Paw Prints
Principal Corner
We really enjoyed Homecoming Week!
I'm writing this after leaving the Pep Assembly this afternoon. Seeing students able to have fun all week, and then show off their school spirit, is a great way to end the week. One thing that always gives me chills is seeing the whole student body rush to the gym floor and sing the fight song together. It's a great way to demonstrate the community we have here at OHS. Although, I'm still not sure I understand the rules of Quidditch...
This upcoming week is a fairly laid-back week, especially after Homecoming. Please remind your students to pay attention to their academics. We're a few weeks into school and we want everyone to maintain a positive start to the school year!
- Mr. Reed
Looking Ahead
Oct 11 - National Honor Society Induction
Oct 25 thru 27 - Freshman Camp
Nov 8 - AP Test Registration Deadline
Nov. 14 - Exams/Half-Day
Nov. 15 - Exams/Half-Day
Nov. 16 - Exams/Half-Day
Nov. 17 - No School
Weekly Highlights
Homecoming Week
Our spirit days for Homecoming started off great with "Jersey Day." I think the highlight was the snowball fight in the front office for "Season Day!"
Our Yearbook class did a photo scavenger hunt throughout the school this week.
Freshman Camp
Friday is the deadline to sign up for Freshman Camp. This is an amazing opportunity for our freshmen and will set the stage for a successful four years here at OHS! See the link below for more information, as well as how to sign up.
Michigan Career Pathfinder
The state of Michigan has compiled a list of resources for seniors and parents about life after graduation from high school. This includes college information, financial aid help, workforce tips, and information on military careers. The link to these resources is below.
After-School Support
Bulldog Success vs. After-School Support
We are running two after-school programs designed to help students throughout the school year.
The first is Bulldog Success. This is a trimester-long program that requires a commitment. At the end of the trimester, students who attend the required number of times earn a half-credit toward graduation. Students can sign up using the link below.
The second is After-School Support. This is a daily program (except for Fridays) where different teachers stay after school to help students. This is a drop-in program - come as needed! No sign-up is needed.
Either way, teachers are here and want to help students succeed. Let us know how we can help!
Link of the Week
Otsego High School
Attendance line: 269-694-7480
Athletic Office: 269-694-7405
Location: 550 Washington Street, Otsego, MI, USA
Phone: 269-694-7400