Lake Grove Elementary
Cougar News
Principal's Message 1.21.22
Somehow we managed to fit in at least five days worth of joyful learning into this four day week! It is so fun to see your students practicing perseverance with challenging tasks and pushing themselves to learn and grow more. Pictured here is the bulletin board with each student's decorated snow globe that either says or depicts their goals for 2022. Their earnestness and generosity is inspiring for all of us. If you ask them about what they drew or wrote, I'm sure you'll be proud of their ambitions.
Be well,
Principal Jennie Knapp
Friendship Day at Lake Grove
Lake Grove will have an optional Friendship Day celebration on February 14th that may include an afternoon classroom activity with a Valentine card exchange. Students may bring their cards to exchange on Monday, February 14th. These cards should NOT contain any edible items, but may include small trinkets/games/toys. Please remember that students should bring in enough cards for each classmate or none at all. Look for any more specific guidance and list of student names from your classroom teachers.
If your student would like to participate, but purchasing valentines presents a hardship, please contact Wendy Post at
SEL Theme for January: Perserverance
As we start the new year of 2022, we will be spending the month of January introducing the character trait of PERSEVERANCE in our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons. The definition we will be using for Perseverance is: the ability to work through situations even when there are obstacles or challenges in the way.
A lot of research today is telling us that the highest indicators of success in our kids isn’t just about their grades or their IQ. The number one skill that helps people of all walks of life be successful is GRIT! Grit is the ability to persevere in the face of adversity or even failure.
Over the course of the month, we will talk about inspiring people who faced many failures before they found success. We will talk about what it means to navigate tough stuff, even when it feels overwhelming or really hard. We will talk about having a Growth Mindset; to see challenges and failure as an opportunity to grow instead of a brick wall.
Here are links for extension activities to explore PERSEVERANCE further as a family:
K-2 PERSEVERANCE Parent Letter (English) K-2 PERSEVERANCE Parent Letter (En Español)
3-5 PERSEVERANCE Parent Letter (English) 3-5 PERSEVERANCE Parent Letter (En Español)
Contacting Nurses re: COVID-19, Keep Student Home Until Your Receive a Response
Thank you for contacting our district nurses with your COVID-19 related concerns. Our nurses are responding to each inquiry in the order that they are received. Due to the high volume of calls and emails they are experiencing, please expect a delayed response of up to 24 hours.
If you are emailing regarding a positive COVID-19 case or exposure, please keep your student home until you receive a response. Please click here for the current school exclusion guidelines.
If your student has tested positive for COVID-19, please email the nurse for your student’s school the following information and a nurse will get back to you as soon as possible:
Student’s First and Last Name
Date symptoms started, if any symptoms
Date tested positive and where the test was taken
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Lake Grove School Nurse: Lisa McBee
Attention 5th grade parents!
It is that time of year when LOJ starts to work with students and parents to prepare their schedules for the next school year. Forecasting is the process where students choose their elective courses for next year. 5th grade students will be meeting with Carrie Trullinger, their counselor next year at LOJ, to forecast for their schedule. She will also be hosting a parent night, via zoom, to talk about LOJ and provide information on the forecasting process. Listed below are the dates of the parent night and when she will be coming to our school to talk with our 5th graders.
5th Grade Parent Night: February 1st 7:00-8:00 Zoom Link
Counselor meets with 5th grade students at Lake Grove: Feb. 2nd
LOJ looks forward to meeting with you and getting to know your student!
