by email to schedule conferences of 15 minutes per student (in-person or virtual) on the above days.
What if I have children in multiple grades?
We will start to schedule appointments so care providers will be able to arrange times convenient for them during the SLC window.
What if 15 minutes is not enough time?
Advisors can help care providers/ families set up a subsequent appointment to meet with themselves or specific content teachers at a later date.
What will happen if I am unable to attend?
We understand that not everyone can be available in-person or virtually during the school day. If you are unable to attend, your student will still conference with their advisory teacher.
As we continue to develop our Student-led conference process, we will look at ways to have early afternoon/ early evening conferences as a way for all families and care providers to have the opportunity to be a part of the process.
What if I have more questions?
Please reach out to your students advisor in the first instance. Your grade level guidance counselor will also be able to help.
Grades 7 and 8:
Grades 9-12: acairney@mtr
What is a Student-led-conference?
Student-led-conferences (SLC) are at the heart of our shift to standards based teaching and learning. They provide students with more ownership of their learning experiences at MTRS.
Rather than reviewing letters/ numbers on a report or progress card, SLCs provide students with an opportunity to lead a 15 minute conversation about their progress towards proficiency in habits of learning and content-based skills.
They also enable students to reflect on their learning experiences to date and to set goals for the rest of the school year.
Who will be at the Student-led-conference?
Students will lead their own conference as it is their opportunity to talk about their experiences at MTRS as well as their goals for the rest of the year and beyond high school.
We would like to invite care providers and families to be an integral part of every student’s journey and to try to be present at the SLC - in-person or virtually.
Your student’s advisory teacher will be present. As advisory groups meet every day for a year, advisory teachers have the best overall insight into habits of learning and academic progress of each of their students. They can help support students as they lead their conference.
When will the Student-led-conferences take place?
Student -led conferences will happen in place of midterms and finals week.
S1 SLC will be scheduled during 24/25/26th January and S2 will be scheduled during 5/6/7 June (depending on snowdays.
SLC will take place for grades 7-12 in S1 and 7-11 in S2. Grade 12 will have a final exam as their last week of school is typically earlier than the last day for the rest of the school.
Where will the Student-led-conference take place?
If you are in-person, please arrive at school 10 minutes before your scheduled time and someone will bring you to the advisor’s room.
If you are meeting virtually, please log in to the google meet 5 minutes before your scheduled time.
What is the difference between a S1 and a S2 Student-led-conferences?
SLC at the end of S1 - A chance for the student to reflect on their strengths, growths and challenges in the first semester, to reflect on their discoveries as a learner during the year so far and to set some habits and academic goals for the second semester. It is also an opportunity for students to talk through current post-high school plans.
SLC at the end of S2 - A chance for the student to reflect on challenges and successes of the year, to set goals for the year ahead and to revisit and possibly change post-high school plans.
What is the schedule for the S1 Student-led-conferences?
Wednesday 24th January
Early release: 12:50 dismissal
7:45-9:45 am: Grades 7, 9, 11
9:50-11:50 am: Grades 8,10, 12
Thursday 25th January
Two hour delay: School starts at 9:40am
9:45-11:45 am: Grades 7 & 8:
Advisory teachers in 9-12 to share specific availability between:
11:50-12:20: & 1:05-2:20 pm:
Friday 26th January
Two hour delay: School starts at 9:40am
9:45-11:45 am: Grades 7 & 8:
Advisory teachers in 9-12 to share specific availability between:
11:50-12:20: & 1:05-2:20 pm:
How do I schedule my SLC?
From next week, advisory teachers will reach out to caregivers and families by email to schedule conferences of 15 minutes per student (in-person or virtual) on the above days.
What if I have children in multiple grades?
We are starting to schedule appointments early so that care providers will be able to schedule times convenient for them during the SLC window.
What if 15 minutes is not enough time?
Advisors can help care providers/ families set up a subsequent appointment to meet with themselves or specific content teachers at a later date.
What will happen if I am unable to attend?
We understand that not everyone can be available in-person or virtually during the school day. If you are unable to attend, your student will still conference with their advisory teacher.
As we continue to develop our Student-led conference process, we will look at ways to have early afternoon/ early evening conferences as a way for all families and care providers to have the opportunity to be a part of the process.
Are there other opportunities to speak to staff about my student?
SLC are additional opportunities for parent/ care providers to speak to MTRS staff about your student. They did not exist in MS/ HS before this year!
Open House for MS in early September
Celebration of Learning: March 27th, 2024
Content teachers can be contacted by email - please see the staff page on the MTRS Website
What if I have more questions?
Please reach out to your students advisor in the first instance. Your grade level guidance counselor will also be able to help.
Grades 7 and 8:
Grades 9-12:
Library Updates
Check out what is new in the library!
Take a look at our MTRS Library December 2023 newsletter: “Check It Out!”
Grade 8 Preventure Program
School-based Personality Targeted Workshops will start January 4th, 2024
Please check your emails for the Parent Consent Letter which was sent to 8th Grade Families earlier today - Dec 15
The Communities That Care Coalition received funding from the Opioid Task Force to be
able to bring the PreVenture Program to the area. PreVenture is an exciting, evidence-based,
mental health promotion and substance use prevention program run by school counselors.
