St Thomas' News
05 September 2019
Dear God
Thank you for giving me life; and talents for my participation in sports. Help me to play well, to use my powers to the full, to see them as gifts from you. Keep me aware of the friendship I have with all athletes, even when they are opponents; free me from the temptation to be jealous of others. I need to see that dedication to the cause will mean hard work but let me know that it is the kind of effort that leads to new life and greater maturity. Help me play with heart, and never lose heart. Most of all, help me never to quit in my efforts to be open to you.
Friday 06 September – St Thomas' Athletics Carnival - PP to Y6
Friday 13 September – Year 2 Assembly
Tuesday 17 September– Board Meeting 7pm
Wednesday 18 September - Parish Mass Y3 +
Debating Night Yrs 5&6 commencing @ 6pm
Saturday 21 September - School Parish Mass - Y5
Dear St. Thomas' Community,
As our students prepare for the 2019 athletics carnival it is important to remember that at St Thomas’, we seek to develop the whole child. Our Catholic faith provides our students and our wider community a set of common values that allow each to grow in the image of Christ. These values are further shaped as our students come to school to learn through collaboration, social interaction, peer engagement and communion. At the athletics carnival we will see our students being given the opportunity to strive for success and share their gifts and talents. Win or lose, the school has promoted strongly the need for every child to participate, to try their best, to support their peers, to bounce back if they are unsuccessful and most of all to have fun. As this day is another leaning opportunity for our children, I thank you for the way you will let your children learn these valuable lessons from the day.
God Bless
Mitchell Bristow
On Friday 23 August our Yr 6 students received the Sacrament of Confirmation and the gifts and fruits of the Holy spirit from the Most Reverend Archbishop Timothy Costello and Fr Wayne Davis. Thank you to Mrs Gibbs, families and friends for preparing our students to receive this initiation in the Church.
Choir Catholic Performing Arts Festival
Our amazing Choir proudly represented the school at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival last week. There were expertly prepared by Mrs Cotton and accompanied by Mrs Rosalee Falk. Their first song was a traditional African American song and the second was Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Father's Day
Thank you to all of our dads, grandfathers, uncles and father figures for turning out for the Father’s Day breakfast and liturgy hosted by Pre-Primary. Thank you also to the P&F for supporting the Father’s Day stall and to the dedicated mums for the cooking on the day. I hope all of the fathers in our community enjoyed their special day.
Performing Arts Assembly
On Monday 1 September, the students were entertained by the incredibly gifted students who have performed at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival. This included solo pianists, guitarists, drummers the School Choir and the Coral Speaking Club.
Just a friendly reminder that if your child is showing signs of being unwell we encourage you to err on the side of caution and please keep them at home for observation and rest. Every effort is made to minimise the spread of infection here at St Thomas' and we encourage both staff and children to stay at home in the early stages of illness, when it is more likely to be contagious.
Urban Indigenous incursion
Our students in Kindy-Year 3 learnt about Aboriginal Artwork and those in Years 4-6 about the Stolen Generation at yesterday's incursion. Thank you to the Urban Indigenous group and in particular Sheila for sharing your story with us.
Kindy 2021
We are currently taking applications for enrolments for four-year-old Kindergarten for 2021. Your child must be 4 years of age before June 30, 2021 for the 2021 intake.
Please download forms from our school website for applications. Interviews have commenced. If you know of any families who may wish to send their child/children to St Thomas’ please ensure you pass on this information.
What Does St Thomas' Primary offer your child...
We offer a variety of experiences, challenges, programs and prospects for your child including but not limited to:
· Enrichment: including Philosophon, Science Discovery Day, Tournament of Minds, Chess competitions, Night of the Notables, Solar Car Challenge, etc.
· Social Justice Programs, including MiniVinnies, LifeLink and Project Compassion Appeals,
· Year Five Sleepover Excursion at AQUA,
· Debating,
· Interschool sporting and academic events,
· Chinese (Mandarin) ESL (English as a Second Language) Program,
· Confirmation preparation and sacramental celebration,
· Graduation Mass and Graduation Celebration Dinner,
· Leadership opportunities,
· Representation of the school at interschool sporting and academic events,
· Public speaking opportunities (the opportunity to develop their confidence presenting to a caring and safe audience. This is offered at assemblies, school masses, and other school events, as well as at excursions, speak up competition etc.),
· Being active members and belonging to a small, family orientated community that fosters St. Thomas’ five school values of Excellence, Inclusivity, Truth, Compassion and Community.
· Staff who are concerned and committed to your child’s personal and educational growth,
· Adventure Camp - a rite of passage for all our year six students.
We often reflect back on the 2017 AGM when our then Board Chair Peter Gibbons said:
“Often in life we are searching to be the big fish in a small pond. Our children get the opportunity to be this big fish and experience all that goes with it whilst they are at St. Thomas’. They appreciate that fact when they become the little fish again when they start high school and the opportunities to represent the school or be picked in an educational program or competition are reduced.”
