Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 16th June 2023
Super Sports Day
Year 1 - Year 6 Sports Day
It was a really fun afternoon and the children, as always, demonstrated amazing perseverance and wonderful team spirit.
A huge well done to all our Year 6s who ran the mile race, particularly our winners Jack and Merry. At the end of the afternoon Sharks managed to retain the trophy as worthy winners.
Well done to everyone.
For more photos and footage from the day do click on the video below. Can we please remind parents who took photos or videos on the day not to post any group shots on social media as they may include children who must not appear in online images. Thank you.
Early Years Sports Day
Early Years Sports Day
Do take a look at the pictures and video by clicking on the film below.
Arts Week - Monday 19th June - Friday 23rd June
For 2023 the theme is identity and pupils will be encouraged to use the arts to explore their own individuality and what makes each one of us unique. We look forward to sharing the work that they create with you.
School Productions
'Rock Pool' by Key Stage 1 and Early Years
In Early Years and Key Stage 1 the children are making great progress in learning the fabulous songs for their performance of 'Rock Pool.' The story of a young crab who wants to be in the Starfish rock band! Next week we will be sending home a letter to parents and carers so that they can obtain tickets for the performances on Tuesday 4th July (at 2.15pm and 6.15pm) and Wednesday 4th July (at 2.15pm).
We are sure that you will be wowed by our young rock stars!
'Kingdom Quest' by Key Stage 2
They are enjoying learning lots of songs, lines and dance moves for their performances which will be on Tuesday 18th July (at 1.30pm and 6.30pm) and Wednesday 19th July (at 6.30pm).
Year 3 At the Yorkshire Sculpture Park
On Wednesday, Year 3 had an amazing trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. When we arrived, we met Sarah, who is a professional artist, she showed us Three Stones for Three Trees that were created by another inspirational artist called David Nash . We rubbed graphite on our piece of paper against the rough stones. After that, we went to see the eye-catching Buddha with its shiny crystals and gemstones. Engraved in the back was a calming sitting place for meditating. Later on, we designed and created a miniature sculpture from plasticine in the style of Barbora Hepworth, we took photos to make it look as big as us using perspective. After lunch, we went on to explore the park and saw many more incredible sculptures, like a huge bunny and Chinese zodiac animals. We had a brilliant time, we would like to go back again!
Brilliant Bread
As part of their REAL project preparation, Year 3 have been baking bread. They wanted to find out which type of bread was the healthiest and tastiest. They experimented with white, brown, mixed grain, oat and linseed and sun-dried tomato and cheddar.
Working in a team, they developed their kneading skills to ensure their bread was light and fluffy and then, once it was baked, they did the all-important taste test. Year 3 decided that white bread was the tastiest but brown bread won overall as it was tasty and also high in fibre.
Year 3 will be selling their sandwiches on Ripon Market on Thursday 6th July, please come and buy one for your lunch!
Stars of the Week
We enjoyed hearing about our Stars of the Week at our collective worship on Friday.
All of Nursery for they fabulous effort at their first Sports Day.
Maxi for working brilliantly well to achieve the star challenges in the classroom. What a star!
Year 1
George for a wonderful attitude and great team work during Sports Day.
Year 2
Mercedes for showing sportsmanship this Sports Day by supporting and encouraging her team and also cheering on the other teams too.
Year 3
Jeffrey for making a great impression on our school trip, asking thoughtful questions and being a good ambassador for the school.
Year 4
All Year 4 for their effort and determination in the Year 4 multiplication check.
Year 5
Molly for her progress and application in phonics and spelling plus determination during Sports Day.
Year 6
Jai for effort and sportsmanship at Sports Day. He also showed kindness and generosity in carrying the water bottles around without being asked.
Reception get buzzing learning about bees!
A very big thank you to Mrs Krippner for coming to talk to the Reception children about bees and beekeeping. The children listened with interest as they learnt about beekeeping, how bees collect nectar to make honey and how they spread pollen from flower to flower. The children asked thoughtful questions and were also very keen to share their own knowledge. What better way to finish the session than with some delicious honey on toast.
Question of the week - what superpower would you have?
As always the children shared some 'super'ideas.
'Invisibility so I can sneak around.' Year 2
'Control the elements so that I can stop natural disasters.' Year 4
'Read minds so that I can help make the world a better place.' Year 4
'Use my powers to save people who are in wars as many people die.' Year 3
'Superspeed to I can travel around quickly and win the mile race.' Year 6
'Be able to fly to can I visit lots of places like Italy.' Year 6
'To spread love to everyone so that no one falls out.' Reception
'Healing power to help everyone.' Year 1
'Power to clear the world of dust and rubbish.' Year 1
'To travel fast as lightning and be super strong to help the police.' Nursery
'Invisibility because I then can get peace.' Year 5
'Time travel to learn about the past.' Year 5
'Mind control so that everyone will improve our planet and stop deforestation' Year 5
The Friends' Summer Fair
The Friends' committee, and we at school, extend a huge thank you for the overwhelming response to our plea for donations. We are truly grateful the enormous amount of toys, games, raffle/tombola prizes and bottles which has flooded in over the past couple of days. Now we just need as many of you as possible to come tomorrow to try your luck at winning a few prizes! You will also enjoy a birds of prey exhibition, small animal handling, tractors to investigate, a beer tent and barbecue, tombola, games and stalls! All money raised is ploughed directly back into school and supports special events and in the past has funded extra resources such I-Pads, the running track, books etc. Plus the fair is great community event! Thank you to everyone for all the support and our special thanks to the hardworking committee.
Oscar's Summer Holiday Club
Week 1: Tuesday 25th to Thursday 27th July
Week 2: Wednesday 30th to Thursday 31st August
Please note that the club runs from 9am to 4pm and booking is essential. If you have not used Oscar's before, please find further details on the school website by clicking below. Booking is for all three days in the first week (£50) and for both days in the final week (£35). Therefore, you only need to book the first day to reserve a place for both/all three days.
Parents will probably be aware that staffing costs have risen. In order to avoid an increase in the charge to parents and to secure staffing more easily, we have shortened the day by an hour but will provide a few more snacks. Details will follow to those who book.
Dates for Diaries
Saturday 17th June - Friends Summer Fair
Monday 19th June - 23rd June - Arts Week
Wednesday 21st June - Year 2 Visit to Whitby
Friday 23rd June - School Disco
Monday 26th June - Year 1 Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Wednesday 28th June - 30th June - Year 5 Residential to Lindisfarne
Thursday 29th June and Friday 30th June - Year 6 Bikeability
Tuesday 4th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Production (Afternoon and Evening)
Wednesday 5th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Production (Afternoon)
Thursday 6th July - Year 4 Ripon Workhouse Visit
Friday 7th July - Year 6 Leavers' Service at the Cathedral
Tuesday 11th July and Wednesday 12th July - In School Transition Days Year R - Year 5
Wednesday 12th July - Year 6 Leavers Event
Wednesday 12th July - Annual Reports
Thursday 13th July - Reception York Castle Museum Visit
Tuesday 18th July - Key Stage 2 Production (Afternoon and Evening)
Wednesday 19th July - Key Stage 2 Production (Evening)
Wednesday 19th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship (9am)
Thursday 20th July - Key Stage 2 Celebration Worship (9am)
Friday 21st July - School Closes for the Summer
Oscar's Summer Holiday Club - booking essential
Tuesday 25th to Thursday 27th July, 9am to 4pm
Wednesday 30th to Thursday 31st August, 9am to 4pm
We endeavour to provide dates with suitable notice, however there may be changes to timings etc, as the term progresses.
Community Events
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool
Twitter: @riponcathschool