SRES Calendar
September 25: NO SCHOOL, Yom Kippur
September 29: Roo Run
PreK: 9:30-10:00
Grades 2 and 3: 10:15-11:00
Grades 4 and 5 11:15-12:00
Grades K and 1 1:00-1:45
September 29: Spiritwear order DUE!
October 2- Pre-K Pumpkin Patch on the Pre-K playground
October 11th- 4 hour late arrival. Doors open at 12:45. Lunch will be served
October 12th-4 hour late arrival. Doors open at 12:45. Lunch will be served
October 12th- Assembly ( Elephant and PIggie show from OHS) for PreK-grade 2 @ 2:45-3:15
October 13th- 3.5 hour early out for conferences. Dimiss @ 12:15.
October 19th- PTA restaurant Night at all Five-Guys locations in Frederick ALL DAY!
October 20th- No School
October 25th-Hearing and Vision Screening Prek, K, 1, and anyone new to FCPS
October 26th- Hearing and Vision Screening Prek, K, 1 and anyone new to FCPS
October 26th- PTA sponsored Trunk or Treat
October 26th- End of term 1
October 27th-Teacher Work Day- No School
Conference News
Our annual parent teacher conferences will be held on October 11th and 12th from 4:15-8:15 and on October 13th from 12:45-4:15. Look for an email next week from your child's teacher to sign up! You may pick virtual or an in-person conference. We would love to have 100% participation from all of our families.
Volunteer Opportunity!
3-4 Parent Volunteers Needed to Help with Hoppy Store
Our counselors are looking for 3 to 4 parents that could help package and label Hoppy Store orders. Mr. Drews will take care of the deliveries. The date/times that we need volunteers for are below:
Monday 10/2 9:30-10:00 (1st grade)
Monday 10/2 2:30-3:00 (Pre-K)
Tuesday 10/3 9:30-10:00 (2nd grade)
Tuesday 10/3 2:30-3:00 (K)
Wednesday 10/4 9:30-10:00 (3rd grade)
Thursday 10/5 9:30-10:00 (4th grade)
Friday 10/6 9:30-10:00 (5th grade)
Please email Mr. Drews/Guidance Counselor (Dalton.Drews@fcps.org) or Marianna Taylor/IA (Marianna Taylor@fcps.org) or Lynne Thacker/IA (Lynne.Thacker@fcps.org) if you are interested. This will be done on a weekly basis!
Roo Run News!!!
Roo Run fun is kicking off tomorrow – be sure to register your First Mates (and 2nd and 3rd mates if that applies) here: www.mybooster.com
Want to volunteer the day of the event - schedule is posted in the description– sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4BA5AA28A7F5C25-44315850-roorun
Check your Thursday folders for the rest of the roo run schedule!
Acton Children's Business Fair
Applications are open for the Acton Children’s Business Fair.
This opportunity is for children 6-17 years old or up to 12th grade for FCPS students.
Participants must apply between September 15 -30.
There is no fee to participate.
The event on November 4 is open to the public, and there is no fee to attend.
Here's the link for more information and to apply for the fair:
https://www.childrensbusinessfair.org/frederick-md. See the flier here.
Cub Scout Pack 628: Fundraiser Fun Fest at Gaver Farm, 9/27, Wednesday, 4-7pm
Quick Links
Principal: Jason Bowser Jason.Bowser@fcps.org
Assistant Principal: Susan Copen Susan.Copen@fcps.org
Spring Ridge Elementary
9051 Ridgefield Drive, Frederick, MD 21701
240-236-1600/240-23-1601 (fax)