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Sherwood ES Weekly Update
Student Photo Day
Upcoming Field Trips
Some upcoming trips for families to be aware of are listed below.
10/12 - Clarks Farm - Kindergarten
10/25 - Strathmore - 5th Grade
11/3 - Agricultural History Farm Park - 4th Grade
11/3 - Butler's Orchard - 1st Grade
Looking for Parent Volunteers for Lunch, Recess, and the Shark Supercenter
Thank you to those who attended our training this week.
Parents who are unable to attend the parent volunteer training who wish to volunteeer should contact Mr. Vaughn-Smith at matthew_d_vaughn-smith@mcpsmd.org
Afterschool Programs at Sherwood Elementary
Please see the list below of afterschool activities currently offered at Sherwood Elementary School by external vendors. Sherwood ES and the Sherwood PTA do not directly run the clubs. Parent volunteers help coordinate the activities and are present during after school activity days to assist with logistics and attendance. If you are interested in volunteering to support afterschool activities, please email Mr. Jefferson at: jason_a_jefferson@mcpsmd.org
*Any scholarship/ financial assistance opportunities you would need to reach out to the company directly.
Drama Club: 4-5pm
Company: Drama Kids Inc.
October 3rd-Jan 9th
Ages 5 and up
Registration link:
Indoor Soccer: 4-5pm
Company: Little Stars Soccer
Nov 7th-Dec 19th
Grades K-2
Registration link:
Art Club: 4-5:30pm
Company: Creative Adventures, Inc.
September 28 October 5, 12, 19, 26 November 2
All Grades
Registration link:
Indoor Soccer: 4-5pm
Company: Little Stars Soccer
Nov 9th-Dec 21st
Grades 3-5
Registration link:
Yoga Club: 3:45-5pm
Company: Shining Kids Yoga
Sept 29th-Nov 17th
All grades
Registration link:
Chess Club: 4-5pm
Company: Magnus Chess Academy
October 6th-December 15th
All grades
Registration link:
Daily Schedule including Recess and Lunch
Please see the schedule below for daily times for recess and lunch by grade level and program.
This year, recess is before lunch to encourage students to eat a full healthy lunch. Recess and lunch have also been expanded by 5 minutes to give students a full 30 minutes after transitioning from different locations.
During the recess blocks where grades 1 and 2, or grades 3 and 4 are together, students will rotate between the playgrounds, blacktop, and field areas throughout the week.
Transportation Information
Phone: 240-740-2606
Email: Gregory_R_Walker@mcpsmd.org
Cafeteria Updates and Purchasing School Meals
Free Meals are No Longer Available for ALL Students, due to the end of Federal USDA waivers.
Meal Prices for School Year 2023-2024:
Breakfast for All Schools: $1.30
Elementary Lunch: $2.55
MySchoolBucks is an optional service for parents to view recent purchases and make prepayments to your child’s cafeteria account for breakfast, lunch and a la carte meals via the Internet with a credit/debit card. This service is offered as a convenience for interested families. By creating a secure online account, parents can manage their child’s account.
MySchoolBucks instructions:
English | español | 中文 | français | tiếng Việt | 한국어 | አማርኛ
Free and Reduced Meals
Students may qualify for free or reduced-price meals based on household size and income.
They may also qualify if they are receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), or Medicaid benefits.
Families may apply for meal benefits by completing an Application for Free and Reduced-price Meals for the current school year.
Students who qualify for reduced-price meals will eat for free!
Apply online for free and reduced meals at MySchoolApps.com (translations available on the website) Click here for an English video tutorial.
Special Meal Plans
Does your child require a special meal plan, related to a medical condition or food allergy? You must complete the Special Dietary Needs Form and email it to DFNSOffice@mcpsmd.org. You can access the form in English | español | français | 中文 | Portuguese | 한국어 | tiếng Việt | አማርኛ
Website: http://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/food-and-nutrition/meal-payments/#FARMS
Carpool Safety
Some general reminders to help everything work safely and efficiently.
- Please pull all the way up to the end of the carpool lane to allow as many cars as possible to pick up or drop off at once.
- When entering the driveway, please be patient and take turns with cars turning from the left and the right. Please be extra careful turning left onto route 108 when exiting the parking lot.
- When crossing the crosswalk, please wait for the hand signals from staff that the carpool lane is safe to cross.
- Please do not enter the bus loop lane during arrival or dismissal.
- During the day, please do not park in the bus loop from 11:30am-12:30pm due to bus pickups.
- Please do not block any of the lanes.
PTA Updates
General Body PTA Meeting - THIS TUESDAY!! - October 3rd at 6:30pm - We will have light refreshments! Childcare will not be provided, but children can attend if needed.
Please RSVP so we can have enough refreshments - https://forms.gle/7Zbce7McyTU6cqhMA
We need all PTA members to attend as we will be voting on our amended budget and discussing volunteering opportunities (both in school and through the PTA) for the year.
SESPTA Trunk OR Treat - October 27th - We need volunteers to help at and families to decorate trunks Trunk for Treat in October! Candy collection for the trunks begins this week at school. Students can drop the candy in the collection bin in the front office.
Please also RSVP to attend so we have enough candy!
PTA Calendar Updates!
November 7th - End of Quarter Celebration (School Hours)
December 1st - Faculty Basketball Game @Farquhar MS
Staff and School wish lists coming soon to our website!
The PTA email address is: info@sesptamd.org
The PTA website: www.sesptamd.org
We are always looking for volunteers: https://forms.gle/QR3FJXoj3NTz2ro1A
Help us Fundraise with SG Moco!
The SGMoCo FUN-Raiser is off to a great start! Make sure to place your order BEFORE October 15th using the code SHARKS23 at SGMOCO.com.
THIS WEEK SHERMAN WILL BE SWIMMING TO 2nd GRADE AND JOINING MS. EASTERMAN's CLASS! WAY TO GO 2nd GRADE! WHERE will Sherman swim NEXT? Will it be to YOUR class? To make sure he comes to your class make sure you tell your parents about the fundraiser SGMoCo and the Sherwood PTA are having! Tell them to go on the PTA Facebook Page for the order information!
Website: https://sherwoodelem.memberhub.com/store/items/853151
Saturday School
Saturday School provides academic tutoring and instruction with certified
teachers in a nurturing and supportive environment. The program is
aligned with the Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) curriculum.
This support is offered every Saturday.
MCPS students Grades K through 12 may attend after registering for
Saturday School for $85 per year ($40 for students who receive FARMS).
Website: saturdayschool.org
Health Room Information
Health room staff plan to be available beginning August 23, 2023. Forms may be submitted over the summer by:
a) Emailing to Lisa Rocco, Health Room Tech at lisa_j_rocco@mcpsmd.org
b) Fax: 301-924-3294
c) Mail: 1401 Olney-Sandy Spring Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860
d) Drop off to the health room beginning August 23, 2023
Please Note: - Health room staff will NOT be monitoring health forms sent to the nurse's email and/or school over the summer; forms will be reviewed when health staff return in August 2023.Commonly Used Forms Included Below:
Medication Authorization Form,
Running Calendar
9/25 - No School for Students
10/9 - No School for Students
11/1 - No School for Students
11/20 - Early Release Day
11/21 - Early Release Day
11/22 - No School for Students