WMS Friday Forecast
November 8, 2019 - Week 13
FIRST login to your HAC (HOME ACCESS CENTER) Account
- Click on the LINK BELOW to access the complete directions in a step by step format.
Dear Parents:
There are two important things that parents can do to help their child understand and prevent digital bullying:
- Talk to your kids about your expectations. Let them know that sending rude, mean, or bullying comments in Snaps, Instas, or texts is never OK with you. Explain that they should not reply to bullying messages and that it is vital they tell a parent. Dinner-table conversations about this topic should be ongoing because this topic is in front of them every day.
- Monitor your child's social media and phone. Privacy is not a right at this age, especially when it comes to social media. There are apps that help monitor and manage screen time. It is vital that parents know what their children are doing online because the digital world is a dangerous place for kids.
Enjoy your weekend-
ID's Out and On 100%
RedHawk Spotlight
highlight in our RedHawk Spotlight?
Please email their story and a couple of photos
to Tim Loversky for consideration.
Our first student in the RedHawk Spotlight is featured below!
Shoeboxes Wanted!
Lock Replacement Policy:
SEL - Social Emotional Learning
At WMS, we use the RULER Anchor Tools. The Anchors Tools of Emotional Intelligence are evidence-based tools designed to enhance the emotional intelligence of school leaders, teachers and staff, students, and their families. RULER includes four primary tools: the Charter, Mood Meter, Meta-Moment, and Blueprint. Each is based on scientific research and helps children and adults develop their emotional intelligence skills. These skills helps us Recognize, Understand, Label, Express, and Regulate emotions.
Have you ever lost your temper in a way that you later regretted? Most parents would say yes. The Meta-Moment is a tool that helps us press the pause button before we respond to a challenging feeling.
Meta moment is the heart of managing emotions in the moment.
We use a meta moment between the trigger (ex.:someone says something mean) and responding to the trigger (ex. shouting back).
We often fall back on an automatic response that often comes out of our mouths quickly, without much thought, and can sometimes be destructive, hurtful and unproductive.
The goal of a Meta Moment is to take a moment, process the situation and to respond with thought, effort and awareness of the outcome.
This may mean we have to catch ourselves, stretch the moment a bit, and reflect, in order to choose a better response.
Once you have sensed an emotion, stopped to take a breath, and pictured your best self (about 3 seconds), it’s time to call to mind effective emotion regulation strategies that aligns with your best self, goals and values.
Kids need support identifying and practicing real strategies they can use in these meta-moments: strategies that are conscientious, constructive, realistic, and respectful.
Save The Date!
Friday, December 20, 2019 - 4pm to 8pm - Epic Air - South Elgin
Mention Wredling PTO and students get to jump for 2 hours for $15 ($5 savings) w/ waiver & Epic Air Socks ($2) to celebrate their hard work for the 1st half the school year!
Community Events & Information
CTE Presents The Legend of Hercules
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: (331)228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wredling-Middle-School-537757163011275/
Twitter: @WredlingD303