Viper Voice
Week 5
It was another amazing week at Sierra Verde as our sports teams played in their first home and away games. Thank you to all of you who came out to support our amazing teams! Games will continue every Tuesday and Thursday for the remainder of the season, so if you didn't get the chance to come out, it is not too late!
We have a lot of events coming up in the next couple of weeks, so be sure to check the calendar of weekly events down below to stay up-to-date with the latest information. When marking your calendars, be sure to include Monday, September 25th as a NO SCHOOL day - which means that Friday the 29th is a full day Friday.
Want to join SV?
We are still on the lookout for any individuals interested in joining our SV family! We are looking for crossing guards to help out at drop off and pickup - from 8:00-8:45 AM AND/OR from 3:00-3:45 PM. We are also looking for a cook in our cafeteria from 7:30 AM - 2:00 PM. If you would like to find out more about these positions, please call our office!
Some reminders from our office:
- If your student is attending any of our before school clubs or tutoring, please pull up to the curb in front of the office and drop them off - as our parking lot is for our staff.
- If picking up your child AFTER 2:45 PM, please park in our parking lot or you may get caught in the afternoon pick up traffic.
- Please make sure that you call the attendance line if your student is going to be absent for any reason - (623) 376-4890
- Breakfast service begins at 8:10 AM, no students can be dropped off prior to 8:10 AM - as there is no adult supervision available.
- If your student has tutoring in the morning, please do not drop them off before 8:00 AM - as there is no adult supervision available.
Connect with Us!
Upcoming Events!
This week:
- Monday, September 11
- Baseball/Softball practice after school
- NJHS Meeting after school - Room 608
- Tuesday, September 12
- GenTech Club - Radical Robots (K-3) - After school - Room 712
- Young Rembrandts Drawing Club - After school - Room 517
- AWAY Softball Game @ Stetson Hills - 4:30 PM
- HOME Baseball Game @ SV - 4:30 PM
- Wednesday, September 13
- Team Connect - 8:00 AM - Room 608
- Baseball/Softball Practice - after school
- B.O.L.T.S. Club - after school - Room 502
- Chess Emporium Club - after school - Room 514
- Thursday, September 14
- Battle of the Books - 8:00 AM - SV Library
- Bonanza Educational Club - after school - Room 711
- Elements of Music Club - after school - Room 512
- GenTech Club - Rocket Science - after school - Room 513
- AWAY Baseball Game @ Diamond Canyon - 4:30 PM
- HOME Softball Game @ SV - 4:30 PM
- Friday, September 15
- STUCO Meeting - 7:45 AM - SV Library
- Early Release @ 2:00 PM for Teacher PLC's
Upcoming Events
- September 19 - 6:30 PM - PTSO Meeting in the Library
- September 25 - NO SCHOOL
Volunteer Trainings (One Class Required for NEW Volunteers) - All trainings will be held in the SV Library
- October 30th - 8:45 AM - Volunteer Training
Volunteer Opportunities
We are always excited to be able to welcome our parents/guardians back to help volunteer and visit at SV. If you would like to visit, we welcome you to come and eat lunch with your child in the MPR. Please arrive on time, and bring lunch only for your student - as we cannot have lunches passed out to other student or friends in the MPR for their safety. If you are interested in volunteering, we will soon welcome you back in our classrooms once we have our classroom procedures setup and in place. Mandatory volunteer training dates (required for all NEW volunteers) are listed below! If you are already a trained volunteer, please be sure to stop by the office to update your information.
As a reminder, we require all parents to follow our school rules and dress code on campus and ask that you do not use any cell phones or tablets in the MPR or around our students.
Difference Makers
Each week, one student from each grade level is recognized for making a positive difference on our campus. Thank you to Isaac, Eva, Devon, Jason, Rebecca, Isabella, Addison, Briarlyn, Alex, Brinkley, Isabella, and Joel for making SV a better place!
Campus Happenings
Totally Amazing Magnets!
Burying Dead Verbs
Softball Start-Up
SV Sports Updates
The baseball and softball teams had a great kick off to their seasons this week. The baseball team is 2 - 0 and the softball team is 0 -1- 1. Please check out their sports page under athletics for pictures and a write up about what happened during the games.
Parents - please remember to pick up your athlete in the bus loop AFTER 3:45. The bus loop is for buses and we have students walking across the entrance to get home. Your child will NOT be out there until 3:45, so please time your arrival accordingly. Don't worry, they can't start the game without the whole team being there:)
Welcome to Our New Nurse - Deanna Updike!
I have been a Registered Nurse for 19 years. I have two amazing kiddos that attend SV. We love to be doing anything outdoors - so that means a very early morning at this time of year!
Besides all things kids, a passion of mine is studying consciousness - where philosophy and science meet.
As a nurse and mom, I highly value a health and wellness model from the inside out..
I am honored to be in a position to support our teachers, staff, students, and parents at Sierra Verde. I want to hear from you! Please reach out to me with any questions, ideas, comments, or concerns. I can be reached at
A Message From PTSO
Donors Choose
This past Wednesday was Matching Day on Donors Choose. Thank you SO much to our community for donating to Mrs. Thiebeau, Ms. Scofield and Mr. Lane’s projects! The total amount of all three projects was $8,477 with the PTSO funding $1,796.59.
