Slice of Summer
June 9, 2023

Message from Ms. Smith
Hello Hawks!
Summer is a funny thing. We look forward to summer for many months, and then it gets here. It is filled with sunshine, heat, rain, swimming pools, laughter, and making memories. For my family it is late night movies, even though I still have to go to work the next day. It means lack of routine, crazy sleep habits, lots of snacking, lots of shared time together which means sibling arguments. The idealized summer does not really exist for my family. I always expect laughter and love, and neglect the fact that it will include tears and comments like, "Mom, she is looking at me funny!" I should also mention there is lots of fighting!
This summer I have decided to move my family closer to Hembree Springs. We have been packing up and getting our house ready to sale. I shared with my kids that this is a new adventure. I knew there would be mixed emotions around moving from the only place they have known. There were tears and sadness because they are leaving the house, getting rid of toys, and saying good-bye to neighborhood friends. Because of the sad feelings, I knew I had to do what my mom used to do for me.
My mom was the master at making every thing seem fun, even when we were using powdered milk to pour over our cereal for dinner. She called them adventures. So my kids have been on this grand adventure to empty the house, find lost treasure, and store things away in the smallest possible container. This week, I wanted to remind you that these summer days may not feel always feel fun, but we have the great gift to show our children that everything can be a fun adventure. We get to model for them the ability to see the good in any situation. We have the opportunity to show the power of positivity. When we do this, we are building character in our kids. We are teaching them that the way in which they view a situation matters and how they view it is entirely their choice.
Now if you have been with me for my time at Hembree, you know that I write my letters based on where I am in my life as a parent and principal (parent first). I share things about my life because I know that I am not in this boat alone. I will never tell anyone how to parent or what to do with their child. I believe that every parent does the best they can with what they have in that moment. I simply hope to give you a moment in our crazy fast world to stop and reflect and to remind you that you are not alone in this journey of parenthood.
Enjoy your weekend!
AJ Smith
Hembree Springs ES
470-254-2905 - office
678-525-7704 - cell
Important Dates
8/3/23: Open House Pre-K at 5pm
8/4/23: Open House K-5 throughout the day
*Please see schedule below.
8/7/23: First Day of School
Open House Information
Hembree Springs wants to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! Come join us to meet your child's teacher, curriculum and school information, transportation information, and more!
Please arrive 10-15 minutes early.
Class visitation ONLY at scheduled times.
Kindergarten: 8-9am
First Grade: 9-10am
Second Grade: 10-11am
Third Grade: 12-1pm
Fourth Grade: 1-2pm
Fifth Grade: 2-3pm
School Supplies
This year, like we did pre-COVID, our school supplies are communal. This means that all supplies donated to the classroom will be for the classroom. Not all items are shared: backpacks, headphones, water bottles, and pencil pouches. Pencils, glue, scissors, and other classroom supplies are considered shared resources.
By doing this all students will have access to needed supplies for learning, teachers will have access to renew supplies throughout the year, and Hembree Springs can monitor supplies and replenish as needed.
You will not need to label anything but the personal items listed above. You also do not HAVE to purchase everything on the supply list. Bring in what your family can donate. We are a village and collectively we will ensure that all students have what they need, including left handed scissors.
Please email AJ Smith with any questions regarding this information at smithaj3@fultonschools.org.
Afterschool Clubs for 2023-2024
Parents and Community,
We need you to help get our Hawks engaged in activities outside of school. We are hoping to offer lots of FREE opportunities for our students to engage after school in their interests with their peers, staff, and community.
Here is the ask: If you are available from 2:45-3:45pm for one day a week for at least 8 consecutive weeks AND you would like to host a club for students, please complete the interest form below.
We hope to have at least 5 different clubs each week, but would love to host even more. If you are interested in supporting/hosting a club, please complete the interest form. There would be a staff sponsor assigned to your club to support you.
Here are club ideas:
Board Games/Cards
Girls on the Run (Running Club)
Sports (Teaching Basics)
Book Club
Culture Corner
Badminton/Yard Games
Animal Care
Get creative! We want to connect your interests to our students' interests!
