Letters from Lincoln
April 10th, 2023
Lincoln Parent Survey
Hello Lincoln Families,
We hope you are staying nice and warm while we battle yet another blizzard! Thank you for your help in making sure kids are getting on line in the mornings and working at home on their school work. I can honestly say we are all thinking the same thing... no more snow!
As we near the end of the year, we start reflecting on things that have went well with the school year and things to work on for the rest of this year and next year. Please help us by taking this quick Parent Survey about Lincoln. We will have the survey open through the 21st of April.
Can you help with the Carnival?
Lincoln WALK-A-THON- May 12th
Lincoln Families- Is it too early to start thinking about the Walk-A-Thon? Never! :)
Our Lincoln Walk A Thon is one of our highlights of the year! This is our PTA's main fundraiser for our school. This is also one of our favorite days as we celebrate Lincoln, our work together, our efforts to support our school and each other! A schedule for the day will be coming out in the next few weeks. If you are new to Lincoln we love to have our families there during their child's time to cheer them on, sing dance and celebrate all students! This will also be our big day to celebrate how our Lincoln Community comes together to finically support our PTA efforts to provide additional opportunities for our students!
Fargo Public Field Trip Descriptions
Did you know that EVERY PTA in our district helps to financially support a field trip at every grade level? Yes! It is true! They financially support the Learning Bank field trips our students take each year! Thank you Lincoln PTA and all Fargo PTAs!
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for Fall 2023 opens online on February 1 at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/registration. Your child must be age 5 by July 31, 2023 to attend school in the fall.
Registration is a two-step process:
Complete online registration forms at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/registration. For assistance, please contact your child’s school to schedule an appointment to complete in-person. Masks are required for all visitors.
Upload or bring the following documents to your child’s school by August 28 to finalize registration.
- Child’s certified birth certificate
- Child’s immunization record with 5-year shots
- Document (i.e. current city utility bill or bank statement) that includes parent/guardian name and current address for verification
If you do not know which school your child will attend, call 701.446.1043 and check online at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/boundarymaps.
If you need help in PowerSchool (Fargo Public Schools online registration software), please call 701.446.1006
Help Keep Students Safe
Please remember at pick up and drop off times to ONLY drive North on 9th Street
School Drop Off Zone
Please keep our students safe at pick up and drop off time. Do Not Double Park! Do not leave your car unattended. The pick up and drop off clears out in about 5 minutes. Please be patient!
Please make sure to drive ONLY North on 9th street at drop off and pick up times. This makes sure we don't have students running across the street. Thank you!
South High Track Camp in May
The Fargo South Track and Field program would like to invite your child to our three day youth camp. This is open to any one in grades K-5. This camp will teach the basic fundamentals in track and field and serve as an introduction to many events, such as sprinting, throwing, and jumping events. Instruction will be provided by Fargo South coaches as well as alumni If there is inclement weather, we will hold the camp indoors.
Here are the details: Location: Fargo South Track
When: May 2nd, 9th, 16th, from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm
Cost: $30 individual, $40 cap if you have more than one child.
Fee waivers are available meaning no one will be turned away if unable to pay.
Make checks payable to Fargo Public Schools. You can bring payment on the first day of camp.
Wear shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes (no need for specific track shoes for this camp).
Any questions or comments can be directed to Mike Grant, Head Girls Track and Field Coach E-mail: grantm@fargoschools.org Phone: 701-446-3882
Check out our wall display by the Library! These are all of the languages spoken at Lincoln this year!
School Makeup Days April 10 & May 26
Due to the school cancellation on Wednesday, December 14, Fargo Public Schools will use its school makeup days built into the calendar for Monday, April 10 and Friday, May 26. Students and staff will be expected to be in school on April 10 and May 26.
Fargo Public Schools Annual Report
Fargo Public Schools is committed to serving our families and community patrons. As evidence of this commitment, we are showcasing the qualities and services of our school district and providing a wide array of information in the FPS 2021-22 Annual Report.
This report aims to familiarize families and the community with Fargo Public Schools by sharing details such as enrollment, staffing, and budget numbers and providing overviews of student services and assessment data. Thank you for your continued support as we serve the citizens of Fargo by providing students an excellent educational experience. You can access the full document at this link.
PTA Dates to write down
Important PTA Dates for 2023
April 4th- E-Learning Day
April 5th - E-Learning Day
April 6th- E-Learning Day
April 7th- No School
April 10th- School is back !!!
April 13 - Popcorn Prep 8am (always looking for volunteers)
April 14 - Spring Carnival 6-8p
April 17 - PTA Meeting 7pm (library)
May 1 - 5 TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK (Watch for volunteer opportunities)
May 4 - Popcorn Prep 8am (always looking for volunteers)
May 8 - PTA Meeting 7pm (library)
May 9 - Skate City Night 6-8p
May 12 - WALK A THON DAY!!
