Stevenson High School
NOVEMBER 3, 2023
Dear Spartans
Earlier this week, I was fortunate to attend the Livonia Public Schools Education Foundation luncheon. It was an honor to see the support that we receive from our community stakeholders. The mission of the Foundation is to enlarge the resources available to the school district which will foster and expand educational opportunities for programs impacting students by building effective collaborations. The Foundation offers a powerful and effective vehicle for directing contributions to benefit public education.
Thank you to all the families that participated in our Parent Teacher Conferences.
These conversations provide a great opportunity to discuss student progress, social development, and overall performance in school. Building positive relationships between staff and families is beneficial to all parties. We are grateful for our community support and partnership.
There is no school on Tuesday, Nov 7th. This is a District Professional Development Day.
Our staff will be collaborating in their district level teams in the morning. In the afternoon, they will be working with their building level teams. The focal point to examine student data to improve instructional practice. Additionally, conversations centered around common formative assessments, universal accommodations, and consistent grading practices will be taking place.
Have a great weekend!
Pete Mazzoni
Good LUCK to our Spartan Athletics this week and weekend!!
Girls Swim & Dive will be competing in the KLAA All Conference meet in Brighton. More State Cuts could be made!!
Girls Volleyball moved onto KLAA Districts with a major WIN earlier this week. They take on Mercy HS here at SHS Friday night!!
And competing at the MHSAA Cross Country STATE MEET at the Michigan International Speedway are our two amazingly FAST as the WIND Cross Country Girls!!
Dates of Interest 📅
1 Half Day AM session Hours 1-3
2 Half Day AM session Hours 4-6
2 P/T Conferences - All by appointment:
1-4pm Virtual
5-8pm In Person
16 Blood Drive
15 Music Dept. Concert 7PM PAC
22-24 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
6 PTSA 6:30p /BOOSTER Meetings 7:15pm Community Room
8-10 All School Play
13 Band & Orchestra Concert 7pm PAC
21-22 CSA
21 Vocal Music Concert 7pm
25-29 (Jan 1-5) NO SCHOOL - WINTER BREAK
10 PTSA Meeting 6:30 PM
11 End of 2nd MP | 1st Semester
12 NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workday
15-16 NO SCHOOL - PD
18-19 Pantomime Show 7:00 PM
23 Incoming 9th Grad Night 7:00 PM
31 Solo Ensemble Clinic - PAC 6:00-9:00 PM
Stevenson Global Education CARES ~ "Thinking Globally, Acting Locally"
Our Global Ed students volunteer in Farmington Hills at CARES. Channel 2 Fox News with Amy Lang came out to showcase the great work our "Globies" do within the community.
CARES: “The Mission of CARES is to offer a comprehensive support service for individuals and their families in and around the Farmington Hills area and the eight communities that we serve that are in need or have limited access to everyday necessities due to insufficient financial resources or family instability.
FOX 2 NEWS Features Livonia Stevenson Global Education Community Service
MASC Leadership Training Institute 2023
Spartans spent the day at the Bavarian Lodge in Frankenmuth, MI. Leadership Training Institutes are designed to introduce NEW students to student activities (Student Council, Honor Society, or other groups) to the world of student leadership.
AP Exam Registration
The AP Exam registration window is now open. Students may register for their AP exams through November 3rd, 2023. There is a $40 late fee if not signed up by November 15th.
This is a two part process. Regardless of your plan to take the AP Exam, ALL students must use the JOIN code specific to your AP Class/Hour to JOIN your AP class(es) on College Board (www. collegeboard.org)
To actually REGISTER and PAY for your exam, you must complete the following two steps:
1. Confirm your exam status for each AP Classroom on the College Board website. Please select Yes if you plan on taking the exam or No if not.
2. If you are taking the exam, use Total Registration. https://user.totalregistration.net/AP/232358
At Total Registration, select " Create an Account" or Login (if you have previously taken an AP exam). Be sure to use your personal email address. Complete all steps completely and accurately. (Make sure to enter your full name and address). Follow the payment steps and pay online using a credit/debit card.
*Failure to order the correct exam or failure to register by November 3rd may result in a student not being able to take the desired exam.
Students may direct any questions to Mrs. Wojtyniak in the Counseling Office: awojtyni@livoniapublicschools.org
Parents of teens and pre-teens, please mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 8 for the Livonia Public Schools Parent Fair at Stevenson High School.
This event will feature community professionals hosting multiple breakout sessions on issues impacting the mental health and development of our high school and middle school youth. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. so parents/guardians can visit the many community resource tables available before the night's informative breakout sessions begin at 6:00 p.m.
We look forward to seeing you on November 8, 2023.
*No reservations required.
The PTA believes all children deserve a quality arts education and encourages students to pursue artistic expression through participation in its annual arts Reflections Program
including Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Musical Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts.
Make sure you follow all of the rules when you create your projects, which can be found at https://livoniaptsacouncil.org/work/reflections-arts-awards-competition/ . Please include both the 2023-24 Reflections entry form & 2023-24 Reflections consent form .
Turn your projects in to your school’s Reflections Andrea Vann at andreavann313@gmail.com no later than November 10, 2023.
Youth Making a Difference program!
Livonia PTSA Council is hosting their Youth Making a Difference program! This program encourages and recognizes volunteer efforts by K-12 students. Participation is optional, if you would like to participate, please print and fill out the form below, return to the main office marked Stevenson PTSA YMAD by Feb. 26, 2024. Any act of service or volunteering, big or small counts! You may do projects individually or as a group. YMAD celebration will be April 24, 2024.
Please keep track of & take pictures of activities for display at the celebration, typically displayed on poster board. Projects will be due to school by April 22, 2024.
If you have any questions, please email Nikki Watson at lilnikki922@gmail.com.
Thank you,
Wayne RESA's Career Counselors & Postsecondary Navigator bring you up-to-date information to help assist your child on their career journey. With the support of our local schools, we aim to provide resources leading to career and postsecondary success for all Wayne County students.
Tap into information, resources and events relevant to the career development of students across Wayne County!! Scan to find out more.
CC Connections - Parent Information Series #1 - Career Resources & Your Students' Postsecondary Planning
Wednesday, October 25th @ 6:00 PM
We will continue to sell Family Passes for $90, but we have DECREASED student passes from $45 to $20. Come back to the Athletic office during the school day or inquire at any sporting event.
Spartan GoFan link can be found here for all of our events. When redeeming your GoFan ticket, please do not submit your ticket(s) until you are AT the gate with ticket personnel. Screenshots will not be accepted.
Know before you go which payments are accepted
Admission Price per Event NOW $6
Final Forms
If you would like to see an athlete or team featured on our new SHS Athletics Instagram account, please email us with photos!
LPS E-Backpack Mail
Click on the E-Backpack graphic to visit the LPS E-Backpack, a place where you can find electronic flyers for programs and events geared toward kids. If you have a program that you'd like to advertise, please email your flyer to Stacy Jenkins at sjenkins3@livoniapublicschools.org.
LPS Social-Emotional Hotline
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Adlai E. Stevenson High School
Email: stevhs@livoniapublicschools.org
Website: https://www.livoniapublicschools.org/Page/51
Location: 33500 Six Mile Rd, Livonia, MI, USA
Phone: 734-744-2660
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevensonhighschool
Twitter: @shs_spartans