5th Grade Parents!
Attention parents of rising 5th graders! We have exciting news for our 5th graders this year: we are going to take an overnight trip to Rock Eagle! Rock Eagle is a 4-H Center located in Eatonton, Georgia, and provides an experience like no other for students. Our 5th graders will be able to participate in “classrooms without walls” to learn about ecology, life history, and outdoor skills, along with team-building activities. The trip is scheduled for October 3-4, 2023. More details will follow in the coming weeks, but here’s a sneak peek: students, teachers, and chaperones will leave from Hembree Springs the morning of October 3, travel in charter buses, and will arrive in Eatonton later that morning. They’ll participate in various outdoor activities, have lunch and dinner along with a campfire that evening, and stay in cabins on the property. The next day after breakfast, they will have one more activity, eat lunch, and then return to school via charter bus.
The total cost for each student (or chaperone) is $140, which can be made on a payment plan of 3 payments of $47.00 each from August to October. There will be an application process for those who may need financial assistance. Again, more details will follow in the coming weeks, but we wanted to go ahead and inform families of the upcoming trip and the finances involved.
Please reach out to Dr. McAtee, CST, for more information after July 31st at mcatee@fultonschools.org.
You Are Invited
Join the Hembree Springs PTA on Saturday, August 5th, 2023, 10 am - 12 pm, for an informal park play date! Meet other parents while your kids run around! We'll be at the playground at the rear of the park, and the pavilion is reserved. Your HSES PTA board members will be there to answer any of your questions.
Parent and Family Handbook Corner
Volunteers and Visitors
What is a Visitor?
Anyone who is entering the school for a visit: parent/teacher conference, lunch visitor, musical performance, talent show, etc.
What is a Volunteer?
A school volunteer is a non-paid person who serves in an auxiliary capacity under the direction and supervision of school personnel. A volunteer is one who performs duties that an employee could perform such as making copies, filing, sorting, escorting students, assisting with lunch duty media center or front office tasks. Any person who leads or assists students (other than their own student) in programs or tutors a student(s) is considered a volunteer.
When can you visit?
HSES wants you to visit all that you can. There are designated times for visiting for events and lunch times. Please see the schedule below as to the rotation of lunch visitors. Each class will have a day that visitors may come and sit with their child in the visitor section.
When can you volunteer?
All volunteer opportunities are handled through PTA. These will be advertised through Hembree Highlights, teacher communication, and PTA communications. You will have to sign up and complete the volunteer process through Fulton County Schools. Find out details here: https://www.fultonschools.org/volunteer
Who organizes volunteers and volunteer opportunities?
PTA organizes all volunteer opportunities. PTA works closely with HSES administration to cover all needed positions throughout the year. Please reach out to your PTA Board for any questions about this process. board@hembreespringspta.org
What needs to be done in order to volunteer?
The process for volunteering takes about 30 minutes total and includes about 20 minutes of online mandatory child abuse reporting training required by the State of Georgia for all volunteers.
Lunch Visitor Schedule
*All lunch visitors must sign-in at the front desk and wear name badge at all times.
*No outside food/drinks (McDonald’s, Chic-Fil-A, etc.) may be brought in for lunch.
*Visitors may sit with their child at designated tables only. Friends of your child may not join your lunch..
*Visitors must stay in designated locations only. Visitors may not walk their child back to class after lunch.
Visitation and Volunteers (From the Family Handbook)
Classroom Observations
At Hembree Springs Elementary School, we strive to provide the best education possible for all students. Parent observations are allowed by appointment only, starting in the first week in September. When a parent is observing, it is not the time to conference with the child’s teacher.
Due to the fact that visits often cause disruptions for some students, observations should be limited to monthly visits. If there is a concern, please contact the curriculum support teacher, Dr. McAtee, or the assistant principal, Mrs. Tew, who will accompany you or appoint a staff member to accompany you on subsequent visits. Contacting the curriculum support teacher, Dr. McAtee, by note or telephone at least one day in advance is required to schedule a visit. Please note that classroom visits are not the same as volunteering.