Cell phone/smart watch procedures
Please be aware that cell phone or smart watch use is not permitted during the school day. If your student needs to make a phone call while they are at school, they may ask their teacher to come to the office and we will be more than happy to help them. Thank you for leaving these items at home or turned off and stowed in backpacks and for refraining from texting your children during school hours. We are more than happy to deliver messages if you call the office. 503-534-2357
Upcoming Health Lessons
Our teachers use the adopted Health Curriculum, The Great Body Shop, to teach the required Oregon Health Standards to our students. THE GREAT BODY SHOP is a comprehensive health education curriculum which is sequential, developmentally appropriate, culturally sensitive, and medically accurate. The lessons align with Oregon’s Health Education Standards and are embedded with social-emotional learning. Watch your classroom teacher's newsletter for upcoming topics. If you would like to review the health curriculum, please contact the school office. More information, including an opt-out form if needed, can be found on the District website.
i-Ready Winter Assessment
This Winter, all K-8 students in Lake Oswego will complete two online i-Ready assessments in class. One is for math and the other is for reading. i-Ready is a program that will help us determine your child’s strengths and areas for growth, personalize their learning, and monitor their progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows us to meet your child where they are and provides us with data to inform and tailor instruction to accelerate growth. This is the second of three i-Ready assessments we give each year, and results will be shared with parents in February. For kindergartners, this will be their first i-Ready assessment. Our Winter i-Ready window is open from January 3-28.
Interested in working at lake grove?
See the postings for more details, and feel free to contact the office with any questions 503-534-2357.
Oregon State Assessment Opt-Out Form
State law requires us to inform you that a form is available from the State Department of Education that allows you to opt your child out of the math and English Language Arts assessments for the current school year. Should you wish to opt out your child, fill out the form and submit it to the main office at your child’s school. Please note the submission deadlines listed on the form. Meeting the deadline will help the school with planning and preparation. If you wish your child not to participate in the science assessment for grades 5, 8, and 11, submit this request in writing to the principal of your child's school.
If you have questions or want more information about state assessments, please contact your child’s principal or teacher(s).
Click here for opt-out form for Math and English Language Arts.
Update vaccination records
2022-23 Registration
Registration for the 2022-23 school year (all grade levels) will begin January 19, 2022. This is for new students who have never enrolled in Lake Oswego before and for returning students who are not currently enrolled but will re-enroll for next year. Registration is online through ParentVUE. Parents do not need to register students for 2022-23 who are currently attending during the 2021- 22 school year. Information about registration, including Spanish Immersion, can be found here.
Now Accepting Applications for Foundation Board of Directors
Are you interested in contributing to a dynamic volunteer organization dedicated to advancing our community's commitment to educational excellence?
Please consider applying for the Lake Oswego Schools Foundation Board of Directors. The Foundation is seeking parents/guardians, students and community residents to serve on its Board of Directors. Board members must demonstrate a commitment to the Foundation, the School District and the Lake Oswego community.
The term for new board members will begin July 2022. Board members commit to a two-year term and may serve up to three terms. Please click HERE to access the online application form. The application provides more information about being a board member.
Interested people should submit applications by Friday, March 4, 2022. The Nominating committee will review applications and conduct interviews in the March time frame. If you are unable to access the application, please contact to receive a pdf version of the application.
Lost and found
Attendance Reminders & Early Pick-ups
If you need to pick your child up early for an appointment, please be sure to bring your ID in to the office to sign them out.
Save the Date
1/27 Early Release Thursday
1/28 No school - Teacher Grading Day
2/3 Early Release Thursday
2/10 Early Release Thursday
2/11 Report cards available in ParentVue
2/14 Friendship Day at LG
2/17 Early Release Thursday
2/21 No school - Presidents' Day
Bringing joy to Lake Grove staff is a fun way to participate with the PTA. If you’d like to be part of the staff appreciation committee, contact Ali Koper at or 503-415-9699.
Our PTA will soon kick off Cougar Day and its associated fundraising efforts!
Fundraising is extremely important for enrichment programs at LGE. Contributions to our PTA help create completely volunteer-run programs like Art Literacy, Run Club, Oregon Battle of the Books and more. Donations also fund student events and celebrations like 5th grade graduation, as well as allow us to show our appreciation for the stellar teachers who help our students grow and thrive! Without funding from families and local businesses, and volunteers stepping up, our PTA could not offer this level of support.
If you haven’t experienced a Cougar Day at Lake Grove, your kiddos are in for a treat! And if you have experienced Cougar Day in the past, then hold on tight because this year is different!
