Roadrunner News
Week of February 19th
Important Dates
February 19th- No School (President's Day)
February 21st- Middle School Information Night for 5th Grade families via zoom.
February 23rd- 3rd Grade Beginner's Strings Concert
March 6th- End of Trimester 2
Morning Drop-Off
As a reminder the only students who are permitted to be dropped off at the front door in the morning are those here for special events (Band, Orchestra, Chorus and News Crew), and have been directed to be here before the doors open at 8:15 AM. All other students should be dropped off at the back of the building (entrance off Paoli Pike). The gate opens around 8:00 AM; doors to the school open at 8:15 AM. The gate closes at 8:40 AM, which is the start time for school. After 8:40 your children may come in the front entrance.
Thank you for your adherence to this direction, which was put in place to ensure the safety of your children due to buses arriving at various time all morning.
Lunch Menu
Week of February 19th
Tuesday- Walking Tacos Cheese Quesadilla Vegetarian Beans Romaine & Cheese Salad
Wednesday- Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza Green Beans Romaine & Cheese Salad
Thursday- Turkey Sausage Pancake Wrap Potato Smiles Romaine & Cheese Salad
Friday- Popcorn Chicken Mac & Cheese Mixed Veggies Romaine & Cheese Salad
Buddies Activity
Be the “i” in Kind!
Our Roadrunners were asked to think about what it means to be kind. The students were given a paper heart to which they could write: “Kindness is…” OR “I think kindness is…”. They were able to write their message with a crayon along with decorating the background. The hearts will be displayed on the wall in the pit.
Kindergarten Registration- NOW OPEN
To begin the registration process, please log on to and click on the New Student Registration icon.
To help make the registration process as seamless as possible, please have the following:
- Child’s birth certificate
- Two proofs of residency: one must be a copy of a current lease or mortgage statement/deed and the second may be a current utility bill, tax bill, drivers license, etc.
- Home address and township of residency
- Previous school or preschool information (if applicable)
- Up to five emergency contacts (other than parent or guardian)
- Medical information (health insurance, allergies, child’s physician & dentist, etc.)
- Child’s current physical, immunization and dental records
Please check out the WCASD website for additional information!
EGE Home & School Leadership
Kate Bird
Christie Toy
Jennifer Platt
Suzanne Guiga
Corresponding Secretary
Sara Fedako
Recording Secretary
Dave Buckler
East Goshen Elementary
TJ Seidenberger- Principal
Janine Twaddle- GRT/ Head Teacher
Joy Geist- School Counselor
Leigh Tobin- Principal Secretary
Michele Sloan-Building Secretary
Phone Number- 484-266-1500
Twitter- @EastGoshenElem