Conroe High School Tiger Tracks
February 11, 2024
Message from Dr. Smith and Mr. Meyer
We hope that everyone had a great week! We are excited to watch and cheer for all our students that are participating in Spring Sports and activities. There is something for everyone, and we appreciate your involvement and commitment to success. Please come out and support all of our Tigers! This week is Operation Beautiful Week! Please see the flyer below to join Student Council with this movement. Here are a few updates and reminders:
Basketball Playoff Information
Our girls’ basketball team will be playing Spring in the bi-district round of the U.I.L. playoffs on Monday at 6:30. The game will be held at College Park High School!
Progress Reports and Grading Period
The last day of the second 3-week grading period for the third nine weeks was Friday, February 9, 2024. This progress report is an opportunity for students who failed one or more classes at the end of the second nine weeks to regain eligibility. Students who were ineligible can regain eligibility if they are passing all classes. Students become eligible at 2:35pm on Friday, February 16, 2024.
Student Holidays
This is a reminder that students have a school holiday on Friday, February 16th and Monday, February 19th.
School Start Time
Please remember that our first period class begins at 7:15 A.M. Plan on getting ahead of the traffic.
Students Out of Area
In an effort to maintain Conroe High School as a safe and supportive environment, administration is having to address the increasing issue of students in the hallways after the tardy bell and being out of area during class time and lunches. Students who are identified as “out of area” or without a pass will be assigned one day of in school suspension. Students must be sure to get a pass from their teacher ANYTIME they leave the classroom. We appreciate your support!
Student Safety Reminders
All students grades 9-12 are required to wear their ID while on campus. We continue to have too many students showing up daily without their student ID. Just a reminder that every time a student has to get a temporary ID they are charged $1. Replacement IDs are $5. These fees are added to your students account. These must be paid. At CHS 9 there will be some events forthcoming where one of the requirements will be to be clear in your fees and fines. Our first event will be our Winter Dance on February 10 (more details to come next week).
Students should NOT open an exterior door to allow anyone to come inside.
Students should NOT leave campus without properly checking out through our attendance office.
If your student will be taking the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System also known as the TELPAS test. The test will be given on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 and Thursday, February 22, 2024. This test assesses your students Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing proficiency. This test will be administered one day for Listening and Speaking and the next day for Reading and Writing. Your student will have the opportunity to come to tutorials after school Monday through Thursday starting January 29, 2024. If you would like to know more about your student’s last year TELPAS scores you can go to parent access and select student information. The passing score for TELPAS this year is 3.5 in composite, whereas in the past it was 4.0.
CHS 9 Drop Off/Pick Up
Please do not drop your students off in the parking lot of the Social Security office in the morning, or pick them up in the parking lot after school. It is causing delays for their employees and the public who need to park there to utilize their services. Thank you.
Attendance Matters
It is important that your child is in class each day unless they are ill. In the event your child does miss school, please be sure to email our attendance office. Also, please remind your child to get with their teacher about any work they missed. Our campus goal for attendance is 97%
CHS Main Attendance: CHSAttendance@conroeisd.net
CHS9 Attendance: CHS9Attendance@conroeisd.net
Conroe ISD YOUniversity
Please join us for this event on Saturday, March 2nd from 10 am - 2 pm at the Jett Center. There will be activities, food trucks, presentations for students and parents and information from our community resources. See the flier below for more details and we hope to see you there!
Student Fees and Fines - If you would like to check your students fees and fines the forms linked below will give you the instructions to do so.
Cheer Tryouts
Conroe Cheer is gearing up for the 2024-2025 school year! If you are interested in being a cheerleader or a mascot, please attend the mandatory try out meeting Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 6 PM in the LGI. A parent or guardian must attend with the prospective cheerleader! Come join the cheer team that placed 15th in the 6A Division 1 category at UIL this year, to help us work towards a top 10 in 2025! Any questions or inquiries must be submitted to Coach Brittany Longoria at blongoria@conroeisd.net
Junior Jumpstart
Attention Juniors and parents. Junior Jumpstart is an event you don't want to miss. You will have the opportunity to listen to college reps from across the country as they share with you tips for preparing for senior year and beyond. The event will take place February 27 at 6:30-8:30 pm at the Jett Center in The Woodlands.
Conroe Tiger Band Fun Run
Do you like running? Well the Conroe Tiger Band is bringing back its fun run! The run will be on April 6th and will begin at Margaritaville Lake Conroe! Kids Dash, 1 Mile Run, 5K Run, and Virtual 5K options are available. You'll receive a custom t shirt, medal, and number. Check out the TVs in the Hall to register!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Please join us in congratulating the following students and student groups:
Isaac Zheng - Isaac was the Precalculus representative of Team 1 that won 3rd place at the CISD Math Bowl!
Zeplin Bogus - Zeplin received a certificate in recognition of his writing from Young Writers USA and entry in the publication of Hunted - Fight to Be Free!
CTE Skills USA Teams - Our Skills USA Teams competed in Beaumont and brought home many Gold and Silver medals! We can’t wait to share the results with you!
