WSMS Principal Newsletter
November 17, 2023
Principal's Message
Willow Springs,
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank you so much to our generous PTO for the heartfelt letters, charcuterie boards, and pies/cakes this week. The letters we received are so precious and were written specifically for each staff member. What a beautiful send off to a holiday break.
When we return on 11/27, we look forward to a great few weeks of learning. December 11 through the 14, our students will take semester exams. Teachers will inform students of the format of the tests or projects and guide them to study materials. If you have any questions about semester exams, please reach out to the teachers. Have a wonderful week and Go Leopards!
Caitlin Eldredge
WSMS Principal
Food Deliveries
Our campus does not accept items sent through meal delivery services. We do not deliver food and drinks to classrooms during the school day.
If you are a parent or guardian dropping off lunch to your child, please do so before lunches begin. A lunch is from 10:58 - 11:32 and B lunch is from 11:47 - 12:17. You may drop off food for your child only. Please clearly label the food and place on the table in the foyer.
MAP Growth Reports
MAP reports were sent home with students through their math class on 10/19. More information about MAP Growth can be found in the MAP Growth FAQ.
Student ID Badge Info
Academic Tutorial Schedule
Please see the campus tutorial schedule below. If you do not see the teacher's name or have questions, please email your child's teachers directly to partner with them if your child needs academic assistance. Thank you for your support.
Academic UIL Information
We would like to encourage you to talk to students about competing in this year's Academic UIL Competition in April. This competition gives our students an opportunity to experience what it's like to compete in a high-stakes, fast-paced academic setting. We will have more information on the specifics soon. If you or your students have any questions, please reach out to,
Joseph Washburn (joseph_washburn@lovejoyisd.net). We are seeking students to compete in the events listed below:
Number Sense
Calculator Applications
Social Studies
Attendance continues to be a top priority for Lovejoy ISD. It should come as no surprise that attendance has a direct relationship with student learning. Additionally, public school funding is provided by the State of Texas based on each district's average daily attendance (ADA).
Lovejoy has developed an Attendance Task Force consisting of staff, parents, and students to formulate ideas about how to positively impact ADA in our district. One suggestion is to update the community via weekly principal communication on the number of absences each campus has accrued YTD along with the budgetary impact of those absences. This information can be found below:
Need Chromebook Charger?
Visitors to Willow Springs and Office Hours
WSMS office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:35 p.m. Monday through Friday.
LISD Calendar
November Nutrition Newsletter
Click Here to view the nutrition newsletter
Powerschool App
The PowerSchool app is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. You use the same PowerSchool online login. Enter the District code NJBC. **Helpful Tip: If your app is not syncing, follow these steps:
- Log out
- Update app
- Log back in
PTO General Meeting
2023-2024 PTO Meetings:
February 21, 2024
April 17, 2024
May 17, 2024
Your membership dues and donation enables us to provide important programs for students and parents, to organize volunteers to support our campus, and to deliver appreciation events for teachers and staff throughout the year. Please encourage your friends to join PTO today. We appreciate your support!
Dues are $10 for individual and $20 for the whole family. Join and Donate Here
If you’d like to know more about volunteer opportunities at Willow Springs please fill out this form and we’ll notify you as needs arise. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-ZUVnniJK4utt6GgYVq8mkXVZVxAlz1uo3VdBkLeXkjnIVA/viewform
Connect Your Kroger Card
Kroger Community Rewards offer a great way to earn money for the Willow Springs Middle School PTO. Just swipe your Kroger rewards card or use the phone number on your Kroger rewards account when shopping to earn money for WSMS.
Visit Kroger Community Rewards website:
New users will need to create an account which requires a valid email address and a rewards card. Once logged into your Kroger account, search for WILLOW SPRINGS MIDDLE SCHOOL PTO either by name or WG753 and then click Enroll.
Lovejoy ISD recently entered into a partnership with My Community Credit Union. This partnership is intended to enhance student opportunities in the areas of financial literacy and provide hands-on learning experiences for future careers related to finance. An MCCU branch is scheduled to open at Lovejoy High School in the fall of 2024.
On Friday, October 27th, MCCU kicked off their Debit Card Design Contest. The contest is open to all Lovejoy ISD students. Three debit card design winners will be selected representing grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12. The winners will have their designs on our Lovejoy Leopard MCCU Debit Cards and will receive a $100 gift card!
Content Rules:
Must be an original image/design/artwork.
Participants may submit up to 2 designs.
Parent consent is required.
Submissions are due to marketing@mccu.coop by midnight on January 26.
Winners will be announced on March 1.
Final Card Size: 2-1/8 by 3-3/8
Scan the QR Code for Official Rules and additional details, or visit mccu.coop/lovejoy.
Join us on November 28th at 6:00 p.m. in the Lovejoy Child Development Center Library for a panel discussion on Achieving Accommodations for individuals with disabilities. Join Stephani Kranz, Brie Smith, Allison Claunch, Heather Fisher and Eva Pearl as we talk about understanding accommodations beyond the walls of Lovejoy, talking about ACT/SAT accommodations, how colleges work with accommodations, the differences of what is allowed and then job accommodations.