May 18 - 5th Grade Party
May 25 - 5th Grade Field Day
Student Attendance Matters
Elementary school is an exciting and important time for your child-the most foundational years of their school career.
Having great attendance in elementary school will prepare your child to do well academically throughout their school years.
What can you do?
- Set an early bed time, start getting ready for be 30 minutes before bedtime. Children are most able and willing to learn when they have plenty of sleep.
- Set your alarm clock to be certain everyone gets up on time. School opens at 7:50 and starts at 8:05 am and breakfast is served at school.
- If your child rides the bus, put the bus schedule on the refrigerator.
- If you drive your child to school, set up a plan with someone who can bring your child to school in case you are not able to.
- Allow time for the unexpected. Have clothes and backpacks ready the night before, and plan plenty of time to get ready.
- Communicate with the school and let them know if your child will miss school or if you are having a difficult time getting your child to school. The school may be able to help you.
- Communicate with the school if you have concerns or changes in your home that you may need assistance. This could include divorce, death of an important person, trouble with providing food and clothing to your child.
Hello Families,
As the temperatures outside are starting to feel like spring- just a reminder that the school doors do not open until 7:50 am. We do not have supervision outside in the front of the school. That is when we have supervision and the students are able to come into the building to get ready for the day.
Thank you for your help in keeping students warm in your cars as they wait for the first bell.
Tech Tip!
Community Resources
School counselors and staff are available during the school day to assist students.
The following information is intended to support students and families during the COVID-19 pandemic and any time there is a mental health need.
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
If this is an emergency call: 9-1-1
FirstLink: Call 211 or text 701-235-7335;
Receive free, confidential support, referrals to resources, and crisis intervention including access to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Rape & Abuse Crisis Center: 701-293-7273; 800-344-7273; info@raccfm.com
Services victims of domestic/dating violence, sexual assault, trafficking, and child sexual abuse
Recovery Support: 1-844-44TALK2
Connect with a trained support specialist who has experienced addiction similar to the caller
Prairie St. John's: Call 701-476-7200
Providing a full continuum of care for all ages living with mental health and substance use challenges
Text A Tip: 701-730-8859
Report crime information anonymously
Ask A Nurse (Sanford): 701-234-5000
Essentia Health: 701-364-8000; essentiahealth.org
Sanford Health: 701-417-2100; sanfordhealth.org
Mobile Mental Health Team: 701-298-4500
Works to respond within 30-minutes to resolve a crisis and prevent hospitalization
If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1
Accessing E-Books- Sora
The Fargo Public Schools (FPS) library and technology team would like to remind students, staff, and families of the wide variety of reading options offered by accessing our district e-book collection through Sora. We have a number of great opportunities and resources to encourage our students and staff to keep reading over the winter break!
Sora can be accessed on all student PLDs and on just about any other electronic device using the Sora app. Even older devices such as outdated phones that you may no longer use as a phone could still be used as a reading device with the Sora app. If you have a Fargo Public Library card, you can also access the public library e-book collection through your Sora account. If you have never accessed Sora before, check out these directions for how to access your school account!
The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Red River Valley (BGC) offers affordable and flexible youth development programs for before school, after school, and school-out days for youth K-5th grades, and The CLUB Teen Center at our BGC Midtown location after school and summer for teens 6th through 12th grade.
We’ve increased our capacity for after school activities at The CLUB Teen Center at BGC Midtown, cost is only $10 per teen annually!
And we’ve launched the Maris Academy, a year-long program designed specifically for grades 6-12 that provides exciting career exploration opportunities right here in our community!
Visit our website at BGCRRV.org for more information, including upcoming Summer and School Year registration dates.
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Red River Valley
Scheduling, Registration, & General Information
701-235-2147 | schedule@bgcrrv.org | BGCRRV.org
Lincoln Title One Information
As a Title I school, Lincoln Elementary receives federal funds for Title I programs that are part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). As a recipient of these funds, Lincoln Elementary has committed itself to providing enriching learning activities for its stakeholders and sharing responsibility with both parents and students to improve academic achievement, as outlined in the School-Parent Compact. Additionally, Lincoln Elementary is required to notify parents of particular components outlined in the law. Through the Interactive Dashboard, parents are able to be notified regarding the performance measures outlined in the state’s accountability system. The Parents Right to Know document is also a valuable resource as it lays out what information parents have the right to request and ascertain from the school regarding topics like the professional qualifications of staff, state and local policy, and parental rights regarding student participation in mandated assessments. Additionally, the District School Parent and Family Engagement Policy outlines what actions FPS and the school will be taking to provide effective parent and family engagement activities to improve student achievement and school performance. Copies of each of these documents can be found below, and you are encouraged to read through them.
Lauren Knutson- Assistant Principal- Lincoln Elementary
JoDee Holzer- Administrative Assistant