The Star News

We are so proud of all our students and staff and what they have accomplished this year! It has been a great year and we wish our graduating seniors the best of luck as they head off to college, the military, and the workforce.
With summer break beginning, we also have many opportunities for students to stay connected to their school this summer. Elementary and middle school students can participate in RCPS+, our 5th through 8th grade students have the opportunity to participate in weekly athletic camps and a fine arts academy free of charge, and our high school students have the opportunity to take summer classes or mentor younger students through our elementary/middle school programs. The summer reading program, sponsored by Cox, is also available again for students in all grade levels.
The Star News will take a break in July and return in August as we prepare for the 2023-2024 school year!
Thank you for your continued support of Roanoke City Public Schools. As always, we welcome your thoughts, questions, or suggestions by emailing info@rcps.info.
Start & Dismissal Times Proposed for 2023-2024 School Year
Annual CTE Extravaganza Raises More than $21,000
Tasmanian Researcher Visits RCPS to Study School Safety
RCPS' comprehensive and holistic approach to school safety recently gained attention from across the Pacific Ocean. A researcher for the Tasmanian Department for Education in Australia visited RCPS in April to tour several schools and learn how RCPS is working to keep students and staff safe. Click here to read the full story.
Superintendent's Corner
RCPS Family,
There is something special happening in Roanoke City Public Schools, and I believe this reflects the strong partnership between our families, our community, and our schools. When we are moving forward, staying focused and working together, our students benefit.
This has been a great year and I am so proud of all that our students, teachers, and staff have accomplished. This spring, our high school students began registering for new career and technical education classes that will begin in August. Our middle school students will soon be participating in our free summer staying safe by staying connected arts and athletic camps, and our elementary and middle school students have RCPS+ that will begin on June 20.
We are also once again hosting our Summer Reading Program. Flyers have been sent home, and more information on Summer Reading and all our summer programming is available on our website.
Even though we have reached the end of the 2022-2023 school year, we still have many opportunities available this summer, and we look forward to see those students who will be participating.
Again, I want to thank you for all you do to support Roanoke City Public Schools. I wish you a safe and wonderful summer break.
Dr. Verletta White
Save the Date
Last Day of School
Wednesday, June 7 is the last day of school, and students will dismiss two hours early.
William Fleming's graduation will be held on Wednesday, June 7. Patrick Henry's graduation will be held Thursday, June 8. Both ceremonies will be held at 10 a.m. at the Berglund Center.
Juneteenth Holiday
Schools and offices will be closed on Monday, June 19 in honor of Juneteenth.
First Day of RCPS+ and Summer School
The first day of RCPS+ and high school summer school is Tuesday, June 20.
School Highlights
Garden City Elementary
Virginia Heights Elementary
Students at Virginia Heights recently took a walking field trip to Roanoke Co-op, Grace's Pizza, 7-11, The Grandin Road Barber Shop, and Roanoke Ballet. The students had a fabulous time learning about the businesses and watching a special ballet performance. Great job, Cardinals!
Patrick Henry, William Fleming, and ROTEC
Equity & Student Services Corner
We recently celebrated Mental Health Awareness Month in May!
Dr. Vivek Murthy, the U.S. Surgeon General, recently addressed rising loneliness and isolation in our society. He said: “What if there is something in our everyday lives that can transform our whole health and well-being? Something that can decrease the risk of developing and worsening anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, heart disease, dementia and diabetes? It exists. It’s something that needs to be cared for and nurtured like a garden, by all of us. It can create healthier, more prosperous and resilient communities.”
That something is called social connection.
Social connection is essential to our health and well-being. Social connection is like a garden: nurturing your connections can improve your garden’s health. Additionally, evidence shows children and teens who enjoy positive relationships with their peers, families, and teachers experience improved academic outcomes.
Here in RCPS, we work together every day, to foster social connection and build a sense of belonging in our schools. It’s an intentional part of our Strategic Plan, and it applies to students, families, and all employees.
Each of us can begin now, in our own lives, by strengthening our connections and relationships, and by practicing some of the core values of social connection: kindness, respect, service, and gratitude to one another.
Click here for a simple gratitude practice you can do at home.
Have a question about Mindfulness?
Laurie Seidel, Coordinator of Mindfulness Education
P: (540) 853-1726 | E: lseidel@rcps.info
Family & Community Engagement
Upcoming Events in Roanoke this Summer
Ride and Read Festival: The Roanoke Public Libraries will be holding its annual Ride and Read festival from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 10 at the Williamson Road Branch Library. Ride and Read is a unique and interactive event that allows children to see, touch, and safely explore their favorite big trucks, vehicles, and heavy machinery, and to go home with brand-new books to keep.
Roanoke Public Libraries Summer Reading Program: Join Roanoke Public Libraries this summer for free storytimes, performances, crafts, and more! Children and adults can enter to win prizes by reading books throughout the summer. Free meals will also be available to children under 18. Click here to learn more.
Summer Fitness Camps: Roanoke Parks & Recreation is offering multiple fitness-based camps for middle school students this summer. These free programs will be held at Lucy Addison Middle School. Hoop Love Summer Academy will focus on basketball and life skills on and off the court, and BoxFit will introduce students to boxing.
Free Summer Meals
Roanoke City Public Schools, Feeding Southwest Virginia, and the City of Roanoke are offering free meals this summer to children under 18 through the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Summer Feeding Program. Click here for times and locations for RCPS' summer meals program and click here for Roanoke Public Libraries' feed and read program. Visit Feeding Southwest Virginia's social media pages to view their times and locations.
Prescription Discount Card Program
The City of Roanoke is providing a new, no-cost prescription discount card program to city residents called "My Healthy Hometown." The program is run by CVS Caremark and can help city residents save up to 80% off retail price on generic medications and up to 40% off on name-brand medications. Cards are available by visiting city library branches, the Department of Social Services or online at https://nlc.cvscaremarkmyd.com/.
Have a question about PTA or Family & Community Engagement?
Dr. Anthony Frazier, Director of Family Engagement & Special Programs
P: (540) 853-1359 | E: CommunityEngagement@rcps.info
Twitter: @AnthonyFrazier
If you aren’t receiving robocalls, your phone number may be deactivated or incorrect in the RCPS mass notification system. Please contact your child’s school to ensure you continue receiving these important messages. In addition, if you have moved, make sure to provide your new address to the school as well.
Need help resolving an issue that impacts student learning, the school-work environment, or understanding how RCPS works and where to go for assistance? The RCPS Constituent Services Office may be able to help! Click here for more information.
Are you looking for a job that allows you to be on the same schedule as your child? Apply to become an Instructional Assistant, School Security Officer, Bus Driver, Bus Aide, or Food Service Worker! Other part-time and full-time positions are also available. Visit our website to learn more.
- Your child's school is a great source of information. They always welcome you to contact them directly with questions. Visit rcps.info/schools for school contact information.
- Missed an edition of The Star News? Access previous issues here!
Roanoke City Public Schools
Roanoke City Public Schools serves approximately 14,000 students in grades pre-K through 12. RCPS provides an inclusive and equitable, student-centered culture that empowers lifelong learning. Through meaningful, relevant, and engaging learning opportunities, RCPS will empower all students to dream, excel, and meet their full potential to benefit our city and its citizens.