Webster Elementary Open House
2021-2022 Title 1 Parent Information
W.E.S. Title 1 Agenda
Webster Elementary School is a Title I, school-wide school.
1. Title I, Part A (TIPA) is the U.S. Department of Education’s largest K–12 grant program. It provides supplemental funding to help low-income schools improve the academic achievement of educationally disadvantaged students. Our school’s 2021-22 total school allocation is $340,000. Title I funds support:
· salaries for resource teachers and staff;
· professional development opportunities for teachers;
· supplementary instructional materials for classrooms;
· instructional software; and
· parent involvement activities.
2. Parents Right to Know: All parents have the right to request information regarding the qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals. You may access such information by logging on the Florida Department of Education website at http://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/index.stml
3. Every school is required to have a Parent and Family Engagement Plan and Title I School-wide Plan. Title I School-wide Plans are embedded in School Improvement Plans (SIP) and are available for review on the District TIPA webpage at https://www.sumter.k12.fl.us/domain/1649
4. Parent Involvement (PI) Activities and Allocations
· Activities will be announced throughout the year; please refer to newsletters and announcements on the school media platforms
· Our school’s 2021-22 total Parent Involvement allocation is $3,185.80.
· Parent resources can be found on the District website under the Parents tab https://www.sumter.k12.fl.us/domain/125
5. Title I, Committee/School Advisory Council
· The SAC serves as the TIPA Committee
· Open to all parents and community members
· If you are interested in joining the Title I Committee, please contact Deanna Strickland at 352-793-2828 ext. 64212.
6. For More Information About Title I, Part A
· Access the District webpage at https://www.sumter.k12.fl.us/domain/1649
Left to Right:
Ms. Strickland (Asst. Principal), Ms. Shea (Principal), Ms. Furlong (Asst. Principal)