Parent and Family Engagement Policy
J.E. Woodard Elementary School 2023-2024
Woodard Elementary utilizes our leadership team, which includes parents and community stakeholders, to help create and revise this parent engagement policy. Additionally, family input and comments regarding this plan are welcome during the school year. The plan is posted on our school website and social media for families to view and submit feedback throughout the year. All feedback received during this year will be used to revise the plan for the next school year.
All students and families are encouraged and invited to fully participate in the opportunities described in this plan. Woodard will provide full opportunity for the participation of all students and parents including our Woodard family with limited English and those who need special accommodations. Please let us know if you require any accommodations for our family engagement opportunities.
At the beginning of the year, the plan is included in the Parent Orientation packet that is distributed to those who attend. It is also sent home with a letter to families who do not attend. The plan will also be posted on the school website and social media page. Families can also retrieve a copy of the plan in the front office of the school.
Woodard Elementary is identified as a Title I school as part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Title I is designed to support state and local school reform efforts tied to the challenging state academic standards to improve teaching and learning for students. Title I programs must be based on effective means of improving student achievement and include strategies to support family engagement. All Title I schools must jointly develop with parents and family members a written parent and family engagement policy.
Maury County Public Schools will provide the educational instruction, tools, and environment for every child to succeed in LIFE as Life-long Learners, Independent Thinkers, Fearless Innovators, and Exemplary Citizens.
For the 2023-24 school year, Woodard Elementary will improve TCAP percentages in reading and math of all students and student groups who meet or exceed expectations across grades 2-4.
Students will have equal access to a safe and healthy learning environment
Woodard Elementary believes that family engagement means the inclusion of all families and parents in the academic progress and activities of students. We believe that:
- Parents and families should be actively involved in the education of their child.
- Parents and families should work together with teachers to support their child's learning.
- Parents and families are integral to the success of their child's success at school, and, when appropriate, should be involved in leadership opportunities to assist in the education of the children at Woodard.
- Parents and families should participate in regular 2 way communication in order to ensure success for the students.
Woodard Elementary has a supply closet thanks to donations from various organizations around town. If you need any assistance with any school supplies, food items, or coats for students, please reach out to Anita White, Title Facilitator at 380-2872 ext. 5074.
Woodard Elementary will do the following in order to support parents and family members in order to strengthen our school, improve academic success, and meet our goals.
We will:
- Make sure that all information related to school and family programs, meetings, and activities is published in both English and Spanish.
- Provide support and training to our Woodard faculty and staff in the best ways to support families through communication and in how to reach out to and work with families as equal partners to implement and coordinate parent programs.
- Partner with early childhood programs and middle schools to help prepare parents and children for successful school transitioning.
- Share information on the school website and in school newsletters so that families will understand the school's academic standards and assessments as well as the ways that families can work with educators to monitor their child's progress.
- Communicate with all families and the community on a regular basis regarding schoolwide events and activities through Class Dojo, our website, social media, and newsletters.
- Collect feedback from families through surveys throughout the year in order to support families through family engagement and individual needs.
Woodard invites all families to share ideas to help build relationships between the school, families, and community. The team will meet monthly during the school year, but parents and family members can also submit their ideas or suggestions by surveys sent out throughout the year or by reaching out to Anita White at 380-2872 ext. 5074 or email at
Our monthly meetings will take place on the first Thursday of each month with the exception of August which will take place on August 10th and April which will take place on April 11th.
Let's Come Together!
Annual Title I Parent Orientation- August 17, 2023 5:30
All families are invited to come and meet your child's teacher in order to learn important classroom information. You will also learn about our Title I program, including our parent and family engagement policy and the school-parent compact.
Parent/ Teacher Conferences- September 21, 2023 4-7 PM
Schedule a meeting with your child's teacher for an update of your child's progress.
Reading Night "Fall in LOVE with Reading!"- October 5, 2023 5:30-6:30
Come and learn about how to support your child's reading progress and how to create life long readers!
Parent / Teacher Conferences- November 6, 2023
Schedule a meeting with your child's teacher for an update of your child's progress.
Arts Night- December 14, 2023 5:30-6:30
Come enjoy a musical performance and view students art work on display!
Math/ STEM Night- January 11, 2023 5:30-6:30
Come and learn about the best ways to support students' math learning at home and how to make it fun!
Parent/ Teacher Conferences- February 6, 2023 4-7PM
Schedule a meeting with your child's teacher for an update of your child's progress.
Parent/ Teacher Conferences- March 19, 2023 4-7PM
Schedule a meeting with your child's teacher for an update of your child's progress.
Transition Programs TBD- Kindergarten Round Up and 4th Grade Graduation
Excited to meet you!
Welcome to Woodard Elementary School. It is our pleasure to welcome everyone back for another great year. We are excited to have students back in our classrooms and hallways--- filling them with energy and enthusiasm for learning. It is our mission to help every child feel welcomed, connected and a part of our Woodard Wildcat family. At Woodard, we have great teachers who spend hours planning and creating classroom activities to engage our students in learning. We believe all students should leave us and be prepared for the demands of middle school. We are proud of our dedicated, experienced staff and enthusiastic learners!
As demands and complexities of teaching children increase, it becomes more evident that we all need to work together to ensure our children reach their full potential. We believe that all of us – the school and the community – must work together in an extended family environment to ensure success for all our students. We believe it is everyone’s responsibility to empower children with the creative, intellectual, and decision-making skills necessary for them to become academically, socially, physically, and emotionally successful and responsible.
Throughout the year, we look forward to meeting the new members of our community and connecting with returning community members. We encourage families to get to know each other so that we can build new friendships and support each other as the need arises. With that in mind, you are invited to be an active participant at Woodard Elementary School. Whether you are a classroom volunteer, a member of the PTA, special event participation, or member of one of our school communities, you are encouraged to be involved! Research on schools clearly demonstrates that parent participation in their child’s school coincides with a greater likelihood of academic success for their child.
We are honored to serve as the administrative team of Woodard Elementary. It is a privilege to be a part of a community where parents, teachers and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships that support life-long learning. During our school year, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions you have.
Carol Ann Jent, Principal
Julie Wolaver, Assistant Principal
Woodard Elementary School 207 Rutherford Lane Columbia, TN 931-380-2872