John Hancock Charter School
August 30, 2021
School Land Trust Council
The School LAND Trust Plan, a component of the Teacher and Student Success Plan, is created by the council and outlines the school’s greatest academic needs and includes an action plan to address them. The plan is approved by the local school board and then implemented at the school. The School LAND Trust Plan is implemented with funds that increase every year. The council decides how the money is to be spent in the plan.
Seeking Input
Dress Uniform on MONDAYS
Labor Day - Sept. 6th
School Picture Day
- Class photos are included in the packages
- Sibling prices apply to additional children enrolled at the school or not
- Students are encouraged to bring something that captures their personality (toy, book, sport item, instrument, etc)
- Forms must be returned
- Payment can be cash, check, credit or Venmo
Individual pictures will be taken on Friday, Sept. 10
Group pictures will be taken on Monday, Sept. 13
Vision Screening
Vision Screening Notification
Dear Parent(s) or Guardian:
Your child will be given a vision screening on September 17, 2021. Before screening is conducted, state law requires parents to be informed that vision screening is not a substitute for an eye examination by an eye care specialist.
You will receive a referral letter if your child fails the screening. However, even if your child passed, it is important that your child see an eye care specialist once a year. School vision screening does not evaluate eye health and cannot uncover important vision problems or prescribe treatment. Because academic learning is 80% visual, and visual problems are best detected and treated early, a comprehensive eye and vision examination are recommended. Healthy eyes and good vision are essential for success in school.
Please provide the school with written notification if you do not want your child to participate in the screening program. You can find the form with this letter.
If you have questions, please contact Julie Adamic. julie@johnhancockcs.org
Julie Adamic
VISION SCREENING EXEMPTION FORM- Send this via email or print and send in with your child prior to Sept. 16th.
As the parent/guardian of the child listed below, I do not wish for my child to have a vision screening during this school year until further notice. I understand that I may change my mind at any time and will do so in writing. This form may be re-submitted each school year.
Child’s name: _________________________________________________________________________
DOB: ________________________________ Grade__________________________________
Printed name:__________________________________________________________________
Field Trip - 1st & 2nd Grade
- Wednesday, Sept. 15
- Leaving school at 8:40 on bus
- Arriving back to school at 2:20 pm
- Watch for details from your child's teacher
Save the Date
- Sept. 28th & 29th
- Sign-ups will come out via Track It Forward
- School released at 12:30 pm both days for all grades
Assessment Window
- Send your child to school on time
- Be sure to have a good breakfast
- Be sure to send a water bottle
John Hancock Charter School
Great Schools
Email: office@johnhancockcs.org
Website: www.johnhancockcs.org
Location: 125 North 100 East, Pleasant Grove, UT, USA
Phone: 801-796-5646
Facebook: facebook.com/johnhancockcs
Twitter: @johnhancockcs