To ensure the safety of our students and staff, all parents and visitors MUST sign-in through the main office upon arrival and present a photo ID. All visitors must always report directly to the school office if they are in the building for any reason, including classroom visitation, delivering clothing/messages to students, eating lunch, or reporting as a volunteer. For student safety, all visitors MUST wear an identification badge while in the building per district policy. There is NO EXCEPTION to this rule.
The Fulton County Board of Education expects that all parents and visitors will treat school staff and students with courtesy. While we are very hopeful that this will not be an issue, you should be aware that Georgia law prohibits certain behavior on school property and in school safety zones. For example, the law prohibits a person from loitering or being on school property without a legitimate need to be there. It requires that visitors check in at the school’s designated location. It also provides penalties for individuals who refuse to leave school property when directed.
The law also prohibits disruptive conduct on school property, including school buses and bus stops. Additionally, the law prohibits individuals from upbraiding, insulting, or abusing public school employees in the presence of students and minors. If the educational environment is or could be negatively impacted, the Fulton County Board of Education reserves the right to place restrictions on the ability of certain individuals to come onto campus, attend school events, or interact with staff. We may also place restrictions on individuals who have violated certain school policies or state law. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we strive to provide a safe and productive environment for students and staff.
In an effort to model professionalism for our students, we ask that all staff, parents and visitors come to school dressed appropriately and displaying their best behavior. This means that visitors, parents and staff should not wear clothing with inappropriate language or symbols, or clothes that display various body parts. All adults are expected to speak to each other and students respectfully without using loud tones or obscene language. We do understand that there may be times when an adult may be frustrated about something that needs to be addressed, and our staff will work diligently to handle concerns respectfully, professionally and quickly. The expectation is that all adults will interact with each other in a respectful manner. Any adult who chooses to be disrespectful or unprofessional will be asked to leave the area/school until they have calmed down. If an adult is physically or persistently verbally aggressive, a school resource officer will be contacted. We thank you in advance for helping to create a professional and supportive environment for our students. They watch everything that we say and do, and we want to make sure we are modeling appropriate behavior, dress and attitudes for success.
Volunteers and Chaperones
Hembree Springs ES seeks to involve interested and supportive groups of parents and volunteers who pool their talents for the benefit of our students. In order to volunteer, you must attend a volunteer orientation and complete the online volunteer registration process. Any volunteer who has not completed this process will be unable to volunteer around any of the students. To chaperone field trips or other school events, all chaperones must have successfully passed a Fulton County background check—no exceptions. Please see Dee Duzak, front desk, for more information. Click the link to register to become a volunteer https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/899
Parents and community members are encouraged to help and support our school. Many volunteer opportunities are available for our parents. Here are a few ways and places parents can support our Hawks by volunteering:
Copy Team
Classroom Support
Community Outreach Events
Room Parent
Instructional Support
Title I/PTA Events
Media Center
School Events
If a parent or community member wants to volunteer, he or she must contact the student’s teacher to schedule a day and time to volunteer. All volunteers are required to complete the Fulton County volunteer process before they can volunteer. Below are guidelines that we must ensure that volunteers follow:
· Park in a visitor’s parking space or in the parking lot. Refrain from parking in the fire lane.
· Remember siblings, family members and other children are not allowed to accompany volunteers to the school when the parent is coming to volunteer.
· Volunteers must dress appropriately.
· Report to the front office and inform the front office secretary of the approved purpose for volunteering in the building.
· Provide the front office secretary with the proper ID.
· Complete and submit or state that the Fulton County Volunteer Form is on file. (Once the online application has been completed, the parent or community member is also checked to make sure he or she is not listed on the sex-offender’s list).
· Complete the required Child Abuse Training. Volunteers are mandated child abuse reporters.
· Sign-in. Obtain and wear a volunteer badge/sticker.
· Check in with Parent Liaison before reporting to the assigned location for volunteering.
· Refrain from going to any other places in the building, other than the location selected when signing in at the front desk.
Remember volunteers cannot:
· Give medication to students at any time
· Reprimand or discipline students
· Divulge personal information about students and staff
Please remember that faculty and staff should not discuss any students with volunteers.
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902