In April, Lake Grove students will participate in raising funds for their school through a “Cougar Day Jog-a-Thon,” planned for Friday, April 29. As in past years, in the weeks leading up to the event, students will ask for pledges from family, friends and our community. With each donation a student receives, they will be given a ticket to drop into a variety of jars to support the charity of their choice (similar to the “drop the bean in the jar” charity drive at New Seasons). The choice will also be given to families to simply make a donation (vs chasing pledges), and the student will still receive tickets to donate to their charity choice.
As Cougar Day approaches, we are hopeful that COVID considerations will allow parent volunteers and/or a parent cheering section at the jog-a-thon, however as with life these days, we will wait for the date to draw closer to make plans for in-person parent support.
In order to execute the jog-a-thon, there are several jobs available to help prepare and plan for this event.
We’ve broken down these jobs into easily manageable tasks that can be shared among multiple people. Sign up to manage one of these items!
- Compile a list of local businesses that may be interested in advertising to our families, build the list in a table with contact information (a list of local businesses already captured from previous years is available as a starting point for this volunteer). Timeframe: now through February.
- Contact local businesses mentioned above for potential business sponsorships. This could include dropping off flyers or sending emails and making phone calls. Timeframe: now through mid-March.
- Put together Cougar Day fundraising packets. This task will involve collating copies and stapling packets to get them ready to go home with our students. This could be an evening activity that even the kids could get involved in. Timeframe: late March.
- Organize the display area/jar/campaign to donate funds to local charities. This is a task for a creative person! Let’s get the kiddos excited about building community. Timeframe: early April.
- Animal rescue (Project POOCH)
- Food insecurity (Hunger Fighters)
- Environmental (Willamette River Keepers)
Fundraising questions? Contact
Ten percent of all sales at Fills on January 31 comes back to the Lake Grove PTA! So stop in for a breakfast sando, donut or burger…yummy! Fills is a Lake Grove neighbor at 3955 Mercantile Drive in Mercato Grove and is open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Our fifth grade students are spending their last months as elementary school students and will soon become middle schoolers! The Lake Grove PTA organizes special recognition for fifth graders each year—whether it is a graduation ceremony or keepsake gifts to acknowledge their growth, a committee will be formed to honor this occasion. To join the committee, contact Lindsey Castrey, committee chair, at or 541-515-9897.
Have some books at home that your student has outgrown? Next month, volunteer Lasse Vestergaard will lead a used book drive in support of our teachers. Bring any books to Lake Grove February 14-16 and share the reading love! Teachers will “shop” for new books for their classrooms. Stockpile your donations between now and Valentine’s Day. Questions? Contact Lasse at
The yearbook committee is currently collecting photos for 5th grade section of the 2021-22 yearbook (due Sunday, 1/20). Fifth grade families should already have received an email with instructions. EVERY Lake Grove student gets a FREE yearbook sponsored by the PTA. Fifth graders get a memory page, dedication page, and will be included in a recap of photos “through the years” since Kindergarten. Please submit 4-8 photos and a dedication statement through google docs. INCLUDE STUDENT’S NAME on the photos you submit by changing the filename to include your student’s name.
- 3 Photos for Memory Pages featuring every 5th grader’s personality and interests Submit Memory Photos here
- 1-5 Photos, plus a statement for the Dedication Page: Please submit 1 - 5 photos and a statement on this form
- 5th Grade through the Years - Optional - to be shared with the Graduation committee. Please submit photos of LGE 5th graders through the years since Kindergarten. Think class parties, field trips, sports teams, field day, first day of school, etc. This is optional. These photos will be included in the end-of-year ceremony slideshow. Submit ‘5th thru the years” here. Please name as many kids as possible.
Questions? Email
Lake Grove Elementary
At Lake Grove, we are an inclusive school community fostering social, emotional, and academic growth for all students.
Principal: Jennie Knapp
Location: 15777 Boones Ferry Road, Lake Oswego, OR, United States
Phone: 503-534-2357