Dreamer News October 16th
Findley Elementary School - 2020-2021
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A Message from Mrs. Adams
Whether your child is returning to Findley in person or remaining in a virtual classroom, we are excited to rejoin as a community of learners next week. Ask your child about the new way we all come together for our schoolwide Morning Meeting!
Celebrate Safely
This school year, DMPS students and teachers will find creative ways to celebrate birthdays, national holidays, and class success other than the sharing of snacks and candy. This means that students may not bring cupcakes (including bakery or pre-packaged) or any food item to distribute at school. Please help keep our staff and students healthy during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Communicate Safely
The DMPS Elementary Handbook 2020-21 includes the statement that elementary students are not to have cell phones at school. If you determine that your child needs to carry a phone to and from school for safety reasons, the classroom teacher will collect the phone at the beginning of the day and store it securely until dismissal.
Dropping Students Off
The building opens at 7:30 am and learning begins at 7:45 am.
The Hybrid school day begins at 7:45 and ends at 2:40 every day.
Drop-off (7:30am) and Pick-up (2:40pm) occurs in the bus lane on Oxford Street.
Parents/caregivers must remain in vehicles while students report to their grade-level areas. Only students and staff are allowed in the school. All unscheduled visitors must make an appointment.
Parents/caregivers walking with students to/from school must remain on the sidewalk on Hull, practicing physical distancing. Please wear a mask.
Please provide a mask for your student. Students must wear a mask that covers their mouths and noses while on school grounds and at all times while inside the building. Gaiters and bandanas are prohibited. Face shields are allowed as long as a mask is used simultaneously. Student masks must be cleaned so a clean mask is worn daily.
General Safety
All students and staff will practice physical distancing of at least 6-feet whenever possible.
Hand washing and sanitizing are extremely important. Students will sanitize hands upon entering/leaving school. Students will either wash hands or sanitize hands when entering the classroom. Students will wash hands before and after recess, lunch, and after restroom breaks.
School breakfast and lunch are free for all students. Students may bring a lunch from home. All meals are eaten in the classroom.
Student computers and chargers must come to school fully charged each day.
If your student must have a cell phone for safety reasons, the teacher will keep it secured in the classroom.
Make sure your child is dressed for the weather because we will be going outside as much as possible.
No food (including birthday treats) will be shared.
If your child is not feeling well, call Nurse Lori in the Findley office.
Thank you for your grace, understanding and support. Please share this information with your students and talk about the important ways we will keep everyone safe: wearing masks properly while practicing physical distancing, handwashing and sanitizing. If you have any questions, please call the Findley office (515)-242-8407.
Fall Conferences
Findley Re-Opening October 19th
Mr. Miller's Message
Health Update with Nurse Lori
Findley Safety!
Parent COVID-19 Pandemic Guidelines Des Moines Public Schools
DMPS follows the Iowa Department of Public Health, Polk County Public Health, and the CDC to provide guidelines to determine when a student is well enough to attend school during the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidance will be modified to meet appropriate public health and safety needs, as necessary. These guidelines are for anyone entering a DMPS building or attending a DMPS event.
-Plan ahead to arrange how your child will be cared for if they stay home, or need to go home from school due to illness.
-Notify the School Nurse if your child is ill and will not be at school. Please report all symptoms.
-Notify the School Nurse if your child is positive for COVID-19 OR has been in close contact with someone with COVID-19.
-Always notify the school office if your child’s emergency contact information changes.
ATTENTION: If your student has a chronic health condition, please touch base with your family physician, and prepare a plan in advance that sets clear parameters in case they develop COVID 19 symptoms. We want you and your student to be as prepared as possible to return to school.
Lori Griffith BSN, RN
Findley Elementary
Findley Safety!
Counselor's Corner: Relieving Stress
Counseling class word of the week was: stress. Students shared different triggers that cause them to feel stress. Then different body signals that show we are stressed such as: upset stomach, increased heart rate, urge to yell or do nothing. Last, students shared different calming strategies.
Feel free to try one or more yourself.
- Take breaks- do an activity/ hobby you enjoy/ take slow deep breaths.
- Get plenty of sleep, sometimes a nap is helpful.
- Exercise- go outside for fresh air by walking, running, or playing basketball.
- Eat well, have a balanced diet. And drink plenty of water.
- Stay socially connected in safe ways.
October Art Challenge
If you would like Mrs.Fisher to see your zentangles, send submissions to Emily.fisher@dmschools.org
PTO and Fundraising
Findley PTO holds fundraisers each year to support our students and staff. Fundraisers supporting our community events. In the past, we have paid for Magician Jonathan May and DJ Herrin to provide entertainment and music for our students. We have helped purchase cookies for Holiday decorating and snacks for May Day. When we return to school, our PTO Board will be planning when we will have our next fundraiser. Our students know and love "Pizza Bob" who visits us from Club's Choice fundraising, and we have added an "UnFundraiser" in past years. Family participation and support is so important to our school. We appreciate all families who have donated and sold fundraiser items on our behalf in the past.
Family Resources
Bidwell Riverside Center
Food & Clothing Pantry/Various family services
1203 Hartford Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50315
(515) 244-6251
3010 Sixth Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50313
(515) 286-2220
Open M,W,F 8:00am-10:00am
Open T, Th, 11:00am-1:00pm
2309 Euclid Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50310
Open M-F 8:00am-5:00pm
We look forward to seeing our scholars next week!
Findley Elementary
Website: findley.dmschools.org/
Location: 3025 Oxford Street, Des Moines, IA, USA
Phone: (515) 242-8407
Facebook: facebook.com/findleydmps