Below are photos of 5th graders using their STEAM boxes. We helped fulfill the grant for these in August.
Restaurant Night- Chipotle
Our September Restaurant Night is coming up on Wednesday, September 13th from 4-8pm at Chipotle. Please show the flyer or enter code KKZC7BC online. Sierra Verde will earn 33% of sales!
Silent Auction Donations NEEDED!
As a reminder, the PTSO is looking for donations for Bingo or our Silent Auction. Please take a look at our flyer and contact us if you are able to donate!
Time for Yearbooks!!
PBIS Rewards
Our PBIS store is OPEN! Students can use their points earned for being a Problem-solver, being Engaged, being Accountable, and being Kind to purchase fun items. These items are delivered on Fridays. If you are interested in tracking your student through our PBIS Rewards app, download the PBIS Rewards for Family app and ask your child's teacher for their unique QR code.
If you are interested in donating to our PBIS store, we have a PBIS Store Amazon wishlist. You can also drop off any donation items to our office - new/gently loved stuffed animals are always a popular item.
1. We need parent volunteers to help keep inventory and package PBIS rewards for students.
2. The store needs rewards! There are many ways to donate – new and gently used toys, party favors – anything that kids would be excited to receive!
3. Help stock the PBIS Store Rewards Store by purchasing Rewards directly on Amazon. If you purchase from our PBIS Rewards wishlist it will ship directly to campus and our kids can purchase immediately. Stock our store here:
If you have are available to donate your time or have questions about our PBIS program, please contact Mrs. Stephanie Hoffpauir in the front office.
Back to School Packet
If you have not done so already, please review the SV Student Handbook, Off & Away All Day Policy, DVUSD Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook, as well as the DVUSD Directory, Internet and E-Mail User Agreement. Once you have read and reviewed, please print, sign, and return the checklist page only to your child’s homeroom teacher as soon as possible. You may also scan it and email the copy to . If you need a paper copy of the checklist, copies are available in the front office.
Pick Up & Drop Off Procedure Reminders
- Make sure that all adults who will be picking up students at 3:30 have a purple placard with the student's Last Name and Grade clearly written in marker bold and big so we can read them. Placards are available in the office. Take as many copies as you need (one for mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, etc......).
- Please pull forward and follow all staff directions around the pick up loop, don't stop short, and stay in your car.
- We will load you kids, if they need help buckling, pull up and around the loop to the buckle zone past our bike rack
- We do not have any supervision of students until 8:30 am so please do not drop off or leave any kids unattended before 8:30 am.
- Please be patient and be kind to staff and other drivers as it takes a few weeks for all to learn our procedures. Remember out staff is out in 100+ degree weather keeping all our kids safe, and everyone's safety is more important than any individual's convenience
- If you do not have a kindergarten student, you must use the front loop for morning drop-off. We do not have enough spaces for additional vehicles, and our front loop is much more efficient and safe for our 1st-8th graders.
- Do not cross any streets outside of the designated and manned crosswalks in the am or pm. We have had some very close calls and pedestrians almost struck crossing rose garden illegally.
- If picking up on 74th, please be sure that you are not parking or waiting in the "no parking/loading zone" and please do not block any private driveways
- Please pull all the way down the loop before dropping off. Your student should not be getting out of the car when the line slows down
- Do not enter the parking lot through the EXIT
Policy Reminders
- All 1st-8th grade students should be dropped off in the front traffic loop, parking in the lot is reserved for Kindergarten parents only. It is also not permissible to park and cross Rose Garden or 74th Ave at any point other than our crosswalks.
- 8:45 is the start of our academic day, kids who are not in class at 8:45 will need a tardy pass.
- We cannot sign students out after 3:15.
- Do not text your students during the school day, phones are available for use at the office with staff permission.
- We will not interrupt instruction to relay messages or deliver items left at home (unless medically needed)
- Attendance warnings will be sent home for students who are absent more than 10% of days in session or who have accumulated 5+ tardies
- If you have a concern or question regarding progress, grades, or behavior, address the classroom level teacher per our DVUSD Problem Solving Guidance
- School staff and administration are not available to meet on demand, appointments will be made to set up meetings or phone calls for administrators and teachers. Walk-in appointments are not an option.
- SV teachers adhere to an email curfew. They will check emails Monday - Friday from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM only
- SV staff will respond to emails within 48 hours, excluding weekends & holidays.
Food & Nutrition
For the 23-24 school year, we will once again be charging for school meals, to apply for a free or reduced meal application visit or stop by Sierra Verde for a paper application (though the online process is much quicker). See the complete information from DVUSD Food & Nutrition below.
We will not be allowing outside food or drink for any reason on campus. DVUSD has a birthday bucket order form that will be the only method of birthday treats for 23-24. You can fill out an application for a birthday bucket and work with our Cafeteria Manger Mrs. Debbie Jasperson to arrange these birthday treats. The Birthday Bucket application is on our homepage and is linked below as well.
In order to keep meal account balances topped off, you can put money on the student account with cash or check. Please drop off any cash or check in the office, or use E-Z school pay. EZ School pay also has an app available to download and track your balance.