Thomas Jefferson School Newsletter
End of Second Trimester
End of Second Trimester
There are many exciting things happening this time of year! From Starstruck to Field Trips to Assemblies and Dances, kids are excited to participate in events that create fond memories of their time at Thomas Jefferson. Don't forget, Masquerade Ball ticket sales end this evening (Thursday, 2/22) Families will be dressing up and dancing the night away! Come socialize with neighbors and friends from every grade level, all at one special event:
Now more than ever, it is important to keep solid routines at home while continuing to build their independence. We wrapped up a Love and Logic class for parents that shared this key point: children learn and grow through mistakes and learn from the consequences of their choices.
As we head into CAASPP State testing for 3-5th graders, getting to bed on time and eating healthy meals are a priority. In addition, getting out and exercising daily is a great way to create healthy habits and to burn off excess energy.
How can you help your Thomas Jefferson student? Reinforce RISE expectations at home. R--respect; I--integrity; S--safety; E--engagement. For example, create age appropriate chores to develop responsibility. Practice safe bodies in public, like looking both ways and using cross walks. Model what you want to see from your children. They pick up everything!
Recently, we had an emergency on campus that required an ambulance to park in our bus loop. It was a good learning experience for staff, students and parents who put the needs of others before themselves. Our students must have learned from the best, our families, as the students were calm and understood that moving from class to class and going to recess had to be paused while we helped a fellow classmate. Parents, please remember, if you see the "drill in progress" sign on our front door, we are unable to assist until further notice.
Can't wait to welcome you to all our special events this spring. See you on campus.
Jennifer Deslaurier, Principal
February 23rd - End of 2nd Trimester
February 23rd - PTC Masquerade Ball 6pm (ticket sales end 2/22!)
February 26-March 1 - Book Fair in the Library
February 28 - Character Trait Assembly for Caring
March 7 - LCAP Input from Students
March 10 - Daylight Savings
March 13 - Character Trait Assembly for Perseverance and Grit
March 25-April 1 - Spring Break
April 2 - School Resumes
April 15-19 - Volunteer Appreciation Week
April 15-May 10 - CAASPP Testing Window
SAVE THE DATE for STARSTRUCK: Tuesday, April 9th approximately 5-7pm.
This is our once a year, entertaining performance that all the students practice and participate in. Your child's class will have a time slot at 5pm or 6pm on Tuesday, April 9th and they will perform with the whole class. Students started practice this week and will rehearse for the next 6 weeks until showtime! Tickets will go on sale March 4th. See a future Friday Folder for more information.
Give back to TJ...
Our PTC has dedicated members and some will be retiring from Thomas Jefferson after this year. We will need you to continue the awesome programs and activities that they provide. Please reach out to them to help.
Join PTC - https://tjptc.ptboard.com/home
School Site Council
Tuesday, Mar 19, 2024, 02:00 PM
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, 750 Central Park Drive, Roseville, CA, USA
English Language Advisory Committee
Tuesday, Mar 19, 2024, 03:00 PM
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, Central Park Drive, Roseville, CA, USA
Masquerade Ball - February 23rd at 6pm
2024-2025 Registration is HERE
ALL students must update their registration every year while in RCSD. An email will be sent next week about updating all your information. Please help Thomas Jefferson be the first school to finish. It really helps us plan for fall.
Our Library is the Place to Be!
Check out our library.
READ at home each and every night.
Thank you Mrs. Hirst!
Our Book Fair is Almost Here!
The Book Fair is still in need of many volunteers for next week. Each shift gets you a $10 credit! Volunteers make this a successful event for our Star Students!
As Seen on Campus...
Going to the store?
We can use:
- Tissue in rectangular boxes
- Slider zip top snack and sandwich size bags
- Non-zip/pinch closed style quart sized bags
Next Month's Rising Star Character Trait...
Practice at home...
Three things to talk to your kids about this month:
- Big Problems vs Little Problems--we teach kids how to solve problems and this verbiage is helpful to discern when to involve an adult and when to work it out with peers. For example, is it a Wall Ball disagreement that can be solved with Ro-Sham-Bo? That is a Little Problem. If someone says they do not want to play; Little Problem. If a student is physically hurt, that is a Big Problem. If there is an unsafe situation; Big Problem.
- Use Your Words, Walk Away, Tell an Adult--These three steps help children become successful in advocating for themselves. We teach kids to use their words first. If someone is bothering you, tell them what you want: "Please stop!" "I don't like that." "That is not kind." Try walking away or playing a new game with a different group of friends if you are not happy. You do not have to play with everyone. If the other student is not getting your message and is repeatedly doing the same thing, even when you try these strategies, then stand near an adult or tell an adult what has been happening. They will help you.
- Don't Get Involved--We often find students insert themselves in other's business and get tangled up in the drama. We encourage students to stay back and if asked to join in, politely decline. It is a great life skill to know when to help and when to walk away.
These strategies and skills will help your child be successful at Thomas Jefferson and in the future.
We want to redirect students to more productive ways to socialize and teach them how to get their needs met in a positive way. Please help us reinforce preferred behaviors by talking to your children about how to engage with others in a constructive and collaborative way.
Want to learn something new? Love and Logic starts this week to help parents navigate the challenges of raising successful future adults. Please click this link if you think you would like to join our class. It starts Thursday!
The Love and Logic Institute is dedicated to making parenting and teaching fun and rewarding, instead of stressful and chaotic. We provide practical tools and techniques that help adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children. All of our work is based on a psychologically sound parenting and teaching, whole-child philosophy.
Snack and Lunchtime Protocols
- Breakfast is offered at 7:20am in the MPR and doors close at 7:30am. Students can stay until 7:35am to finish their food. All students head to class before the tardy bell at 7:40am to ensure no instructional minutes are lost.
- We encourage all students to bring snacks from home as our offerings are limited. Children in need of an item come to the office at recess. Please pack snacks for your student the night before to ensure one is not forgotten.
- Lunchtime is split into chunks, half to play and half to eat. Every child gets 20 minutes to finish their food and items not finished can be put back into their home lunch box. Unused items from school lunches that are non-perishable go into the "Share Bin" and are used as snacks for the next day. Food safety is a priority.
- Food is not consumed in class unless there is medical reason. This prevents ants, avoids contamination of surfaces for students with allergies and helps eliminate distraction.
Volunteering? You May Still Be Cleared!
Did you know that your TB test is good for 4 years and that your fingerprints are good as long as you have a child in RCSD? The PTC and classroom teachers are often looking for help and you could possibly still be eligible. Come to the office to check on your status.
Need Help Finding Something?
RCSD School Calendar 2023-2024
Breakfast and lunch menus are here.
Short-Term Independent Study Request Form (English)
Short-Term Independent Study Request Form (Spanish)
Instagram @tjptc @rcsdjefferson
Facebook Thomas Jefferson PTC
STOPit Access Code: RCSDistrict
Actualizacion de Seguridad Escolar.pdf
Protocolos de Emergencia de RCSD.pdf
Transportation guidelines and procedures
What school does my child attend? https://www.myschoollocation.com/rosevillecitysd/