RHS Weekly Newsletter
August 31, 2023
Weekly Message
Good evening Romeo!
It's been a great first week, and we loved having the kids back in school. We're trying a new format for the newsletter this year, so please take a look.
Class of 2024 parents, as you already know (or will learn quickly) there is a lot of information that is special for senior families only. We dedicate a section of our newsletters (at the bottom) just for you all. We have a few things this week, so please scroll down to check it out.
Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
-Mr. Osebold
New This Week
Peachfest 2023
The Romeo Lion's Club has been a generous supporter of Romeo schools and the Peachfest is its primary fundraising event.
10th Grade Welcome Assemblies
Earlier today, all RHS 10th graders were officially welcomed to RHS via an assembly orchestrated by their 10th grade teacher team. The assembly focused on introducing their respective 10th grade teachers along with other important staff members in the building. Students were also briefed on general policies and ways to stay connected to RHS through various social media platforms. The presentations used in these assemblies can be viewed below:
BEI 10th Grade Welcome Presentation
DEM 10th Grade Welcome Presentation
HHP 10th Grade Welcome Presentation
School Safety Review
On Thursday and Friday next week, we will be reviewing our school safety practices with all students in all classes. We will share information with parents next week as well.
Watchdog Shirts
We already sold out of Watchdog 2023 shirts, but if you still want one, order here: https://stores.inksoft.com/watchdog_2023/shop/home. Wearing your Watchdog 2023 shirt will get you into the Watchdog football game (for free) on September 15th.
Romeo Educational Foundation Golf Outing
The Romeo Educational Foundation is holding its first 2023 Kid/Parent Golf Outing. This should be a fun event for parents and kids.
RHS and 9GA offer free student tutoring after school, Monday - Thursday each week. Tutoring is in the RHS media center or 9GA collaborative space. We also provide bussing home after tutoring (3:40PM) on Mondays and Wednesdays. A schedule of teacher tutors will be shared after school starts. Tutoring will begin the week of September 18th.
School Policies & Procedures
School Safety
- During school hours, all visitors must check in at the main office. Any visitor going past the main office will have a quick background check done
- Hall passes are required for students, during class time, when students aren't in class
- Report safety concerns a high school staff member
Dress Code
What is appropriate for school is similar to what is appropriate for grandma's house or church:
- No alcohol, drugs, or sexual paraphernalia
- No undergarments showing
- No low-cut tops
- Shirt bottoms must rest below the belly-button (ie. no crop tops)
Attendance & Tardies
Students need to be in school on time, every day (unless there is a legitimate reason for an absence). Additionally, students need to be on time to each class. Here is our tardy policy:
- 5 tardies: Detention
- 8 tardies: Meeting with your academy principal and parent
- 10 tardies: ISS and loss of parking pass (if applicable)
RHS/9GA are Nut Alert Schools
Foods containing peanuts and tree nuts are highly discouraged. That means you shouldn't be bringing foods with peanuts or tree nuts to school. Additionally, we do not allow food in classrooms.
- During class time, student cell phones are required to be kept in the classroom cell phone holders
- Grading Standards Parent Letter - August 2023
Upcoming Events
9/7&8: School safety review
9/15: Watchdog football game
9/18: Tutoring begins
Class of 2024
Senior Apparel Fundraiser: All Proceeds go to the Senior Class
Are you looking for a special Senior Hoodie, Jogger, T-shirt or Crewneck? The RHS Dawg House is taking orders through September 30, 2023 for Seniors! Order forms are located in the main office or the RHS Dawg House (101C). Don't wait! Order forms are due by September 30, 2023 to Mrs. Lengemann room 101c. Here is a Link to the Order Form. Orders will be ready before Halloween!!!
Senior Painted Parking
Seniors were emailed today as a reminder to ensure their parking spots are painted and cleaned up by Monday at sunset. There is still quite a bit of spills, tape, trash, rocks, etc. out there that needs to be taken care of. Spots will be checked on Tuesday and students will be contacted about refunds next week.