Patriot News
Parent & Family Newsletter

Dear Birmingham Families,
It's been a cold and wet winter, but we've made it to March and spring is approaching fast. This is the time of the year where students (and teachers) begin to get a little tired and lose a little patience and focus. Let's work together to help prevent this from happening. We have about 3 months left of school which will include spring break, California Assessments, College Board Assessments, and finals. We will also have another in person check in before the end of the school year during our Open House on March 16th.
The more communicative and diligent we are, the more likely we'll be able to keep our students moving in a positive direction. One promising piece of data that I'd like to share is our GPA data. Our systems of support are designed to help move students up and off the red list (below a C average or below 2.0). Our baseline year (18-19 - the year before I started at Birmingham), 24.8% of students had a GPA below 2.0. With additional counselors, enhanced Grade Level Academies, creating grade level systems of support, and adding the Academy Period for 60 minutes once a week this year, we have seen dramatic improvement. Now, 19.6% of students have a GPA below 2.0. 180 fewer students are ineligible for activities, athletics, etc. 2.0 is also the minimum GPA to qualify to attend a California State University. The systems of support are helping our students move in the right direction.
Please continue to encourage your student to attend every day, get involved in a sport, club, or activity, and make their time at Birmingham meaningful. We are fortunate to have so many incredible coaches, counselors, teachers, and support staff working together to make the Birmingham experience an incredible one. Let's continue to motivate our students and each other to stay engaged and focused on success.
Finally, as a reminder, we have two alternative Bell Schedule days coming up in March. Monday, March 6 is an early release day, so faculty can begin our self-study work in preparation for school accreditation next year. Please be on the lookout for more information about school accreditation.
- March 6 Dismissal 1:45
- On March 6, school will begin at the normal time (8:30) on Monday, but students will be dismissed at 1:45, so the faculty have time to work together.
- March 17 Dismissal 1:10
- We have a minimum day on Friday, March 17, the day after Open House. School will begin at 8:30 and students will be dismissed at 1:10.
Thank you for your commitment to our partnership!
Principal Bennett
Dear 9th Grade Families,
We hope you've been staying dry and warm through the recent weather.
It's hard to believe we are already in the month of March! Last month, we celebrated student achievement during our Honor Roll Pin Ceremonies. Students who earned a 3.00-3.59 were awarded Silver pins, 3.60-3.99 were awarded Gold pins, and 4.00 and above were awarded Platinum pins. Please continue to encourage your child to work hard, stay on top of assignments, and ask for help when needed.
Open House will take place on Thursday night, March 16th. The Class of 2026 Student Senate will be selling El Pollo Loco to raise funds for future activities. We hope to see you there!
The following week, on Thursday, March 23rd, we will be selling food and drinks at the PowderPuff game, at 6:00 PM at the Rick Prizant Football Stadium.
During late March and early April, we will be taking 9th grade students on college visitation field trips to UCLA and UCSB. Remind your child to check his/her email daily so as not to miss these wonderful opportunities.
Please continue to encourage your child to join one of our many exciting clubs on campus. Not only are they a great way to meet new friends and get involved in school activities, but they are also great for boosting college applications. A complete list of current clubs and meeting times may be found here: https://www.birminghamcharter.com/our-community/clubs
We hope to see you on our beautiful campus soon!
The 9th Grade Team
Junior Families!
Happy March! We are moving quickly through the semester and Spring Break will be here soon!
On February 9 all Juniors who received Platinum, Gold, or Silver Honor Roll were invited to a ceremony where they got a pin to keep and wear on their stole at graduation. There are also pictures for each ceremony attached. Once again, congratulations for all your hard work and dedication!!!
Juniors are preparing in their English, science, and math classes for the SBAC and CAST tests. These will be taking place in mid-April after we get back from Spring Break. Please be sure to encourage your students to take their time and take the test seriously. Students who MEET or EXCEED EXPECTATIONS will get $50 BCCHS Store Credit per test ($100 maximum) and this can go towards prom or school gear.
Open House will be on March 16. If you would like to visit with the 11th grade team, we are going to be on the quad. Junior Senate will be participating with the Sophomores selling pizza, and other groups will be fundraising as well. We look forward to seeing you there!!!
The 11th Grade Team
❤️ Kindness Week Recap ❤️
ASB hosted our annual Birmingham Kindness Week on February 13th - 17th . The campus was decorated with hearts of positive affirmations, and students and staff were encouraged to spread positivity throughout our community. Kindness Week challenges on social media and quad lunch activities were also provided each day. Thank you to everyone that was involved!
Thank You Luncheon
Here some BCCH students enjoy a post-speech lunch, after sharing their personal experiences as Emergent Multilingual Learners with Teachers and Faculty.
Wellness Workshop
Four times throughout the year, we connect our Emergent Multilingual Learners with our PSWs to deliver a Wellness Workshop -- where students build healthy habits for their lives.
Weekly Games & Snacks
Every Friday during Lunch, we invite our Emergent Multilingual Learners into the Parent Center for games and community building events. Students have a blast playing games like UNO and Guess Who?; building friendships (and eating snacks) along the way.
Career Technical Education provides students with hands-on learning experiences that apply to future careers and higher education. This past month in CTE students attended field trips and heard guest speakers from industry speak about future careers in Theater and Animation.
Technical Theater and Stage Production
Theater students attended A Noise Within theatrical performance of Much Ado About Nothing in Pasadena. Students were enthusiastic participants in the performance: laughing, cheering, hooting and hollering for SHAKESPEARE! Their genuine enthusiasm was wonderful to see.
Animation Pathway
In order to help build better relationships with local Universities with Animation programs, Ms. Bedrossian (with the assistance of Mrs. Zook) invited a guest speaker on 2/24. Professor Aglaia Mortcheva, Animator and professor of animation at CSUN, spoke to students about the industry (getting your foot in, importance of portfolios/reels, networking) and the program at CSUN.
Patient Care Pathway
We had a busy month in the Patient Care Pathway!
Blood Drive -Sponsored by Cal-HOSA and Cedar Sinai Hospital held on February 1st. This was a huge success, and we are grateful to all that participated in this event! Your donations will help make a difference. Thank you for all your donations.
Students visited Santa Monica college and toured the Nursing and Respiratory Therapy departments. They did some hands-on activities and learned about the programs offered at the college (see attached pics). Students really enjoyed this field trip opportunity!
February 21 - Bethany Rainisch from Cal State Northridge met with Pre-Med students to discuss three undergraduate programs offered in Health Sciences (Health Administration, Public Health, and Radiologic Sciences). She explained that a B.S. in Health Administration can lead to a career as a Manager or Coordinator in a health care setting. A B.S. in Public Health can lead to a career as a Biostatistician, Epidemiologist, or a Health Educator, and a B.S. in Radiologic Sciences can lead to a career as an MRI Technologist or Radiologist. All health care careers offer above average salaries. These were some great options for some of my students!
If your child has a passion for healthcare and helping others, please have them speak to their counselor about being placed in the Patient Care Pathway in the Fall. Any questions, feel free to reach out to e.epstein@birminghamcharter.com
Birmingham Family,
Please accept our invitation to campus on Thursday, March 16th! We will have performances, food, gift cards, and most importantly, the opportunity to discuss our students' progress in their classes.