Board Newsletter
Quarterly Newsletter from the CBSD Board of Directors
Volume 1 Issue 2
Board Goals 2021-2022 School Year
- The Columbia Borough School District School Board will establish clear and effective communication protocols with the community, administration, and among the board.
- The Columbia Borough School District School Board will regularly evaluate the performance of the superintendent and board and will monitor progress toward district goals.
- The Columbia Borough School District School Board will advocate by engaging members of local and state legislative bodies in understanding the needs and challenges facing our district.
Quarterly Updates
On a routine basis, the board approves personnel as well as financial reports and disbursements. Notable actions of a non-routine nature that were taken during the last quarter are shared below.
- Appointed Sonya Duncan to fill a board vacancy
- Approved contract with PA Counseling Services Inc for a Check & Connect Truancy Mentor Program
- Adjusted the Superintendent's salary to reflect the successful completion of her Doctorate Degree
Followed recommendations from the CDC, DOH, PDE and CBSD administration in adopting a Health and Safety Plan that requires universal masking in all district buildings
- Approved the School Resource Officer (SRO) contract with Columbia Borough
- Adopted K-6 English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum
- Approved a contract with River Rock Academy for alternative placement
- Reviewed a 5-year capital projects plan. All related funding has been established.
- Reviewed the CBSD Comprehensive Plan. It has been posted for public inspection. Action will be taken in October.
- August 19, 2021
- September 16, 2021
- October 21,2021
- November 18, 2021
- December 9, 2021
- January 20, 2022
- February 17, 2022
- March 17, 2022
- April 21, 2022
- May 19,2022
- June 16, 2022
Extra-Curricular, Curriculum & Instruction, & Policy Committee
- January 4
- February 1
- March 1
- April 5
- May 6
- August 2
- October 4
Property & Finance Committee
- January 5
- February 2
- March 2
- April 6
- May 4
- August 3
- October 5
Extra-Curricular, Curriculum & Instruction & Property, Finance & Policy Committee
- June 1
- September 7
- November 1
- December 2
Board of Directors
Charles Leader
Lauren Vonstetten
Sandy Duncan
Personnel Chair
Sonya Duncan
Devon Fisher
Kathleen Hohenadel
Finance Chair
Robert Misciagna
Policy Chair
Matthew Wardecker
Rebecca Young
Property Chair