Lost Property
For some reason we also have 2 odd boys grey school socks and a variety of small children's 'pram' toys! Sometimes these fall from prams and cars as you are dropping off older children. If you are missing anything please consider checking at the office either in person or by phoning 9286 9500.
Surf Online Safe Incursion
The Yr 5 and 6 students were engaged by former police officer and internet safety expert Paul Litherland as he educated them on navigating the cyber world safely. At the online safety parent workshop offered for free to our community on Tuesday evening, Mr Paul Litherland demonstrated many ways in which parents can control the content their child is able to access in their home. The following websites may assist you in this:
It is critical that we continue to work in partnership to offer a safe space for our children to use technology as a learning tool and learn to navigate this online world. Thank you to the P&F for providing this important community event.
1. RECYCLE. Create and label recycling bins with your children at home, so that the process is easier for everyone.
2 PICK UP TRASH. Go on a ‘green team walk’ with your children and bring along some gloves and a bag. The children will enjoy feeling the impact that they have on the earth as they help clean up their own neighbourhood or street.
3. SORT THE GARBAGE. Many items that are often put in the garbage are compostable. Composting allows food to decompose naturally into fertile soil.
4. PLANT A GARDEN. Growing your own organic food helps save on the distance food has to travel to get to you. Plus, teaching children to garden is such a beneficial experience!
5. REUSE ITEMS FOR CRAFTS. The recycling bin is a great place to turn for craft inspiration!
6. MAKE HOMEMADE ART ITEMS. From paintbrushes to paint and even stamps.
7. PLAY OUTSIDE! This simple activity goes a long way in teaching sustainability. Sharing in and appreciating a love of the outdoors will inspire children to care for the earth.
8. COLLECT RAIN WATER. Children can water plants or fill up a water table with rain water that has been collected outside.
9. READ BOOKS ABOUT THE EARTH. Books are great for young children to begin to learn about the earth.
10. PLANT A TREE. If you don’t have the space for a large tree, planting even a small tree in your backyard is one of the best things you can do for the environment.
Sports News
Tomorrow it’s the St Thomas’ Athletics Carnival at McGillivray Oval, UWA Sport Park from 9am – 2.30pm. Students have been busy preparing during sport lessons and on Friday afternoons, Years PP-6 have been practicing for the field events, long jumps and throws and tabloid/team games.
All students (PP - Y6) must be dropped off at McGillivray Oval, UWA Sport Park from 8.30am – 8.45am - no earlier please.
At the conclusion of the day, parents must see the child’s classroom teacher before they are dismissed.
A copy of the program was emailed earlier on Tuesday to all parents. Please note times are approximate.
Please refer to the permission note sent earlier in the term for other information (and also attached to email from Tuesday).
There will be a coffee van for refreshments for parents.
We look forward seeing parents and friends attending next weeks carnival.
Upcoming events:
Interschool Athletics Carnival – Monday 26th September
Sharon Seaman
Planning for 2020
Any families experiencing any difficulties whether they be financial or otherwise are always welcome to discuss these with Mitchell Bristow. All discussions are strictly confidential. Please ring the office on 9286 9500 to book an appointment.
August: The Month in Review
Extend Before & After School Care
What’s on Next week?
Monday- AM: Dancing Rice PM: Balloon Game, Sewing Session, Sports Day, Doll House making
Tuesday- AM: Yoga Session PM: Sponge Painting, Shortbread Cooking, Free Play outside, Sewing
Wednesday- AM: Colouring in, Drawing PM: OPEN DAY!-Sewing Demonstration, Soccer, Reading
Thursday- AM: Playdough making PM: Restaurant Pretend Play, Outside Day, Four Square
Friday- AM: Balloon Game PM: Playdough, Soccer Stadium- DIY, Sports outside, Musical Bobs
The Extend Superstars are…
Henry Gavranic for sharing his brilliant activity ideas and for the beautiful way he is helping educators and friends. Henry is always the first to help in setting up and packing away. Well-done Henry!
Miguel KerberAraujo for his great leadership skills- for being creative in setting up pretend “Extend Restaurant”. Miguel’s enthusiasm and positive attitude towards work inspire us all! Keep it up Miguel!
What’s Been Happening?
For the past two weeks, we have been busy with our sewing projects. Everyone is so excited for the upcoming “Open Day” in After School Care. We also have been enjoying our cooking session with Juliana, we have had cupcake decorating activity- banana bread and carrot cake cooking activity was so much fun too! We have had mug decorating for the Father’s Day and other DIY crafts. We enjoyed our playtime and picnic time outside when we celebrated Erin and Lauren’s birthday.
Everyone is invited!
Please join us on September 11, 2019 at 4:30 pm onwards. The children of Extend After School Care are welcoming the parents, teachers and friends to see their creative work project in sewing. We will also have sewing demonstration by some selected students to showcase their skills and to have interaction with the guests, plus kids will be serving some cookies they made. Can’t wait to see you all!
St Thomas' Community Partners
St Thomas' Primary School
Location: 8 Warden Street Claremont WA 6010
Phone: (08 9286 9500
Twitter: @StThomasCPS