Mohawk Trail, along with other schools in Franklin County, are implementing these workshops during the 2023-2024 school year.
PreVenture: School-based Personality Targeted Workshops
Your child’s school will be implementing PreVenture, a school-based workshop for youth aged 12-
17 that helps them explore their personality and coping strategies and set long-term goals. The
program was developed by Dr. Patricia Conrod, a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the
Université de Montréal, a clinical psychologist and a researcher at the CHU Sainte-Justine Research
Parent Consent Letter email to 8th Grade Families: Dec 15
SURPS (Student Substance Use Risk Profile Scale) Questionnaire given in 8th grade Advisory Jan 4
SURPS data reviewed and intervention groups determined Jan 8-19th
Intervention groups delivered Jan 24th, 25th, 26th 2024
Student Services
Student Services latest newsletter, here: Link
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will be available to students and parents on December 31, 2023. This application is for those requesting financial aid to help pay for college.
FSA ID - a unique personal username and password allowing you access to the FAFSA
- You can register for this now:
- This may take a few business days to be processed, so go ahead and do it now so that you're ready for 12/31
Recommended Deadlines:
- Students who applied Early Decision I or II & Early Action: Apply by January 15
- All other application types: Apply by February 20
I found this article very informative: FAFSA 101: What You Need To Know About the 2024-25 FAFSA.
Here are other resources:
- Federal Student Aid: FAFSA
- Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA)
- You can get help filling out the FAFSA at GCC
- Does your college require the CSS profile? 2024-25 Participating Institutions and Programs
- Mohawk Senior Bulletin (local scholarships coming in 2024)
- MEFA Scholarships
Please reach out with any questions!
Students and parents, please reach out with any specific questions - happy to help! Mrs. Cairney Students to book an appt visit:
Bus Schedules and Questions
Please make sure that you check the Bus routes on district site. Care providers can call Dawn at the bus company on 413-489-3195 at ext 3304 or call the school and ask to speak to Robin Pease.
Community Events
How can you get involved at MTRS?
We want to hear your voice!
Local Education Council (LEC)
This meets virtually every second Wednesday of the month between 3:45 and 4:30pm. More information can be found here. The next meeting will take place on January 10th.
The virtual joining information is as follows:
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 813-435-9650
PIN: 741 012 215#
Principal Drop-ins
As was the case last year, I will hold regular virtual office hours. You don’t need an appointment to come and talk with me and share your thoughts on what goes on at MTRS. I will try to be available for the whole 60 minutes but can't always guarantee it at our busy school. The next drop in will take place on January 12th.
Second Friday of each month: 8:00 to 9:00 a.m.
Meeting ID:
Phone Number: (US)+1 (813) 773-5581
PIN: 636 883 303
Athletics News
In helping his team improve to an impressive 5-1 overall record, Junior Chay Mojallali cleared a height of 6’2” in the high jump to claim the top spot in the Mohawk Trail Indoor Track Record Books! A bittersweet moment for is coach Tim Shearer, who previously set the record over 40 years ago back in 1982! Congratulations Chay, Coach Shearer, and the rest of the Mohawk Trail Boys Indoor Track Team!
Please remember that all team schedules can be found at ARBITERLIVE.
Special Education Updates
Mohawk Trail SEPAC Member and Parent
Do you have a question about your child, their services, or resources specific to your needs? If you or someone you know would like to be added to the private list and receive emails and event notifications, please send an email to: Please indicate your email, title (such as parent of a student with IEP/504), District, Interested Party or other)
Disclosure: SEPAC maintains the list of contacts and keeps the information private. This email is maintained by a parent and volunteer. Our goal is to respond in a timely manner. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Special Education Contact Information
Contact Information
Leann Loomis
Director of Pupil Personnel Services
413-625-0192 x1025
Melissa Plesnar
Assistant to Director of Pupil Personnel Services
413-625-0192 x1015
Erin Beaudet
7-12 Liaison
413-625-9811 x1314
Carolyn Goodnow
1-6 Liaison
Mohawk Trail District
Kate Dwyer
1-6 Liaison
Hawlemont District
Amy Socquet
Early Childhood Coordinator and Liaison
About Mohawk Trail SEPAC
The Special Education Parent Advisory Council is an advisory group led by parents within our community. We are looking to support each other and help the school district to better serve its students. The SEPAC is open to all caregivers within the district with an IEP or 504 plan, and to interested members of the community. Please reach out to us to learn more!
SEPAC meetings
We meet monthly via Zoom. Upcoming meetings: Sept 28, Oct 23, Nov 27 at 6:30 pm
We welcome caregivers, staff, and interested members of the community to learn about SEPAC and meet local families. The public meeting will be followed by a private caregiver support discussion.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 811 4639 0541
Passcode: 453118
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,81146390541# US (Chicago)
+16468769923,,81146390541# US (New York)
Email us to learn more:
Follow us on Facebook:
Rights and Responsibilities workshop
January coffee hour
Upcoming meetings
Chris Buckland
Phone: 413-625-9811
MTRSD Director of Communications