CHS Tennis Team - Congratulations to the Conroe Varsity tennis team on their performance in the Oak Ridge Tennis Invitational. The tigers all performed well with a special finish for the following. Andrea Diaz won first place in the girls’ singles, and Genesis Norwood finished third place in the girls’ singles. In girls’ doubles Isabel Stevens and Raylie May took third place overall, and in mixed doubles, Sierra Carter and Makai Ortiz took third place as well. Congratulations Tigers!
CHS Girls Varsity Track - The Conroe lady tigers track & field team made their presence known Saturday against the best in the Houston area at the “ Dan green invitational” track meet in the woodlands.The four by four team of “ Mya Sanders, Iyanna Miller , Eva Lantagne and Majesty Omeye “ ran a 4 flat and got the silver metal after a photo finish. The Highlight of the day was the four by two relay team of “ Iyanna Miller , Anna Cason , Eva Lantagne and Mya Sanders “ running a blazing fast time of 1:41.5 and getting the gold ! Great job ladies!
CHS Boys Varsity Track - Congrats to the Conroe Varsity Boys Track team. They took 3rd place overall at the Dan Green Invitational. The 4x100 meter relay team of Damarien Jacobs, Dorian Brew, Christian Nunley, and Tice Williams took gold and the same guys took gold in the 4x200 meter relay. Damarien Jacobs, Tice Williams, Jace Ferguson and Bryson Champagne completed the relay sweep with gold in the 4x400 meter relay. Bryson Champagne and Jace Ferguson added bronze.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us:
Conroe High School: 936-709-5700 or contactchs@conroeisd.net.
Conroe High School 9th Grade Campus: 936-709-4000 or contactchs9@conroeisd.net
We greatly appreciate your continued support!
Sic ‘em Tigers,
Tasha Smith
Principal, Conroe High School
Kevin Meyer
Principal, Conroe High School 9th Grade Campus
MISSION - Conroe High School is a safe and supportive environment that promotes diverse programs with rigorous expectations by instilling Tiger PRIDE!
VISION - All Tigers Achieve
CHS School Calendar and Other Events
Conroe High School PTO
Also, please join our CHS PTO!!! Joining is easy, please click the link below to join! To stay current on all things PTO, please join the CHS PTO Facebook Group. If you have any questions, please contact our PTO President Sara Ullrich: sarad11@yahoo.com
Important Information For Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Car Riders - Parents that will be dropping off their students, DO NOT drop your student off on Hwy 105! You can either drop off in the Preferred car rider line at Wilson Road and Longmire or in the front of the building. Please plan for delays with the car rider line. Our front doors will open at 6:45 and First Period begins at 7:15.
Parking Passes - Parking passes are only available for Juniors and Seniors who are eligible. If your child is driving to school please be sure they take care of everything they need to in order to purchase a parking pass. Students will need to park in their assigned parking spot!
Important Information For Freshmen
CHS9 Car Riders:
If you bring your student to school by vehicle, then please remember that the traffic loop in front of the Ninth Grade Campus contains two lanes. Vehicles can utilize the inside lane (left lane) to help alleviate traffic. When our duty personnel see students getting out of the vehicle from the left lane, we will stop traffic in the right lane allowing your student to cross safely. Please remind your student to check traffic before getting out of the vehicle. Parents, please continue to drive slowly and safely in the student drop-off area. We appreciate your attention to safety and patience every day.
Ninth Grade Students with Classes at CHS-Main:
My first block class is at CHS-Main, what do I do?
If you are a freshman and your FIRST and/or SECOND period class is at CHS Main, you are to report to the Main campus in the morning. If you have questions about your bus route from home to the Main Campus, then please contact CISD transportation at 936-709-7940 or CHS9 at 936-709-4000. You will ride a shuttle bus from Main to CHS9 at the end of FIRST and/or SECOND period.
My last block class is at CHS-Main, what do I do?
If you are a freshman and your SEVENTH and/or EIGTH period class is at CHS Main, then you will ride a shuttle bus to Main at the end of fifth/sixth period. Your day will end at Main campus. You will need to go home from the Main campus by car or by bus. If you have questions about your bus route from the Main campus to home, then please contact CISD transportation at 936-709-7940 or CHS9 at 936-709-4000.
Orders will be taken until the countdown clock on top ends. Then all orders placed during that open window will be made and delivered to us. We will contact you with a location and times you can pick up your order once the window is closed.
Items will continually be added to the online store including a hoodie soon & several shirts have multiple color options. We have more merchandise plus some of the online items available to purchase in person at the Kiosk during lunches.
Mobile App
Stay in touch with CISD by downloading our new mobile app!
Download the app on your mobile device today and select ‘yes’ to receive push notifications with the latest news and updates from the District.
Key Features:
• Push Notifications - Select ‘yes’ when you download the app to receive the latest push notifications from the District.
• Calendar Events - Add events to the calendar on your personal mobile device directly from the calendar section on the app.
• News - Check out the latest District-wide and school news all in one place!
Conroe High School
Email: resmith@conroeisd.net
Website: chs.conroeisd.net
Phone: 936.709.5700
Twitter: @ConroeHigh