Strengthen Your Brain!
Summer Learning Guide
Welcome to Chippewa Valley Schools Summer Learning!
Practicing the right things in the right way makes the biggest difference, regardless of what it is we are practicing. This includes academic skills.
Consider making these resources part of the summer routine to help students prepare for next school year.
See below for directions and links to the each resource.
Help your child develop the habit of reading daily.
Read Not Guess Daily, 5 minute, FREE phonics lessons for parents to use with their children
Reading is Fundamental :Soar into Summer"
Scholastic Summer Reading Home Base
Clinton-Macomb Summer Reading Program
Summer Reading and Fluency: Tips for Parents from Reading Rockets
Lexia (K-5) and Lexia PowerUp (6-8) - Use your Classlink page to access
Reading Tips for Parents of Kindergarteners
Reading Tips for Parents of 1st Graders
Reading Tips for Parents of 2nd Graders
This collection of activities, organized by mathematical content, uses familiar routines that can be used by students.
Select the grade level below that corresponds with the grade your child completed this year.
Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Dreambox (K-5) - Use your student Classlink page to access
This adaptive program will meet your student where they are, adjust to their math level, and enrich their mathematical thinking, while they learn to persevere through productive struggle. Students will continue learning where they left off on the program during the school year.
Dreambox at Home: What is DreamBox? (video clip)
Supporting Your Child & Tips for Engagement (video clip)
Daily Summer Science Challenge - To be done with adult supervision or support
National Geographic Kids – Games, videos, more to exploreKids Zone – Science Fun for Everyone! Experiments, jokes, trivia
Science and Engineering Challenge Activities (Grades 4-8)
Social Studies
Globle the Game - New mystery country to uncover daily
Ben's Guide to the US Government
Icivics - Explore government concepts in a variety of games
History for Kids - a free history network
All Subject Content
mel.org/kids (K-8) - Links to a variety of sites; 3 categories (learn: reading; play: educational games; read: online access to books and stories)
PBS Activities and Crafts (K-3)
Click HERE to visit the Enrichment Activities Smore!